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Rereading the last few responses, seems like people really like the you lose the draft pick the player was picked in. And a first year of a keeper league is the best time to implement that rule. Really looking at the picks there are only 2 people really affected. BB36 & BuckeyeSoldier.

Of course BuckeyeSoldier can easily be fixed by swapping his choices and that would be cool with me (and most likely anyone else).

So really BB36 is the only one affected by this. So I will give him veto power. If he accepts this, then we are a 'go' and will use that method. If not, we will have to work it out with the other 3 choices.
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I think after we are several rounds into the draft and realize that people like Deon Butler are getting drafted, some guys will realize there isn't going to be a lot of opportunities to re-stock your departing 3 all-americans with 3 more.
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Piney;1212374; said:
Rereading the last few responses, seems like people really like the you lose the draft pick the player was picked in. And a first year of a keeper league is the best time to implement that rule. Really looking at the picks there are only 2 people really affected. BB36 & BuckeyeSoldier.

Of course BuckeyeSoldier can easily be fixed by swapping his choices and that would be cool with me (and most likely anyone else).

So really BB36 is the only one affected by this. So I will give him veto power. If he accepts this, then we are a 'go' and will use that method. If not, we will have to work it out with the other 3 choices.

The heck with him. If he's drafting all these youngsters to keep them, he won't have any draft picks next year anyways. :tongue2:
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Its fair if thats what you guys want to do. This seasons draft is the most fair that we will ever have in this keeper league. Why? Because no one already has a full roster! It doesnt matter how you want to build your team, this year it is totally fair and everyone has an equal opportunity to win.

I dont want people to be able to keep 5 or 6 players every year and then be able to draft right along with everyone else. If we implement the rule as a round-for-round idea, that is perfectly fine with me. I can tell you that I wont be getting a 1st or 2nd round pick next season, and I shouldnt if I keep those two players. I'll get production out of Rainey this year and minimal from Pryor. I already understand that and theres a long way to go in the draft but I'm not starting in the hole because other teams are already looking to fill the bench either.

Last argument I make. You can do with it as you want. I'll be around the leaderboard regardless of which way you do it! :chompy:
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Wow, I missed a lot by not checking this thread (just the draft thread). It's prolly too late for me to chime in, but I am siding with my brother (BN). 36's way just doesn't make any sense to me, especially if you check the draft link from the TCFFL. If you check that, and see who was drafted, if I kept 5 ppl, there will be no one in the 6th round. There was barely anyone in the 1st round.

However, I do think the round # rule is interesting. Kind of unfair, but very interesting and will make for an interesting off season. I do like that. I like that if beanie leaves then I will get a 1st round pick, but if he stays (plz plz plz) then I would lose my 1st round pick.
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BuckeyeNation27;1212554; said:
I think this is going to be a mistake. There's nothing wrong with the way the TCFFL does it. You guys are just making it way too complicated.

Uh, yeah.....you retired as commissioner, so why don't shut your fucking mouth, you little bitch.

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Oneshot;1212569; said:
I also disagree with that rule... So basically only the rounds you draft a SENIOR in are the rounds you get to draft next year?


Well, if we get more guys that said "NO"...

I will leave the debate open if more people want to let everyone know what they prefer.

But to counter your Senior comment, this also applies to players that declare early (Like possibly Crabtree) or people you just don't want anymore cuz they suck. Or you might have reached too high for a player and decide to not keep a player because you get more value by keeping the pick.

But still... we have 3 options

#1 - Lose early picks
#2 - Lose late picks
#3 - Lose the picks that your keeper was drafted in
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I don't get the point of a keeper league if you're going to punish people for keeping a player. This isn't an NFL keeper league...you don't have to prevent somebody from drafting Adrian Peterson and then keeping him for 12 years. The best you can possibly do is draft a Fr who turns out to be a stud.....and even then you get 4 years at best. The more likely scenario is you draft a stud Fr, he sits on the bench for most of the first year, then you get 2 good years out of him before he goes pro.

This new rule makes it pretty pointless to even draft a Fr or So that you want to keep.......isn't that the whole point of a keeper league?
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BuckeyeNation27;1212599; said:
I don't get the point of a keeper league if you're going to punish people for keeping a player. This isn't an NFL keeper league...you don't have to prevent somebody from drafting Adrian Peterson and then keeping him for 12 years. The best you can possibly do is draft a Fr who turns out to be a stud.....and even then you get 4 years at best. The more likely scenario is you draft a stud Fr, he sits on the bench for most of the first year, then you get 2 good years out of him before he goes pro.

This new rule makes it pretty pointless to even draft a Fr or So that you want to keep.......isn't that the whole point of a keeper league?

I look at it like this:

You drafted a guy in the Xth round last year, if you want to keep him, you can draft him in the Xth round again this year.

If you drafted well this year, you can get a much better player than what everybody else gets in the same round. If you drafted terribly, you get to throw it out and try again.

And it's a good compromise between the other two choices.
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You should be able to keep them. My argument wasnt about penalizing people for keeping players, hard to explain in written text I know, it was more about not penalizing players for losing most of their teams. I know there is no absolutely perfect way of making everyone happy on this but I dont necessarily think making the draft picks count for where they were drafted previously is going to work either because I can see a trend occurring where only the upperclassmen are picked early so that your keepers dont hurt you so bad the following year. I dont like how that sounds either.

Lets try a compromise. Each team is allowed to keep 4 players per year max. Most teams are going to be able to keep 4 and at worst scenario 2-3 usually. In this case the drafting will be much closer as far as set rosters go. If you draft so poorly that you cant keep anyone from the previous year you're going to get penalized by not having any players but not so terribly penalized that you cant make it up in round 3 or 4, vs round 7 or 8 possibly. I think this will allow people to pick their favorite players and not be afraid to try and win in the current season by adding possible early entrants and seniors. At that point subsequently using BN's idea of everyone getting to draft at the beginning is less severe and I'm willing to compromise and go this route if the draft order is then set and determined by order of finish the previous year, no snake after year 1.

I'm willing to try and discuss for the betterment of our league.
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