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IMO the great giver of Kudos decided that they are too small to be given individually so as to appear generous they are to be dispursed only in pairs since the giving of one kudo would make the givee appear to be stingy with his/her kudos. However one shenanigan is much better than even two kudos.
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Best Buckeye;982336; said:
IMO the great giver of Kudos decided that they are too small to be given individually so as to appear generous they are to be dispursed only in pairs since the giving of one kudo would make the givee appear to be stingy with his/her kudos. However one shenanigan is much better than even two kudos.

isnt he on the basketball team?
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heisman;982312; said:
BTN is certainly not screwing the customer. Free HD Buckeye football and basketball games vs. $200 a year to ESPN for Gameplan and Full Court for non-HD, horrible picture quality games. Most of my friends here in Chicago are Illini grads, but like me, they have switched from Comcast to either, Wow, Rcn, Directv, Dish, etc., because they love their team and aren't going to miss any games. I should also mention that all of them, including myself, realize now that we should have switched years ago.

I agree.....

If you want BTN, either switch to satelite or wait 2 years for Time Warner to cave in. (ie ESPNU and CSTV)
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buckeyebri;982187; said:
That's great if they have a good product....but it doesn't really matter if it is not available to everyone....most folks in Ohio and Wisconsin were unable to watch the game today.....that is idiotic and neither faction is doing themselves any favor in screwing the customer....

TWC and Comcast are screwing themselves.....
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heisman;982177; said:
I wish all Buckeye games were on BTN. Best HD production by far. Pre-game, they showed Script Ohio. Post-game they showed Carmen, OHIO, followed by the entire press conference in HD with DJ, Bart, JL, Marcus, and JT. A great channel for a great team in a great league. Here in Chicago, it's available from 5 different providers out of 6 total, with the lone holdout of course Comcast. Pretty obvious who is at fault when only "one of those kids is doing his own thing."

Special props to the BTN for showing the atmosphere before and after the game at the shoe. Seeing Script Ohio and watching Carmen Ohio mean a lot to me. I'm out of state and don't get to see these anymore. It's also nice to watch a game and not hear the announcers bash OSU for not being a "real" number 1 team. I think a lot of fans are now realizing what they have missed all these years by not having Directv or Dish network. The fact that I live in Florida and can watch the OSU preview shows and Buckeye Replay means a lot. No other network, not even ESPN, shows as much of their programming in HD, as the BTN. If you would have told me last year that I'd be sitting in Florida watching an OSU exhibition basketball game in HD, I would have said you were crazy. I'm not giving ESPN my usual $200 for gameplan and full court either, which makes me happy. Props to the BTN!
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heisman;982312; said:
BTN is certainly not screwing the customer. Free HD Buckeye football and basketball games vs. $200 a year to ESPN for Gameplan and Full Court for non-HD, horrible picture quality games. Most of my friends here in Chicago are Illini grads, but like me, they have switched from Comcast to either, Wow, Rcn, Directv, Dish, etc., because they love their team and aren't going to miss any games. I should also mention that all of them, including myself, realize now that we should have switched years ago.

If you're not part of the solution then you are part of the problem. And both the cable companies and BTN are not coming to a solution. It is simple common sense customer service and the customer is losing in this battle.

It is not a question of loving your team. I have looked into switching to different companies, but it is a tremendous hassle and I am not able to find the bundled package that I want. Amazing in this day of deregulation isn't it.

Fortunately At&T is now in my neighborhood and I can most likely get what I need. At this point in the season I might just hold out for their new service that is coming...
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buckeyebri;982681; said:
...in this day of deregulation isn't it...

Deregulation is usually nothing more than adding 1100 or so new pages of regulations. In this case it was more like adding 1100 volumes.

Just because it is called deregulation doesn't mean the government has left it alone.

FWIW: DTV lets you change your "bundle" at will after the first 4 months. Others (not cable companies) probably do too.
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In the second half there were a few more flags, and Wisconsin had a bunch of guys get banged up and stay down after plays in the second half. This may have been part of the more commercial breaks because quite a few of them stayed down for awhile. From where my seats were in c deck I saw 3 different guys taken in the trainer room that is over by OSU's locker room. and two of those guys came back out with braces or walking boots on.

Bobcat94;982202; said:
BTN really dragged out today's game much longer than it needed to be. The TV timeouts seemed to go on for an eternity in the second half.

First half ended around 1:15, second half ended around 3:30. The extra-long tv timeouts in the second half were momentum killers.
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Some of those TV timeouts were for injuries, as Wisconsin had 3 separate injuries in the second half, including one where the player was down for quite a while. However, there was also a presentation during one TV timeout for a Boosters check to the Athletic Department or something, that slowed the game down. On the whole, though, it does seem like BTN's TV timeouts are especially long. Whereas on other networks the players get back onto the field, get into position, and are able to start play, when BTN airs the game they seem to be standing around waiting for almost a minute before the guy gets off the field.
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