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Oh8ch;984272; said:
I hate to bust up the party, but I thought the purpose of this thread was for those of us who do not have the BTN to piss and moan and call out the powers that be.

Those of you who have the BTN and want to celebrate how wonderful it is need to get your own thread. :)
Eh, it's called a hijack :wink2:
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Oh8ch;984272; said:
I hate to bust up the party, but I thought the purpose of this thread was for those of us who do not have the BTN to piss and moan and call out the powers that be.

Those of you who have the BTN and want to celebrate how wonderful it is need to get your own thread. :)
Not true, You must be mistaken since the title of that thread is.
"Big Ten Network Whiners"
I love my BTN.
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Chicagoland DirectTV & BTN

So, any DirectTV subscribers out there with HD? Our BTN feed during the games is really low quality. I thought that I had heard that BTN was doing the games in HD, but honestly it's really poor quality. Even the DTV lineup says that they are broadcasting in HD... but I'm pretty sure that what I'm seeing ain't HD.

Either way, with only two games left... and both on ABC... it's really not going to be a big issue until LAX season starts.

On that note, anyone LAX fans out there too? I've not spent a lot of time with BTN yet. Just Saturdays when necessary, but I'm really holding out a lot of hope that we get some LAX broadcasts. The only LAX I get on TV with DTV is replays of BYU's club team. Not that I'm against that. Any Lacrosse is better than NO Lacrosse, but I can still hope for getting a more than share dosage of Buckeye LAX.

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5LNB? Really?

That sucks that I need to pick up a new 5LNB setup to get BTN in HD. I just dropped a new switch int the basement for what I've got now. Not that I don't believe you, but I'll look into it and call DTV to see what's going on. Thanks for the info.

I guess that this as good a reason as any to get a new PVR. I've got the last model that is HD and based on the TiVO OS. I have friends who are IU alum with the new HD PVR and I think that I like that interface better anyhow.

Either way, looking foward to being back on ABC this weekend and next!

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I have BTN and it sucks, i was watching the buckeyes game this week and they would start off on a commercail and continue the game in the middle of the play like 10 times???what the heck is up with that? i have dish and have watched 2 games and both of them have been like that, and one of the plays was when beanie wells ran for his 3rd touchdown, they showed the end of his run after a commercial!!! This shows how much they care about money and their profits!
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ChrisWells28;984524; said:
I have BTN and it sucks, i was watching the buckeyes game this week and they would start off on a commercail and continue the game in the middle of the play like 10 times???what the heck is up with that? i have dish and have watched 2 games and both of them have been like that, and one of the plays was when beanie wells ran for his 3rd touchdown, they showed the end of his run after a commercial!!! This shows how much they care about money and their profits!
Better than not seeing it at all , now that sucks.
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ChrisWells28;984524; said:
I have BTN and it sucks, i was watching the buckeyes game this week and they would start off on a commercail and continue the game in the middle of the play like 10 times???what the heck is up with that? i have dish and have watched 2 games and both of them have been like that, and one of the plays was when beanie wells ran for his 3rd touchdown, they showed the end of his run after a commercial!!! This shows how much they care about money and their profits!

When I got back from the game Saturday, I noticed some complaints about that in the game thread. Yesterday, I watched my dvr of the game and none of the plays were cut short. I have Directv, so I'm assuming the problem is with dish and not the BTN. Usually, providers are given commercial slots as part of their agreement with the network. It would seem that dish is letting their slots run long.
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ChrisWells28;984524; said:
I have BTN and it sucks, i was watching the buckeyes game this week and they would start off on a commercail and continue the game in the middle of the play like 10 times???what the heck is up with that? i have dish and have watched 2 games and both of them have been like that, and one of the plays was when beanie wells ran for his 3rd touchdown, they showed the end of his run after a commercial!!! This shows how much they care about money and their profits!

Unfortunately, you are directing your anger in the wrong direction. As has been stated previously in this thread, it is not BTN, but Dishnetwork that had those problems. No other provider had their viewers miss any plays.
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sparcboxbuck;984522; said:
That sucks that I need to pick up a new 5LNB setup to get BTN in HD. I just dropped a new switch int the basement for what I've got now. Not that I don't believe you, but I'll look into it and call DTV to see what's going on. Thanks for the info.

I guess that this as good a reason as any to get a new PVR. I've got the last model that is HD and based on the TiVO OS. I have friends who are IU alum with the new HD PVR and I think that I like that interface better anyhow.

Either way, looking foward to being back on ABC this weekend and next!


You will want to get the 5 LNB dish sooner than later. Directv is eliminating all MPEG-2 HD for the more compressed MPEG-4 HD. So, since your Tivo HR10-250 is MPEG-2 only, it will not receive any HD channels in the near future, and that includes the ones that you currently receive. That also includes NFLST in HD which Directv has already announced is going MPEG-4 next season. They have been upgrading their good customers with some great prices according to most of the satellite forums that I visit, so don't hesitate to haggle with them until they meet your demands.
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Big Ten TV draws fire from viewers NBC to show Pats-Bills over Browns-Ravens
Published on Tuesday, Nov 06, 2007

Many didn't see the Ohio State-Wisconsin game Saturday because it was on the Big Ten Network. And many of those who did watch didn't like what they saw.
I received more than a few e-mails from readers with a significant gripe.
''If you didn't watch the Ohio State-Wisconsin game on the Big Ten Network, the network came back late from commercial break at least four times (missing plays) and missed the start of the play on one of the OSU touchdowns. What an awful, amateurish performance by the BTN,'' a reader wrote.

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sandgk;984269; said:
Well, I didn't want to go there, you know it could come off kind of strong ...

Man, no wonder you can't score HD - you've got the wrong equipment altogether. :tongue2:

Sorry I'm confused, do I need to get new cables or plugs to get HD? When I watch other programming is says HD on the screen so I know it is HD. Like ESPN HD or "now available on HD" so no problem there.

OK just joking. I appreciate all the help, I'll definitely try the tips you described. I've had DirecTV HD content for years and I'm certain I have the correct equipment but I wasn't real clear on where I should be expecting the BTN HD stuff ... I'd gone through hundreds of channels on gameday without finding what I expected. Right now 220 and alternates certainly showing up as SD 480i/p right now. Thanks for the info, I will report back my findings!
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sparcboxbuck;984392; said:
So, any DirectTV subscribers out there with HD? Our BTN feed during the games is really low quality. I thought that I had heard that BTN was doing the games in HD, but honestly it's really poor quality. Even the DTV lineup says that they are broadcasting in HD... but I'm pretty sure that what I'm seeing ain't HD.

It must be either a DirecTV issue or something with your particular setup. On RCN, my HD channels are as good as anything from the big networks.
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A couple comments

I was at the Wisconsin game. The BTN TV official was located on the south side of the Buckeye sideline. I was in the south stands and had a great view of him holding up play until the BTN was ready to go. I'm not sure what the issue was. Must have been some mis-communication with the truck or something.

As far as the picture quality of the BTN, I am very impressed by what I have seen. I have DirecTV and watch the games in HD. IMO, it looks far better than ESPN/ABC and NBC. CBS and FSN come close, but I do believe that tBTN looks the best.
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stlmike;984837; said:
I was at the Wisconsin game. The BTN TV official was located on the south side of the Buckeye sideline. I was in the south stands and had a great view of him holding up play until the BTN was ready to go. I'm not sure what the issue was. Must have been some mis-communication with the truck or something.

As mentioned earlier the mishap must have been a DirectTV issue... I have WOW and they did not miss a snap.
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