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Nice discussion everyone. I am leaning towards just expanding rosters by 2 players. I don't like the redshirting idea as it would pigeon hole those positions as freshman (for many people) and thin out the draft pool for the next year. While just expanding the rosters by 2 players it will allow people to do what they want with it. It will also give people hard decisions if someone gets injured by debating about dropping a young player versus picking up someone they need to compete on a weekly basis.

I also agree with BN's draft order proposal for future years.
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Me neither, actually. I just wanted a small expansion...to me, if we want a keeper league, we need to make at least those small changes. I don't like the idea of a redshirt slot, so I apologize if I gave that impression. I was only attempting to make the analogy to real college football rosters. Don't know about anybody else, but I used every guy on my roster last year, plus everyone I picked up. If we're going to have a keeper league, it'd be nice to have a (small) cushion. I'm definitely on board with limiting the roster moves. I think limiting roster moves during the season will go further towards keep the following year's draft full of talent than keeping the rosters small would.
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Ill be honest... my biggest complaint about further limiting of roster moves is the fact that last year the only reason i won was because I did a good job at picking up players later in the season when my team was crippled.. and even then it wasnt enough.. i played the championship game with one guy who was out for the year and another whose team didnt even make a bowl game because i was so decimated by injuries.
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"further" limiting roster moves isn't necessary, at least IMO. Five per year, or whatever we had last year, is fine. We just can't have a free-for-all so that every week somebody is picking up two or three studs...that's how the draft becomes meaningless, because there isn't any talent left.

Plus, if we have an additional two roster spots, the whole injury thing won't be as much of a problem.
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Here is a thought. While players that you draft can be kept, how bout limiting the number of in-season pickups you can keep to either 1 or 2. Further making sure the draft for the next year can have players and preventing teams from really tanking and dropping 5 seniors for freshman/sophomores to keep the next year.
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BuckeyeNation27;1208048; said:
What are your thoughts on the U-Sports league?

I'll probable be able to check it out either later tonight or tomorrow evening. Been a bit busy that is preventing me from actually surfing more at home (at work those sites are blocked)
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Piney;1207987; said:
Here is a thought. While players that you draft can be kept, how bout limiting the number of in-season pickups you can keep to either 1 or 2. Further making sure the draft for the next year can have players and preventing teams from really tanking and dropping 5 seniors for freshman/sophomores to keep the next year.

I'd have to think this through, but on first blush, it seems solid. I'd recommend two, though.
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