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I still think roster sizes should increase, at least minimally. Bye weeks and injuries can play havoc with a season as it is, and if you dedicate even only one or two spots to the "future", you're potentially looking at a very thin line-up - especially if you are only allowed a couple of roster moves during the season. Personally, I'd rather add an extra spot or two and limit the moves you can make...that way, there will still be plenty of talent in each year's draft, but each team can at least hope to be competitive every year.
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BuckeyeNation27;1206871; said:
Hey Piney,
MD found a free link to U-Sports if you wanted to check that out: Build your Free College Fantasy Football

I was in a U-Sports league last year and they handle things pretty nicely. It's a heck of a lot easier for scoring and shit like that.

It was VERY easy to set up as well
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I still feel like you shouldnt be designating spots on your roster for guys you dont intend to play this year... if the guy is gonna redshirt him, drop him.. just try and fine sophmores and juniors that you expect to light it up early and often.. holding spots for the following year is for those who eat bags of dicks. Also seems like it would ruin part of next years draft if the top two rounds of players were already claimed.
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BuckeyeSoldier;1206979; said:
I still feel like you shouldnt be designating spots on your roster for guys you dont intend to play this year... if the guy is gonna redshirt him, drop him.. just try and fine sophmores and juniors that you expect to light it up early and often.. holding spots for the following year is for those who eat bags of dicks. Also seems like it would ruin part of next years draft if the top two rounds of players were already claimed.

Then what is the whole point of a keeper league? If you're stocked with nothing but JR's and SR's, it isn't a keeper league. As far as the roster spots go, this is modelled after college football, which has redshirts, and doesn't play too many Frosh. I thought the whole point of a keeper league was to play for now and down the road, but I don't know that you can do both with our limited roster space.
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I just felt like if you are trying to build for the future it SHOULD hurt you in the short term.. thats why its a balancing act.. you get the option, and have to balance how you want it to work.. maybe pick up a few sophmores that will have ok years now but should blow up down the road.. wouldnt really touch freshman unless they had easy access to a starting job.. make them your backups... but the idea of drafting players that you have no intention of playing sounds like something i would only do if i had given up on this season already. This way the league balances overtime... would kinda suck for all of you when i have a killer draft and you let me have so many picks that now im stocked next year too.. you should have to rebuild a LOT of your team each year.. not just pick more freshmen for the future. My way also allows people who get their team destroyed by injuries to have a reason to keep playing... at least they can build for the next year.. cut some of their guys and pick up a few more fresh young pups... with your system most GOOD youngens would already be snatched up.. i just feel like it takes a lot more strategery my way.. and i like strategery!
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Not sure if I'm understanding Soldier correctly, but I think his point is with an unbalanced line-up, down the road... I may get, say 10 draft picks in the 2009 draft, whereas he'll only have 4. Now, that means I'm getting a better player for my picks next year than I would this year, because I'll be making my last 6 picks sooner than I would have had BSoldier still been in the draft.. see?

I'm not sure how big a deal it'll be in practice, though. I mean, the talent pool of servicable NCAA players is quite a lot, and I don't know that any one in this league is setting out to be a power house in 3 years as opposed to now.
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I suppose I probally wouldnt be totally averse if we only added a very small number, I just dont like the idea of "redshirt" players that you have no intention of using and being able to do so without even feeling the sting that comes cutting down your active roster.

I am also concerned about how lame future drafts would end up being if all the good players are already chosen the previous year.

When I think of a keeper league im thinking 3 to say 6 max of my players are back everything else needing to be redrafted
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I think we are actually agreeing Soldier...I want to add a spot or two, not double the roster size. With a roster of sixteen, and a starting lineup of (I think) 8, that only leaves one sub for each starter. Throw in an injury and a bye week, and we're already lean. If we want to make it a keeper league, I think we should add, say, two spots. That way, we can "take a chance" on a younger player that will hopefully play, but a couple of injuries wouldn't ruin your season.
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I say add three redshirt spots, though I could live with two. Activate them and you have to drop someone, and nobody can be added to these spots mid-season. This would be red-shirt only in that you can't play them in our league, it could be a 4th year junior or whoever.

I agree that the draft should always snake, and I like having the draft order determined by a method very similar to what BN proposed, if no exactly that. Actually, exactly as he said would work well. . .

Oh, just to keep things simple and to be able to quickly view agreement in this thread, anyone who agrees with the above please just include the word "poop" in your post.
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