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They're replaying last year's OSU vs. scUM game on their "Big Ten's Greatest Games."

Got it on, this is very cool. I'm going to spending a lot of time watching Football.

If you notice in the upper right corner of each post there is a line of green chicklets. That is your "Big Ten Pleasure Meter". It helps those of you with the BTN communicate with those of us without the BTN just how much you are enjoying the new network.

Red indicates you are having a great deal of pleasure.
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If you notice in the upper right corner of each post there is a line of green chicklets. That is your "Big Ten Pleasure Meter". It helps those of you with the BTN communicate with those of us without the BTN just how much you are enjoying the new network.

Red indicates you are having a great deal of pleasure.
Well I was going to post how much I enjoyed watching that game but I guess I won't now.:(
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I agree with the sentiments that jwins expressed. Both sides are trying to capture as much of this value stream as they can.

Of course, that value stream is there because we are willing to pay. And to me, that is where the Big Ten Network will fail.

People want to see the leading Big Ten teams and they want to watch them play football and men's basketball. Few people are as fanatical as we are about their schools and the Big Ten is in a bit of a down time right now, schedule-wise and prestige-wise after the Buckeye and Vulvarine meltdowns in the bowls.

So, my guess is that this deal diminishes the top Big Ten teams because it will cut the availability of games to fans and outsiders with an interest in the league. I think the top Big Ten teams will begin to realize that it has hurt their national profile. Time will tell. Maybe I am wrong but I don't think so.
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ytownbuckeye;916198; said:
fuck the big 10 network. i pay $80 a month for my cable and can't even watch the buckeyes at my house. more stupid greed f'in up a great sport.:smash:

You can blame the cable companies just as much...if you're paying $80 a month just for cable--and I don't care how many "premium" channels they're giving you for that cost--they can afford to suck up $1.10 for a channel.
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Local bars prepare for OSU blitz

Proprietors don't know how big the crowds will be for the Buckeyes' opener.

By Kyle Nagel
Staff Writer

Friday, August 31, 2007

For the past week, manager Matt Kreusch and his employees at Bunkers Bar and Grill in Vandalia have been preparing for what they expect to be a tidal wave.
"It's Labor Day weekend, so you don't know if people are going out of town, have family functions or if they'll do anything to watch the game," Kreusch said. "It's a guessing game for us."

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OSU fans at mercy of Big Ten, cable networks

Big Ten Network battle limits places to see Buckeyes

Friday, August 31, 2007

Have you named your last three dogs Woody? Do you sign off every phone call by shouting "Go Bucks!" If so, then it's likely you would rather raffle off your firstborn than miss Ohio State University's season-opening football game Saturday against Youngstown State.
But the game won't be on network or cable TV systems. Only satellite provider DirecTV (Channel 220) and AT&T U-verse will carry it. It's the same deal for next week's game against the University of Akron.
Why isn't it on?

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osugrad21;916245; said:

OSU fans at mercy of Big Ten, cable networks

Big Ten Network battle limits places to see Buckeyes

Friday, August 31, 2007

Have you named your last three dogs Woody? Do you sign off every phone call by shouting "Go Bucks!" If so, then it's likely you would rather raffle off your firstborn than miss Ohio State University's season-opening football game Saturday against Youngstown State.
But the game won't be on network or cable TV systems. Only satellite provider DirecTV (Channel 220) and AT&T U-verse will carry it. It's the same deal for next week's game against the University of Akron.
Why isn't it on?
The dogs ? umm no.
And neither one of Beth Woody or Jennifer Woody seem to mind too much as long as I don't call them that in public.
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Insight deal incomplete
Big Ten Network viewers won't get HD, extra games
Friday, August 31, 2007 3:32 AM
By Bob Baptist


Insight will bring Ohio State football to its subscribers' televisions Saturday but not with the high-definition quality the Big Ten Network has advertised.

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You think Charlie Weiss isn't calling recruits and saying, "and if you play for us your parents will be able to see every home game, but if you sign with Ohio State or Michigan, well who knows?"

BTN was a huge gamble by the league and if Michigan and the Bucks had been victorious in January we might well be watching BTN now, alas such is not the case.
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