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Bracketology and Selection Sunday Discussion

Two of the CBS "experts" who watch college basketball all year have the worst shooting team in the Top 25 (New Mexico) coming out of the West and going to the Final Four. This is why the NBA guys are a good idea. Need some new perspectives to break up the echo chamber.
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Mike80;2316429; said:
And because this is the weakest ACC since the conference formed as Dook didn't get a 1 seed either.

Usually 20 win ACC teams get into the tournament no matter what.

If Dook had won the regular season and conference titles this year they would've gotten a 1 seed. They didn't win either and got a 2.
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jlb1705;2316433; said:
Two of the CBS "experts" who watch college basketball all year have the worst shooting team in the Top 25 (New Mexico) coming out of the West and going to the Final Four. This is why the NBA guys are a good idea. Need some new perspectives to break up the echo chamber.

Except for the part where Charles Barkley said big 10 was bad and mountain west was better
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Two of the CBS "experts" who watch college basketball all year have the worst shooting team in the Top 25 (New Mexico) coming out of the West and going to the Final Four. This is why the NBA guys are a good idea. Need some new perspectives to break up the echo chamber.
I watched New Mexico all year, they are a solid team with 2 above-average "bigs", good guard play, rebounding, and solid defense. That'll win you some games even when you can't shoot.
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Jake;2316434; said:
If Dook had won the regular season and conference titles this year they would've gotten a 1 seed. They didn't win either and got a 2.

Yeah so? They would have deserved them too IMO. I don't see how your statement contradicts mine in any way....I think you're just arguing to read your own wording or something :evil:
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The panel also thought MSU got an excellent draw, then backed it up by showing that MSU wins in March. I'm trying to figure out how the #1 overall seed as well as Duke equates to a favorable draw.
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Bucknut24;2316435; said:
Except for the part where Charles Barkley said big 10 was bad and mountain west was better

Diego-Bucks;2316436; said:
I watched New Mexico all year, they are a solid team with 2 above-average "bigs", good guard play, rebounding, and solid defense. That'll win you some games even when you can't shoot.

I have no doubt they are a good team, and Ohio State have no place criticizing teams who struggle to score. I'm just saying that the college basketball guys can become blind to certain things.

As for what Barkley said... if you tell him water is wet he'll insult you and argue about it.
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Iona shouldn't be taken lightly of course because any team in this thing can rise up and cause problems, but this isn't the same Ohio State team that lost to Siena. That was an 8/9 matchup and Buckeyes have much better guard play now, especially in terms of defense and ball-handling.
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jlb1705;2316446; said:
Iona shouldn't be taken lightly of course because any team in this thing can rise up and cause problems, but this isn't the same Ohio State team that lost to Siena. The Buckeyes have much better guard play now, especially defensively.

Well that and Iona will struggle with Ohio State's small lineup because DT can probably guard their 5 and Scott and Craft will shut down their perimeter.

Craft and Scott may be running a lay up drill all day too.
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