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Boston Celtics (18x NBA champions)

Reports are this has been an ongoing investigation for months by an outside law firm hired by the Celtics. They reported violations of several organizational policies.

He's lucky the team improved under his direction, to the point of reaching the Finals. If he'd had a lesser season he'd probably just be fired for cause. Then again, this one-year probation could just be a period of negotiating his release between Udoka's counsel and the Celtics. If he did all that, are you really bringing him back in the building next year?

Either way, I've gone from being happy with this hire to shaking my damn head. Dude gets his first HC gig and focuses on banging every woman in the office.
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Either way, I've gone from being happy with this hire to shaking my damn head. Dude gets his first HC gig and focuses on banging every woman in the office.
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Reports are this has been an ongoing investigation for months by an outside law firm hired by the Celtics. They reported violations of several organizational policies.

He's lucky the team improved under his direction, to the point of reaching the Finals. If he'd had a lesser season he'd probably just be fired for cause. Then again, this one-year probation could just be a period of negotiating his release between Udoka's counsel and the Celtics. If he did all that, are you really bringing him back in the building next year?

Either way, I've gone from being happy with this hire to shaking my damn head. Dude gets his first HC gig and focuses on banging every woman in the office.
It's a good thing they don't have kickers in basketball.
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The Celtics also agreed to an extension with guard Derrick White earlier Monday, meaning the defending champs now have every member of their starting lineup under contract through at least 2025-26.
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Do you want to buy the Celtics?

Celtics majority ownership group intends to sell stake in team


Just weeks after winning the NBA Finals, the majority owners of the Boston Celtics are looking to sell their shares of the team.

“The controlling family of the ownership group, after considerable thought and internal discussion, has decided to sell the team for estate and family planning considerations,” the group, Boston Basketball Partners LLC, said in a statement released by the Celtics.

Wyc Grousbeck, the majority owner and governor of the team, is expected to remain team governor through 2028, according to the statement. A majority interest of the group is expected to be sold in 2024 or early 2025.

The franchise is estimated to be valued at $4.7 billion, according to Forbes’ model ahead of the 2023-24 season, and at $5.12 billion by Sportico.
The Boston Basketball Partners group, which was founded by Grousbeck, purchased the Celtics for $360 million in 2002.
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