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Two very interesting statements from the BTN visit to Buckeye camp...file under "Did I hear that right?"

1) OSU has the best-ever record in the past decade for # of wins in the B10 (You might say they are this decade's winningest program)

2) Heacock is reported to have called this year's D the "best ever". That would make them scary good, with goose-bumpish echoes of what was accomplised with a certain pretty good '02 D.
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localyokel;1749350; said:
2) Heacock is reported to have called this year's D the "best ever". That would make them scary good, with goose-bumpish echoes of what was accomplised with a certain pretty good '02 D.
I believe Heacock actually said d-line, but if the d-line is the best he's had then the entire defense could very well be the best as well.
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Buckeye Nut;1749359; said:
I believe Heacock actually said d-line, but if the d-line is the best he's had then the entire defense could very well be the best as well.

If our DL is indeed better than the 2002 DL, then there's no way we lose a game this year...no way.
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localyokel;1749350; said:
1) OSU has the best-ever record in the past decade for # of wins in the B10 (You might say they are this decade's winningest program)

I didn't watch the BTN segment yet but it sounds to me like you misunderstood what they were trying to say. Your comment in parentheses doesn't seem the same as what you're saying the BTN said.
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BigJim;1749758; said:
I didn't watch the BTN segment yet but it sounds to me like you misunderstood what they were trying to say. Your comment in parentheses doesn't seem the same as what you're saying the BTN said.

The statement was that tOSU had 102 wins in the decade, which is the most ever in a decade for any Big Ten team.
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Disturbing that I was watching videos on BigTenNetwork.com and noticing that the Velveeta commercials were no longer before every video. Was almost programmed to hear them.

"Queso, I need queso. Please!"

Good show. Kind of makes you want throw an "O-H" at Dhani Jones (If you want to go anywhere, do anything...go to Michigan).

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=btA1J45Ipf8"]YouTube- Sneak Preview: The Next Level (Part 1)[/ame]
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Minor change, but ESPN.com is finally putting the distinction or alerting on its scoreboards and schedules that certain games are on the Big Ten Network.

In years past, Ohio State could be playing Michigan on the BTN and ESPN.com wouldn't put it on the TV information. Perhaps this is catering to the conference in search for future programming. Perhaps it's recognition. Who knows.
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