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Bored at work? Fight me!

BUCKYLE;1445838; said:
Anyone else have a fighter acquire the "hammer technique"? You run over to the opponent, grab them, then give them a pile driver from hell. :lol:

It's pretty bad-ass. One of my fighters, JESUS H. CHRISTO has it. Though it didn't help him when he just got his lunch handed to him by nasco's gay. :(

Hammer is awesome. I have a girl with it.

buckeyemania11;1445844; said:
edfinancial gets his ass kicked on a regular basis

nascos-gay just beat me and I didnt even get a hit in

I love me some nascos gay!
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Deety;1445782; said:
Gemmy squished DeetyGRR. I need something better than a pointy stick!

BrutuStrength can't dodge, luckily. :biggrin:
Hey, your pointy stick is fierce. If only my guy had any sort of reflex system...

So after I look at who's attacked me, apparently the only one my guy can beat up is Bucknutty. But my guy's drinking milk, and one of these days...

Btw, someone attacked me with a bear! A mother fucking bear!!! I got to get me one of those. I bet they eat a lot though.
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BUCKYLE;1445803; said:
BUZZ McCHUGGER just got beat down with a stick by Deetygrr. Post fight, he told me that she threatened to ban me if I didn't take a dive. Is nothing sacred anymore?!
BUZZ McCHUGGER is a tough brute. He took out BrutuStrength and Lloydsev before being handled by Yomamasaho.
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Dreamer beat BUCKYLE, but got his ass handed to him by FARGAN ICEHOLE, who now has around fifteen wins. He's a motherfuckin' G. DICKIE DOO made short work of Thomas Dreamer as well. DICKY DOO just worked your boy like a part time job. Three hits. THREE HITS. :p

Niiiice :biggrin: Had a guy attack me earlier who had TWO Bears. TWWWWWOOOO Bears. I was looking for the forfeit button.
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JESUS H. CHRISTO just opened a can of whoop as on nasco's gay. Hammered him then clubbed him like a baby seal.

BUCKYLE just took out Dreamer. Nutty took BUCKYLE down with little bitty knife. :shake:

FARGAN ICEHOLE beats gemsweater...and redeems my crew against Nutty with the realatively easy victory.
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