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Boston Celtics (18x NBA champions)

The old men keep getting older, but they're still a threat. They just BEAT LA today in Staples Center, 109-96. :biggrin:
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Rematch with the Lakers tonight, and while I know both are wearing throwbacks to the early 70s seeing LA wear gold on the road instead of purple looks odd.

Beat LA!
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gotta love the trades in the NBA....


The Boston Celtics have reached an agreement in principle to trade Kendrick Perkins(notes) to the Oklahoma City Thunder for forward Jeff Green(notes) and center Nenad Krstic(notes), league sources told Yahoo! Sports.

24 year old productive F (15.2 PPG 5.6 RPG) and an average C option for Kendrick Perkins and his damaged knee

I KNOW Perkins is an "elite" inside defender.....but hes damaged goods at the current time, guess thats the risk OKC is taking
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A lot of NBA experts think that it was a steal for the Thunder and a head scratcher for Boston. With the O'Neals in very questionable health, they may have completely given up their inside advantage. Are they suddenly going to switch to smaller ball and make Garnett or Big Baby play C in crunch time? Does anyone really trust Kristic in crunch time? Perkins was a top 5 defender in the paint, bad knee or not, and OKC definitely needed help defensively. OKC also gets Nate Robinson in the deal.
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buckeyemania11;1879097; said:
gotta love the trades in the NBA....totally bogus


24 year old productive F (15.2 PPG 5.6 RPG) and an average C option for Kendrick Perkins and his damaged knee

boston was the best team in the east to this point. perkins is arguably the best defensive center in the league, and dominated the Heat, the only legit threat to Boston in the East. If anything OKC makes out in this deal.
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tsteele316;1879101; said:
boston was the best team in the east to this point. perkins is arguably the best defensive center in the league, and dominated the Heat, the only legit threat to Boston in the East. If anything OKC makes out in this deal.

I edited my post....

Like I said, its a risk for OKC at this point....his knee is banged up so they are taking a risk
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I think Miami just became the favorites in the east.

Boston just gave away their mental and physical toughness in the paint. Shaq and Jermaine O'Neal aren't scaring anybody.

Perk was a defensive force and animal in the paint.

Miami is going to get by the Celtics now without that enforcer in the paint. This move makes me sick and I'm not even a Boston fan. What was Ainge thinking? And BTW, who handles back-up PG duties now?? Delonte?
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