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To sum up again. By my count we still have only 3 people that want a keeper league (BN, FKA & Niagara) Scooter doesn't care and BkB is on the fence and Bucky Katt is confused :biggrin:

Unless more people come out for it, we are just going to do a normal single year league.

So since Niagara will be ruining his life and getting married we should get moving on this. I'll let the keeper question linger for a few more days and if I don't see more "yes" votes then we will go ahead without it.

If no one else objects, we can start the draft next Monday (unless people want to start sooner)
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Ok, up to 6 in favor (BN, Niagara, Scooter, kinch, BB36 & Bucky Katt)

2 are on the fence (FKA & BKB)

I am abstaining for now. So it will come down to Oneshot, Buckeye Soldier, & Sparky. I will send out a PM to ask them.

We are close to becoming a keeper league.
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Ok, got Sparky's info. Since he might not check here on a consistent basis I got his email and I will keep in touch that way to make sure his draft picks move smoothly and fast.

So we are set... everyone is back.

Process on the Keeper voting, Sparky said yes and now that we have 7 yes votes I will make that 8 yes votes.

So with the 8 votes we are now going to be a keeper league.

The final vote results were 8 "YES" 1 "NO" 2 "On the fence" and one didn't get back to me.
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A possible way to do draft picks for the second year would be to have the bottom 4 teams go into 1 post season bracket. The winner of this tournament gets the #1 pick. 2nd place gets #2. 3rd place gets #3. Piney gets #4. The next four teams do the same thing. 1st place gets #5, 2nd place gets #6, 3rd place gets #7, 4th place gets #8. The next four teams are the top 4 teams who are going on to the real post season. The winner of the league will get the #9 draft spot, 2nd place will get #10, 3rd place will get #11, and 4th will get the last pick.

The order can snake, but it doesn't have to.
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