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BengalsAndBucks;983456; said:
Some of those TV timeouts were for injuries, as Wisconsin had 3 separate injuries in the second half, including one where the player was down for quite a while. However, there was also a presentation during one TV timeout for a Boosters check to the Athletic Department or something, that slowed the game down. On the whole, though, it does seem like BTN's TV timeouts are especially long. Whereas on other networks the players get back onto the field, get into position, and are able to start play, when BTN airs the game they seem to be standing around waiting for almost a minute before the guy gets off the field.

I've been in attendance for two of the BTN games, and watched two of them on TV. The TV timeouts always seem longer in person than when you're watching TV, but when I was at the games the breaks seemed longer than they have been when I've been there for an ABC/ESPN/ESPN+ game.
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I thought the BTN coverage of the game this week was really good!

The only thing I'm getting annoyed by is the continued lack of HD despite reports that it is available or that it should be available soon. (earlier in the year) Am I simply blind and unable to find HD versions of games or are they on the base DirecTV channels (220, 219, 218 ..)

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scooter1369;982964; said:
Thank the good Lord for the Big Ten Network. I now know how to fight weeds in my thousands of acres of corn and how to get feed delivered to the farm.

I'd be lost, if not for the Mighty Big Ten Network sales staff.
I noticed that commercial and made a similar comment to my wife... told her she needed to tell her dad (a farmer) about that product... :lol:
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If they don't quit playing that estrogen-drenched Liberty Mutual commericial with the whiny bitch singing "I don't know, is this the part where you go?" (WTF does that have to do with insurance?) every fucking break, I'm flying to the BTN main office and going Xerox on their asses...
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MililaniBuckeye;983834; said:
If they don't quit playing that estrogen-drenched Liberty Mutual commericial with the whiny bitch singing "I don't know, is this the part where you go?" (WTF does that have to do with insurance?) every fucking break, I'm flying to the BTN main office and going Xerox on their asses...

I'm with you. The part that chaps my ass is that they stole that whole commercial from Coke who did the same thing for years in the movie theaters. They preach doing the right and responsible thing and I keep thinking how they stole the whole concept of the ad. Very responsible and right.
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FriscoBuckeye;983816; said:
I thought the BTN coverage of the game this week was really good!

The only thing I'm getting annoyed by is the continued lack of HD despite reports that it is available or that it should be available soon. (earlier in the year) Am I simply blind and unable to find HD versions of games or are they on the base DirecTV channels (220, 219, 218 ..)

Frisco - BTN HD is here - all the time on 220, and on gameday on the BTN alternate chnnels.

Here are some hints ...
If you are getting true HD on other D* channels (ESPN, ESPN2 in 70-78 band) then you are getting the correct signal from your Dish. I.e., your dish is aligned for the original HD channels.
If you are unable to see the DUAL LISTINGS for ESPN HD and ESPN2HD in the 206 -208 band then either:

You need to do a force restart of the Hi-Defintiion Receiver (the small button near the card slot in front).

You may need to look to see if the signal strength on the new satellite is up to snuff, OR

You are missing something else.

D* Customer Service can lead you by the nose through assessing signal strength.

Try to see if it is simply a guide issue first (that is what the forced restart button typically can handle.
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scooter1369;982964; said:
Thank the good Lord for the Big Ten Network. I now know how to fight weeds in my thousands of acres of corn and how to get feed delivered to the farm.

I'd be lost, if not for the Mighty Big Ten Network sales staff.

This is par for the course in states such as Indiana, Illinois, Iowa. It's as common as car commercials in those states. At least that has been my experience living there or having family that lives there. I forgot how many times those types of ads would be shown on television. I guess it is just part of the larger BTN demographic.
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Don't know about the rest of you, but I'm truly enjoying the BTN. I get home, prop up my feet, and tune into channel 220. I enjoy watching Wisc vs Nwestern girls volleyball, etc. And last night got to see the OSU v. Wisc game one more time......daughter was at swim meet so was there.....only caught the last quarter (which was the best anyway).

Even my wife says I(we)'re getting a good deal, as every Buckeye game is on, or it forces ESPN to carry more Big Ten games, so we win either way. So, hey, I'll take the Scottish farmer commercials, it may improve the financial viability of the channel. Whatever it takes to keep it on the air.

Cannot wait for basketball season, will hope that as soon as league starts, they'll expand from the three to four channels so I can see the Buckeyes play, and see other games also. It really is great. Plus, Gary Dinardo is working harder than he ever did at Indiana or LSU. He's on constantly, and moves from set to set and poof he's there again. Match that up with Fox Sports Ohio, as well as the other Fox Sports channel, when I can sometimes get Coop and Earl talking about OSU football, it truly is great for us on the "Left Coast".

