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jwinslow;916925; said:
Another question for fellow insight customers. Does your guide say OSU is showing, or UM-HotHotHot? My tivo says the latter, but I'm hoping that is just a misprint.

Mine says "Ohio State vs YSU OR scUM vs App State OR NW vs N'eastern OR Penn State vs Fla Intl".

I would assume the coverage is regional??
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Oh8ch;916320; said:
And when there is a nasty storm during the Michigan game we cable subscribers can all share our game watching experience with the Direct TV folks - once they get down from trying to make adjustments on an icy roof.

I have had DirecTV since the early/mid 90's (don't recall exactly how long, but a long time) and have NEVER missed a second of an OSU game because of a lost signal. <<<knocks on wood****>

Matter of fact, I only lose the signal during very, very, very bad storms and that is usually only for a few seconds.

Cable subscribers can continue to use this to try to justify their choice to subscribe to an inferior product while us DirecTV subscribers watch the Buckeyes. Don't worry, we'll be happy to let you know how the boys looked. :wink2:
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OWUBuckeye51;916939; said:
Mine says "Ohio State vs YSU OR scUM vs App State OR NW vs N'eastern OR Penn State vs Fla Intl".

I would assume the coverage is regional??
Cool, let's hope so. I wouldn't put faith in the tivo listings for a brand new network anyway.

One thing I hope they do, is re-air games late at night. Us football junkies would probably record Michigan to watch during the few days where football is not on TV.
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So...I'm about to lose my mind. I made my appointment over a week ago to have my Directv installed yesterday. They were scheduled to be at my house sometime between 1-5. Knowing the service industry pretty well, I assumed that'd be more like 6. Well, imagine my frustration when the guy called AT 6 telling me he'd be there at 7. THEN, didn't call or show up until 9:15.

Well, I was even willing to forgive him for that (not that he was sorry or anything), but he basically wandered around my house for 10 minutes, told me I had an aluminum roof (which, I guess means he couldn't mount it up there even though we have 3 brick chimneys) and then LEFT. He didn't even tell us he was leaving!! He just busted out.

So, needless to say, because we're without any TV service at this point, and the game is tomorrow, I was starting to get a little pissed. I am fairly confident a dish CAN be put somewhere on our property since our neighbor has one pointing at TREES.

Anyway, a "supervisor" called me back this morning an they scheduled the appointment with a "specialist" for Saturday between 8-10. Talk about cutting it down to the wire...
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I've asked a couple times in this thread, but I don't think anyone's been to really answer, so I'll ask again just in case some faculty or someone who is already on campus might know the answer: Will students living on campus get the BTN?

If we don't I'm gonna be pissed lol. It seems like we should, but I haven't heard one way or the other.
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OmahaBeef;917043; said:
I've asked a couple times in this thread, but I don't think anyone's been to really answer, so I'll ask again just in case some faculty or someone who is already on campus might know the answer: Will students living on campus get the BTN?

If we don't I'm gonna be pissed lol. It seems like we should, but I haven't heard one way or the other.

I dont remember where I saw it...but yes it will be in the dorms.
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Thanks a bunch! I had checked the channel listings on the TV guide on my computer (I can record TV with a TV tuner, and never got around to changing the TV Guide off of my dorm's channels) and didn't see BTN listed. Its a relief that it just hasn't been implemented yet, and that I'll be able to get it.

I'm looking forward to being able to watch the BTN a bunch--not only just so I can be sure to see all of the OSU games (which of course will be nice) but also just so I can keep close tabs on all our Big Ten opponents. (I'm not real up to date on the BTN, but I assume that they'll be showing a lot of the basketball games that might not usually be aired which will be nice.)
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Just wanted to spread the word and go ahead and deter any of you from purchasing ATT U-verse IPTV service even though they have the big ten network. It's reliable, good service; however, they only carry one BTN station (no overflow games like directtv) so I'm stuck with once again going to the sports bar to watch while at home scum plays on the network since it's the primary game for the noon slot. ATT claims they don't have the bandwidth to handle the overflow games, which is of course absolute rubbish. The tech when I had it installed 2 months back went into great detail about how much bandwidth they don't even touch at this point.
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And when there is a nasty storm during the Michigan game we cable subscribers can all share our game watching experience with the Direct TV folks - once they get down from trying to make adjustments on an icy roof.

Hey Oh8ch, being an old fart like yourself, I also worry about ice on the roof but snow and ice has never interupted my Directv picture in the 11+ years I've had my dish. Oh yes, it does snow in North Carolina. I've had up to 6 inches of snow covering my dish and never lost my perfect digital picture.

What Crabman said is very accurate. I could never go back to cable.

I'd also like to mention that I installed my dish with no help from a tech.
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Regional Coverage

I already have TWO complaints about the Big 10 Network. First, it should be a high def channel if I'm going to have to watch a game on the BTN channel instead of a game that would have normally been on ESPN HD. That's just wrong..

Second, I think regional coverage is bogus. Prior to the BTN I would probably have been able to flip back and forth between OSU/Youngstown and sCUM or Penn State.
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