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Bored at work? Fight me!

leroyjenkins;1446261; said:
Just whooped his ass

Remember i gave you fartenpuss last night????

I know, but you gave fartenpuss to BUCKYLE. I'm currently trying to get pupils for FARGAN ICEHOLE. And I know how you fuckers are too. You'll create a pupil but never follow up with them. I need people that are here to learn, not fuck off. This shit is real life SON!

Deety;1446285; said:
I don't remember who got which pupil, but my newbs are out there creating havoc.


:sad2: None of them are mine. I gave you TAOSMAN!! And this is how you repay me?! :lol:

BrutusMaximus;1446353; said:
I just fought this dude with dreamer who just sat back and threw like 7 throwing stars at a time. I must say that overall, this game is retarded and has horrible design :biggrin:

Agreed. I fucking love it tho. :lol:

OCBW said:
You can have NattyLite. They are currently fighting

If you follow someone's link, create a fighter, then fight that person first (which you have to if you followed the link), then you are automatically their pupil.

THANKS OCBW! NattyLite...I like it!
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jmorbitz;1446382; said:
You can also have BP>Mgoblow

I don't think you guys are getting it. :lol: You HAVE to follow a link to a particular fighter, create a fighter, challenge the fighter who's link you followed. That's the only way to become a pupil of a particular fighter. Otherwise, I get no points for you leveling up.

Edit: Yeah, 'bitz, that fighter (BP>Mgoblow) is a pupil of Nasco, because that's who's link you followed when creating him.
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Deety;1446413; said:
Hmm, some of mine don't have teachers. I thought it was the first person you fought?

Quiet Royalty is ready to be your pupil. :p

:lol: Nah, you have to follow the link. When you follow someone's link, it brings up the "challenge screen", with the linked fighter waiting on you to create his/her pupil.
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BUCKYLE;1446419; said:
:lol: Nah, you have to follow the link. When you follow someone's link, it brings up the "challenge screen", with the linked fighter waiting on you to create his/her pupil.
Sounds like a Sticky Situation. Garnet Gray is me, too.

BrutusMaximus;1446457; said:
Created Hardcor as Fargan Icehole's pupil. already to level 2, then lost 3 straight, the last one to some bitch who pulled out a trumpet and did 50 points of damage. I coulda developed a better game in my sleep :biggrin:
The trumpet thing just sounds realistic.

What are you waiting for? Go snooze us up a better game. :p
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