:gobucks3::gobucks4::banger: Anyone heard anything about viability, other B10 schools thoughts? It seems to be pretty even in their coverage, and they're painfully equal in covering each team (anyone for an OSU network?)
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sandgk;983886; said:
Frisco - BTN HD is here - all the time on 220, and on gameday on the BTN alternate chnnels.

Here are some hints ...
If you are getting true HD on other D* channels (ESPN, ESPN2 in 70-78 band) then you are getting the correct signal from your Dish. I.e., your dish is aligned for the original HD channels.
If you are unable to see the DUAL LISTINGS for ESPN HD and ESPN2HD in the 206 -208 band then either:

You need to do a force restart of the Hi-Defintiion Receiver (the small button near the card slot in front).

You may need to look to see if the signal strength on the new satellite is up to snuff, OR

You are missing something else.

D* Customer Service can lead you by the nose through assessing signal strength.

Try to see if it is simply a guide issue first (that is what the forced restart button typically can handle.

He might just have the wrong equipment altogether.
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heisman;984089; said:
He might just have the wrong equipment altogether.

If you have had your dish and HD box since before 2004, you will need a new dish and box. The dish is free, the box is not. I am getting my new dish and box tomorrow between noon and 5pm. (HD box $99, HD DVR $299, HD DVR when they fail to show up for the first scheduled install on 10/23=free :o)

The guy on the phone told me that the HD channels between 70-80 are going away in December. If you haven't upgraded your HD equipment, I suggest you give them a call.
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This effects those of you that don't have the big ten network. should be interesting to see where it goes.

News - Bengals statement on House Bill 377 - Cincinnati Bengals

Posted: 3:25 p.m.
State representative Lou Blessing (R-Colerain) has announced his sponsorship of legislation that protects Ohio consumers from losing out on television programming options because of disputes between cable operators and programmers. In part, the bill is designed to bring consumers greater access to sports programming offered by the NFL Network and the Big Ten Network.
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FriscoBuckeye;983816; said:
The only thing I'm getting annoyed by is the continued lack of HD despite reports that it is available or that it should be available soon. (earlier in the year) Am I simply blind and unable to find HD versions of games or are they on the base DirecTV channels (220, 219, 218 ..)


Don't know about satellite, but I have three HD channels on RCN cable.:io:
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Don't know about the rest of you, but I'm truly enjoying the BTN. I get home, prop up my feet, and tune into channel 220. I enjoy watching Wisc vs Nwestern girls volleyball, etc. And last night got to see the OSU v. Wisc game one more time......daughter was at swim meet so was there.....only caught the last quarter (which was the best anyway).

Even my wife says I(we)'re getting a good deal, as every Buckeye game is on, or it forces ESPN to carry more Big Ten games, so we win either way. So, hey, I'll take the Scottish farmer commercials, it may improve the financial viability of the channel. Whatever it takes to keep it on the air.

Cannot wait for basketball season, will hope that as soon as league starts, they'll expand from the three to four channels so I can see the Buckeyes play, and see other games also. It really is great. Plus, Gary Dinardo is working harder than he ever did at Indiana or LSU. He's on constantly, and moves from set to set and poof he's there again. Match that up with Fox Sports Ohio, as well as the other Fox Sports channel, when I can sometimes get Coop and Earl talking about OSU football, it truly is great for us on the "Left Coast".

I hate to bust up the party, but I thought the purpose of this thread was for those of us who do not have the BTN to piss and moan and call out the powers that be.

Those of you who have the BTN and want to celebrate how wonderful it is need to get your own thread. :)
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calibuck;984080; said:
Don't know about the rest of you, but I'm truly enjoying the BTN. I get home, prop up my feet, and tune into channel 220. I enjoy watching Wisc vs Nwestern girls volleyball, etc. And last night got to see the OSU v. Wisc game one more time......daughter was at swim meet so was there.....only caught the last quarter (which was the best anyway).

Even my wife says I(we)'re getting a good deal, as every Buckeye game is on, or it forces ESPN to carry more Big Ten games, so we win either way. So, hey, I'll take the Scottish farmer commercials, it may improve the financial viability of the channel. Whatever it takes to keep it on the air.

Cannot wait for basketball season, will hope that as soon as league starts, they'll expand from the three to four channels so I can see the Buckeyes play, and see other games also. It really is great. Plus, Gary Dinardo is working harder than he ever did at Indiana or LSU. He's on constantly, and moves from set to set and poof he's there again. Match that up with Fox Sports Ohio, as well as the other Fox Sports channel, when I can sometimes get Coop and Earl talking about OSU football, it truly is great for us on the "Left Coast".

:gobucks3::gobucks4::banger: Anyone heard anything about viability, other B10 schools thoughts? It seems to be pretty even in their coverage, and they're painfully equal in covering each team (anyone for an OSU network?)

Agree 100%. Commercials repeat too damn much but other than that its great.
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