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I'm not sure I understand your argument, BN27. Each player gets to CHOOSE who they keep. Obviously, you're only going to choose to keep your superstars who are going to return. These players are early-round caliber players. If you get to keep three all-americans, and then still draft three more all-americans with your first three picks, what chance does anyone else have? My system is going to re-start, so I'll continue this later.
Why are you only keeping stud players? Why do you think there will be 3 more all-americans ready to pick up in next years draft?

This isn't an NFL keeper league. The player you draft is only available for 4 years max. Why would you drop them unless they absolutely suck?
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If someone goes all junior and seniors to get to the championship then yes they arent going to be very good the next year... but that is kinda their own fault for as you said mortaging their future. I also dont see how that will keep them "down" for a multitude of years since if they are smart the next year they will try and rebuild with young guns so they will be right back ontop the following year.. taking their top picks seems to almost penalize teams for drafting younger guys.. your scenario only works because you only have two players as well.. with a twelve player league no one player should be able to stockpile all the talent.. yes every year you may have one or two teams that kinda suck but from what ive seen we already have BN27 in this league so that is gonna happen anyways.
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BuckeyeNation27;1212182; said:
Why are you only keeping stud players? Why do you think there will be 3 more all-americans ready to pick up in next years draft?

This isn't an NFL keeper league. The player you draft is only available for 4 years max. Why would you drop them unless they absolutely suck?

To help BN explain his position better. Here is a link to BN & mine other keeper league that drafts by missing late picks

Tailgater's College Football Fantasy League

This way you can get an idea of what type of players are left over.

FYI - The earliest a player was done was Round 5, most teams stopped drafting in Round 8/9
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BuckeyeNation27;1212182; said:
Why are you only keeping stud players? Why do you think there will be 3 more all-americans ready to pick up in next years draft?

Because they count as draft picks.

BuckeyeNation27;1212182; said:
This isn't an NFL keeper league. The player you draft is only available for 4 years max. Why would you drop them unless they absolutely suck?

See above.

BuckeyeSoldier;1212194; said:
If someone goes all junior and seniors to get to the championship then yes they arent going to be very good the next year... but that is kinda their own fault for as you said mortaging their future. I also dont see how that will keep them "down" for a multitude of years since if they are smart the next year they will try and rebuild with young guns so they will be right back ontop the following year.. taking their top picks seems to almost penalize teams for drafting younger guys.. your scenario only works because you only have two players as well.. with a twelve player league no one player should be able to stockpile all the talent.. yes every year you may have one or two teams that kinda suck but from what ive seen we already have BN27 in this league so that is gonna happen anyways.

To me, it doesn't matter whether somebody picks all FR and SO, in two to three years time, they're going to be in the same boat. No matter what happens, every year there is going to be a team that lost a lot of talent. What you're saying is that that team will just have to suck for the next couple of years, because the teams with talent will also be able to draft the top talent, thereby making the team that lost the talent unable to recover enough to be competitive. I agree that we don't want any one team stockpiling all the talent, but it seems to me that the way to AVOID that is to have the keepers used as early round draft picks. If you have talent, and someone doesn't, they get draft preference. Otherwise, the guys with the talent are able to draft players that are as good as anyone that the guys that don't have talent can draft, and then we have a very lopsided league.
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Alright, well I can see I'm not going to convince anyone and yes you are probally right about your way keeping things more even each year I still feel like you just sucked a tremendous amount of the strategy out of this game. Kinda like fantasy football welfare

kinda feel like I should draft all seniors now so I am the only one who gets to make any picks in the first few rounds next year.
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I don't agree with the welfare thing...but in some ways I can see the other side of the argument. I mean, college teams now get to pick from the same pool of talent as everyone else, regardless of where and how they finished the prior year...but it seems if we do it your way, we're setting the league up to be very lopsided.
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FKAGobucks877;1212221; said:
I don't agree with the welfare thing...but in some ways I can see the other side of the argument. I mean, college teams now get to pick from the same pool of talent as everyone else, regardless of where and how they finished the prior year...but it seems if we do it your way, we're setting the league up to be very lopsided.

