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Boston Celtics (18x NBA champions)

Another is the Celtics' impending luxury tax bill, which will be even steeper under the punative second apron in the new collective bargaining agreement.
Earlier this summer, the team gave Jayson Tatum the richest contract in NBA history, a five-year, $314 million extension, which surpassed the five-year, $303 million deal Jaylen Brown got last summer. In addition, Derrick White earned a four-year, $125 million extension. Add in $30-plus million a year for Jrue Holiday and Kristaps Porzingis, and the Celtics' payroll will be over $200 million by 2025-26. Assuming they keep the team together that long, the expected luxury tax would be $250 million, bringing the total for that season to north of $450 million, for that year alone.
In the coming years, whomever owns the Celtics will either have to foot a historic tax bill or break up a title-winning team. While Grousbeck has declined to go into further detail regarding his family's decision to step away, it's clear that they don't want to be the ones to make that decision.

Just sayin': That's a lot of "luxury tax" for 1 season.....
"But, but but the league is as fair as it can be1" Cleveland wasn't near that with fucking Lebron. What would Chicago pay now with their lineup? The more things change, the more they stay the same.
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