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Interesting...this gives the post-season some meaning, even for the basement-dwellers. On the other hand, the league leader wouldn't draft last. I find myself, once again, on the fence. It's comfortable here.

I also find myself pondering other issues, however. For instance, since this is now a keeper league, shouldn't the roster size be increased? And what about the number of moves a team/coach is allowed to make? And if we expand the rosters, shouldn't we also include other conferences/teams (outside of ND and BCS conferences)? And how did all that peanut butter get into all those balloons?
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Oneshot;1206101; said:
I'm the only one who said no?

Shoot, man, this shit is going to be a lot harder than some of you think...

Oh well.

Well, I wasn't going to post that you were the lone person to vote no. But since you said it... yeah, you were the only one. :biggrin:

Really the only hard part will be on me since I will have to track everything.
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FKAGobucks877;1206089; said:
I also find myself pondering other issues, however. For instance, since this is now a keeper league, shouldn't the roster size be increased? And what about the number of moves a team/coach is allowed to make? And if we expand the rosters, shouldn't we also include other conferences/teams (outside of ND and BCS conferences)? And how did all that peanut butter get into all those balloons?

Yes roster sizes should be increased to allow you to pick some freshman and allow them to sit all year.

Add/Drops will be the big issue. Cuz now a team that knows it sucks can looks for impact freshman that no one picked and grab them up. So there will be some limit (or should we not even allow add/drops?) Or any add/drop during the season are not allowed to be kept for the next season? So basically it adds to some questions that we need to determine before we draft.

Expansion of conferences? Good thought... But I think 12 teams using 66 teams (BCS + ND) should be a big enough universe depending on how much we expand rosters.

And the peanut butter was really runny and xtra crunchy was not used to fill those balloons.
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Interesting...this gives the post-season some meaning, even for the basement-dwellers. On the other hand, the league leader wouldn't draft last. I find myself, once again, on the fence. It's comfortable here.

I also find myself pondering other issues, however. For instance, since this is now a keeper league, shouldn't the roster size be increased? And what about the number of moves a team/coach is allowed to make? And if we expand the rosters, shouldn't we also include other conferences/teams (outside of ND and BCS conferences)? And how did all that peanut butter get into all those balloons?
The league leader will be almost drafting last. They get a little bonus for winning the whole thing.
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I dont think we should expand the rosters at all, that takes half the strategy out of it. You draft the same number, now just have to worry a little more about the future instead of just the present. Also, if that is the case no point in expanding to more conferences.

The draft should always snake, I dont care how the order is chosen.

adds and drops should still be there just limit the number to perhaps one per week? with priority given to either last place teams or to teams who use the adds and drops the least.

Oh, and since we are outing ourselves... I am the one who didnt respond. Because im fine with either way.
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Here's why I don't like it...

So let me get this straight, I can just snatch up every promising freshman, screw this season and just wait it out?

So I would have to stick around for like 3 years to reap the benefits of a sick draft?

What the...
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BuckeyeSoldier;1206179; said:
I dont think we should expand the rosters at all, that takes half the strategy out of it. You draft the same number, now just have to worry a little more about the future instead of just the present. Also, if that is the case no point in expanding to more conferences.

The draft should always snake, I dont care how the order is chosen.

adds and drops should still be there just limit the number to perhaps one per week? with priority given to either last place teams or to teams who use the adds and drops the least.

Oh, and since we are outing ourselves... I am the one who didnt respond. Because im fine with either way.

I agree with keeping the roster size the same and with snaking the draft.

I liked the one add/drop per week with a maximum of five for the season like we did last year. Ordering based on who least recently dropped a player.

Oneshot;1206184; said:
Here's why I don't like it...

So let me get this straight, I can just snatch up every promising freshman, screw this season and just wait it out?

So I would have to stick around for like 3 years to reap the benefits of a sick draft?

What the...

Sure, but you'll suck for three years and still have no guarantee of success. I don't know about anyone else, but I sure wouldn't draft like that.
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