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Piney;1210379; said:
I am replying to the post you had in the draft thread here.

Anyone we draft or trade for we can keep. The only limit is on the 5 guys you would pick up via waivers during the season (or up to 5). From that pool of 5 players you pick up during the season, you can only keep 2 players.

This prevents a team in last place to drop 5 seniors and in turn picking up 5 freshman/sophomores to drain the talent pool for next year's draft. Now, if they would trade those 5 seniors to a team for a player, they can keep any player they get in those trades.

Gotcha, lets do this.
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BuckeyeNation27;1210746; said:
I don't know if this is the right place for it, but before we get to people drafting defenses.....do you want to implement the rule where you can only keep Ds for four years?

I don't know which one I prefer. So time to vote people... Do we keep defenses for up to 4 years? Or do we just not allow people to keep defenses?
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Piney;1211205; said:
I don't know which one I prefer. So time to vote people... Do we keep defenses for up to 4 years? Or do we just not allow people to keep defenses?
It does not matter to me. I don't know who's going to track it. I mean, it could just be the honors system. Frankly, I seriously doubt I will give much consideration to keeping a D anyway. The points we get from them do not - in my view - justify the risk that a Team's D will be markedly worse next year.

But.. if the rest want a rule about keeping Ds, I would say "Fine by me" as long as:
A) We are not required to keep a D
B) Anyone who does keep a D can only do so for 4 years or less.
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It does not matter to me. I don't know who's going to track it. I mean, it could just be the honors system. Frankly, I seriously doubt I will give much consideration to keeping a D anyway. The points we get from them do not - in my view - justify the risk that a Team's D will be markedly worse next year.

But.. if the rest want a rule about keeping Ds, I would say "Fine by me" as long as:

A) We are not required to keep a D
B) Anyone who does keep a D can only do so for 4 years or less.
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Bestbuck36;1210351; said:
Now, owners who do not have a full roster of players kept from the previous season will draft first. If you've saved a player then that counts as your pick for that given round. Ex. If I kept Jeremy Maclin from last years team and Piney has kept no one, I get Maclin as my first round pick and Piney gets to pick from the pool. IF BN has two players on his roster from last season, they count as his first two draft picks so his first pick will be the 3rd round. Everyone else picks once they have no other players left from last season. If you want to draft for the future go right ahead thats your prerogative. Remember that injuries occur and people leave early.

Id like to get this settled before I draft if possible. When we decide to keep players for next year to they count as our first draft pick or our last? I am pretty sure ive seen it posted as both ways and that is a HUGE difference for how to build a team. I dont care which way it goes I can adjust either way, but its something we should get settled asap!
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BuckeyeSoldier;1211513; said:
Id like to get this settled before I draft if possible. When we decide to keep players for next year to they count as our first draft pick or our last? I am pretty sure ive seen it posted as both ways and that is a HUGE difference for how to build a team. I dont care which way it goes I can adjust either way, but its something we should get settled asap!

Yeah, that can be a huge difference.

I know the league that BN and I are in they count as our last picks. So if you lose 5 players you only draft in rounds 1 thru 5.

I am open for debate about which method to use.
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My uneducated and unthought-out opinion is that each player kept should count as a draft pick, beginning with round one. That means that only premiere players are kept, and leaves the premiere "newcomers" available in each year's draft, thereby helping to keep the playing field level. I guess I don't see the point in using each player kept as a late round draft pick, because then every team's owner is going to keep as many as they can, assuming that any player of value that is available in the draft will be an early round pick.

Does that even make sense? I'll re-phrase:

Each player kept should count as a draft pick in the beginning of the draft. For example, if I keep five players from my roster, then next year I won't be able to draft until round 6.
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huh.....I never thought of doing it that way. I always assumed it would be the last picks.

I didn't envision a keeper league like you decide who you want to keep, I envisioned it more like you keep everybody unless they suck.
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My thought is that if you are keeping players, there's good reason for it. If the players you are keeping are good enough to remain on your roster they are probably good enough to get picked early in an open draft. That means that they wouldnt be there in 5th, 6th, 7th rounds when some are proposing they should count. That leaves teams that keep players at the top of the heap year in and year out so they get to keep drafting more elite players while keeping ones from previous years on their rosters.

I feel that if you want to keep players then fine keep as many as you want but there should be a penalty. 5th round and beyond is no penalty. I vote that players kept on your roster count as your first picks until you have empty roster spots. Most teams are going to keep people so its not likely that you'll have to wait 5 rounds to pick because other teams arent keeping people. If you have seniors and lose your entire roster, you shouldnt get penalized and have to pick evenly until the 5th and 6th rounds. In today's college game a great deal of the better players are underclassmen, hence they will most likely already be on someones "kept" roster and not in the draft pool the following year.
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Piney;1211666; said:
I am digging your argument. Anyone else agree with bestbuck on how keepers should count on the next year's draft?

So far it is Me, FKA & BB36.

Put me in that corner as well.

[Swayze]NOBODY puts Bucky in a corner![/Swayze]
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