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heisman;981730; said:
Who is your provider? I didn't miss any plays. Beanie's second TD was the second play of the fourth quarter. Mo Wells ran for six yards on the first play of the fourth quarter. On another note, they also showed Script Ohio before the game as well. An awesome production!

They cut off some plays on the Dish Network feed I watched at work during the first 2+ quarters, and cut off still more plays on the DirecTV feed they had at the BW3 across the street during the last 1+ quarter.
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OHSportsFan9;981735; said:

I was at a restaurant here that had Dish. it was the Buckeye watch party.

there were 2 or 3 occasions where they came back from commercials and it was already 2nd and 9...or a minute had run off since it went to break. Then, on Beanie's second TD run, they came back just as he was at about the 15, so I missed what happened on the play before that and then half of his run...luckily they showed some nice highlights.

No plays missed here on Directv. When you posted that, I thought it sounded odd, but I even checked my dvr to make sure. Sure enough, no plays missed. You have to blame the provider who went over their time slot with local commercials in this instance.
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Nordberg;980379; said:
Because Time Warner has not reached an agreement to carry the network, more than 40 percent of the homes in the Columbus television market, as defined by Nielsen Media Research, will not receive the game telecast if a deal is not done this week.

How is this Time Warners fault? They are supposed to pay per customer but arent allowed to charge for access? When did cable companies become not-for-profit entities? It isnt like Big Ten fans dont have the money... Ive seen how much those OSU replica jerseys sell for.
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heisman;981739; said:
No plays missed here on Directv. When you posted that, I thought it sounded odd, but I even checked my dvr to make sure. Sure enough, no plays missed. You have to blame the provider who went over their time slot with local commercials in this instance.

probably a cable company trying to pay for the extra cost the BTN is now charging.
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kartaron;981750; said:
probably a cable company trying to pay for the extra cost the BTN is now charging.

On the contrary, RSN's are charging an average of $2.50 per subscriber. BTN wants a $1 per sub in the 7 state footprint, and a mere dime per sub in the other 43 states--basically chump change.
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Nobody ever said that the cable companies couldn't pass along that charge to their customers. Since when have the cable companies been shy about jacking up their prices? The BTN's position is simply that they want all cable households to have BTN instead of making customers opt-in for it. Don't let the cable companies fool you into thinking that they're trying to save you money with this. They'll get that $1.10 from you and me one way or another, and then some.
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jlb1705;981764; said:
Nobody ever said that the cable companies couldn't pass along that charge to their customers. Since when have the cable companies been shy about jacking up their prices? The BTN's position is simply that they want all cable households to have BTN instead of making customers opt-in for it. Don't let the cable companies fool you into thinking that they're trying to save you money with this. They'll get that $1.10 from you and me one way or another, and then some.

...Or that big shiny dime in 43 states. :)
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Let me add that I already subscribe to the digital sports tier with Time Warner - so whenever they pull their heads out of their asses and add the network I should get it, no matter where they decide to place it. I just agree with the BTN's position that at least in the 7-state Big Ten footprint that it should be a part of the standard cable service.
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In any event the cable companies, Time Warner and Comcast, as well as, the BTN have forgotten the most important part of the equation in this argument.....THE CUSTOMER!!!!!

This a the least amount of OSU football I have been able to watch in years thanks to these greedy awipes.....At this point in time, I really don't give a flying fuck whether any agreement is reached until next football season.

And really, Iowa vs. Northwestern on ESPN 2 and OSU vs. Wisconsin gets relegated to the BTN.....PPPPPUUUUUUHHHHHHLLLLLLEEEEEAAAAASSSSEEEEE.....
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buckeyebri;982067; said:
In any event the cable companies, Time Warner and Comcast, as well as, the BTN have forgotten the most important part of the equation in this argument.....THE CUSTOMER!!!!!

This a the least amount of OSU football I have been able to watch in years thanks to these greedy awipes.....At this point in time, I really don't give a flying fuck whether any agreement is reached until next football season.

And really, Iowa vs. Northwestern on ESPN 2 and OSU vs. Wisconsin gets relegated to the BTN.....PPPPPUUUUUUHHHHHHLLLLLLEEEEEAAAAASSSSEEEEE.....

I wish all Buckeye games were on BTN. Best HD production by far. Pre-game, they showed Script Ohio. Post-game they showed Carmen, OHIO, followed by the entire press conference in HD with DJ, Bart, JL, Marcus, and JT. A great channel for a great team in a great league. Here in Chicago, it's available from 5 different providers out of 6 total, with the lone holdout of course Comcast. Pretty obvious who is at fault when only "one of those kids is doing his own thing."
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That's great if they have a good product....but it doesn't really matter if it is not available to everyone....most folks in Ohio and Wisconsin were unable to watch the game today.....that is idiotic and neither faction is doing themselves any favor in screwing the customer....
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BTN really dragged out today's game much longer than it needed to be. The TV timeouts seemed to go on for an eternity in the second half.

First half ended around 1:15, second half ended around 3:30. The extra-long tv timeouts in the second half were momentum killers.
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buckeyebri;982187; said:
That's great if they have a good product....but it doesn't really matter if it is not available to everyone....most folks in Ohio and Wisconsin were unable to watch the game today.....that is idiotic and neither faction is doing themselves any favor in screwing the customer....

I am with you on that one! Comcast will not carry BTN in the Pittsburgh area as well!
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buckeyebri;982187; said:
That's great if they have a good product....but it doesn't really matter if it is not available to everyone....most folks in Ohio and Wisconsin were unable to watch the game today.....that is idiotic and neither faction is doing themselves any favor in screwing the customer....

BTN is certainly not screwing the customer. Free HD Buckeye football and basketball games vs. $200 a year to ESPN for Gameplan and Full Court for non-HD, horrible picture quality games. Most of my friends here in Chicago are Illini grads, but like me, they have switched from Comcast to either, Wow, Rcn, Directv, Dish, etc., because they love their team and aren't going to miss any games. I should also mention that all of them, including myself, realize now that we should have switched years ago.
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