This way barely feels like there is any point in even keeping any players... If i cut everyone then I can pick before everyone else and take the players i want back and build my team each year and not even worry about whether those young guys i WAS gonna draft are gonna bust or not... I mean 36 just drafted pryor in the first round... which basically means he just lost his first round pick for the next 3 years.. what if prior has to sit out his sophmore year due to injury... there is no way you can afford to keep him on your team if it costs you a first round pick that year and he wont play... so do you cut him and then lose him to someone else for his junior year or just decide to suck that year so that he might be healthy in the future?
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It is not like bestbuck will lose his 1st round pick next year cuz of Pryor. Heck, let's say that Pryor was picked in the 15th round instead of the first round. There is no difference. The early picks he loses next year will be determined by how many players he keeps, no matter what round they were drafted.
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I guess I look at it this way:

A. I've got 7 returning players. Is my best player worth a 1st round pick? Is my second best worth a 2nd round pick? Is my 7th best worth a 7th round pick?


B. I've got 7 returning players. Is my 7th best returner worth an 18th round pick? Is my 6th best worth a 17th round pick? Is my best returning player worth a (in this hypothetical) 12th round pick? These, to me, seem like they would all be easy decisions. You know? You don't mind keeping a sophomore who hasn't done shit yet if all it will cost you is an 18th round pick.

I prefer A. It rewards drafting underclassmen that pan out immediately, not drafting underclassmen that are only going to produce 2 years from now.
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Piney;1212241; said:
It is not like bestbuck will lose his 1st round pick next year cuz of Pryor. Heck, let's say that Pryor was picked in the 15th round instead of the first round. There is no difference. The early picks he loses next year will be determined by how many players he keeps, no matter what round they were drafted.

Terrell Pryor
Chris Rainey

Wow... gonna draft anyone who will start THIS YEAR? Now I see why he was so worried about keeping the league even... cuz he is gonna suck this year.
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Bucky Katt;1212243; said:
I guess I look at it this way:

A. I've got 7 returning players. Is my best player worth a 1st round pick? Is my second best worth a 2nd round pick? Is my 7th best worth a 7th round pick?


B. I've got 7 returning players. Is my 7th best returner worth an 18th round pick? Is my 6th best worth a 17th round pick? Is my best returning player worth a (in this hypothetical) 12th round pick? These, to me, seem like they would all be easy decisions. You know? You don't mind keeping a sophomore who hasn't done shit yet if all it will cost you is an 18th round pick.

I prefer A. It rewards drafting underclassmen that pan out immediately, not drafting underclassmen that are only going to produce 2 years from now.

It doesnt reward it at all though... Was he worth a first round pick? maybe but if you hadnt taken him whoever else was available as a first round pick would OBVIOUSLY be worth a first round pick and you could make sure you get to pick a position of need.
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Ok, time to sift through this mess. Here is the voting as I can understand it.

Keepers take away early picks:
Bucky Katt

Keepers take away late picks:

So far 5-2. We need more votes to settle this soon rather than later. PMs going out.
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Because they count as draft picks.

See above.

To me, it doesn't matter whether somebody picks all FR and SO, in two to three years time, they're going to be in the same boat. No matter what happens, every year there is going to be a team that lost a lot of talent. What you're saying is that that team will just have to suck for the next couple of years, because the teams with talent will also be able to draft the top talent, thereby making the team that lost the talent unable to recover enough to be competitive. I agree that we don't want any one team stockpiling all the talent, but it seems to me that the way to AVOID that is to have the keepers used as early round draft picks. If you have talent, and someone doesn't, they get draft preference. Otherwise, the guys with the talent are able to draft players that are as good as anyone that the guys that don't have talent can draft, and then we have a very lopsided league.
I think you guys are seriously overestimating the amount of talent that is going to be available in the draft next year.
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BuckeyeNation27;1212267; said:
I think you guys are seriously overestimating the amount of talent that is going to be available in the draft next year.

That is why I included a link to our draft so people can see. But I still like it... it adds an interesting wrinkle and strategy to your keeper.

Then again I predict this debate will be re-opened during the draft next year as we find out how it really affects the league.
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