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ajbyrnes80;980046; said:
Big Ten Network is a great idea, but down here in Florida, we will not get it next year. The network says they will only be in the states were the big ten colleges are. No Fair!!! I love my buckeyes and will miss a good number of games.

Uh, if you have DirecTV, you'll get BTN in Florida...
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Looks like this issue isn't over:

UPDATED: Legislature jumping into Big Ten Network fray (The Daily Briefing)

UPDATED: Legislature jumping into Big Ten Network fray

A Cincinnati Republican says he?s tired of hearing from frustrated television watchers who can?t see their favorite Ohio sports teams because of disputes between cable operators and programmers ? so he?s doing something about it.
Rep. Lou Blessing, joined by 21 co-sponsors, today introduced what he?s calling the ?Cable Antidiscrimination and Dispute Resolution Act of 2007.? It would require mandatory third-party negotiations when the two sides, such as Time Warner Cable and the Big Ten Network, can?t come to an agreement.
Time Warner subscribers will miss the Ohio State-Wisconsin football game this Saturday, the fourth Ohio State game this year broadcast exclusively on the Big Ten Network.
At issue are the network's asking price, a reported $1 per month per subscriber in the Big Ten's eight states, and Time Warner's contention that the network belongs on a pricier digital tier of sports channels. The network insists it be on expanded-basic service, which includes channels such as ESPN.
Blessing is also upset about the lack of availability of the NFL Network.
?When cable operators like Time Warner refuse to consider offering expanded programming because they are more worried about protecting their bottom line than serving Ohio customers, I?m deeply troubled,? Blessing said in a statement.
Because Time Warner has not reached an agreement to carry the network, more than 40 percent of the homes in the Columbus television market, as defined by Nielsen Media Research, will not receive the game telecast if a deal is not done this week.

Basically it would mean that the two sides would go to an arbitrator to sort out the issue. I would rather have closure than it to be a dead issue.
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ajbyrnes80;980046; said:
Big Ten Network is a great idea, but down here in Florida, we will not get it next year. The network says they will only be in the states were the big ten colleges are. No Fair!!! I love my buckeyes and will miss a good number of games.

MililaniBuckeye;980051; said:
Uh, if you have DirecTV, you'll get BTN in Florida...

...Dishnetwork as well.
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fuck this joke of a network

I missed about 4 or 5 plays while they were showing some weak-ass commercial or advertisement. Almost missed Beanie's second TD...can't believe they don't have their shit together yet. show the product that you're supposed to be showing.

besides that :biggrin:...seeing Carmen Ohio and the post-game press conference was nice
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I don't know what cudos are, but kudos to BTN for showing Script Ohio to get the game started as well. In all honesty, probably the best produced football game I've seen in a long time.
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OHSportsFan9;981702; said:
fuck this joke of a network

I missed about 4 or 5 plays while they were showing some weak-ass commercial or advertisement. Almost missed Beanie's second TD...can't believe they don't have their shit together yet. show the product that you're supposed to be showing.

besides that :biggrin:...seeing Carmen Ohio and the post-game press conference was nice

Who is your provider? I didn't miss any plays. Beanie's second TD was the second play of the fourth quarter. Mo Wells ran for six yards on the first play of the fourth quarter. On another note, they also showed Script Ohio before the game as well. An awesome production!
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heisman;981724; said:
I don't know what cudos are, but kudos to BTN for showing Script Ohio to get the game started as well. In all honesty, probably the best produced football game I've seen in a long time.

I was really impressed for my first BTN game and post game interviews also was a huge plus. X-celent game and broadcast.
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I want the BTN so I can see Buckeye games. I want them to have maximum viewership because it is good for the conference and university. I'm rooting for them, but it's hard when they have such an inferior presentation. Today was not the first time that they missed plays because commercials or other superfluous bullshit. They cut away from Script Ohio a few weeks ago right before they dotted the i - which is inexcusable for a network whose mission is supposedely to bring the spotlight to those kind of things.
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Who is your provider? I didn't miss any plays. Beanie's second TD was the second play of the fourth quarter. Mo Wells ran for six yards on the first play of the fourth quarter. On another note, they also showed Script Ohio before the game as well. An awesome production!

I was at a restaurant here that had Dish. it was the Buckeye watch party.

there were 2 or 3 occasions where they came back from commercials and it was already 2nd and 9...or a minute had run off since it went to break. Then, on Beanie's second TD run, they came back just as he was at about the 15, so I missed what happened on the play before that and then half of his run...luckily they showed some nice highlights.
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