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matcar;915602; said:
We can debate endlessly what and how cable and sat companies come up with their channel lineups and never get anywhere. My simple point is that you can just as easily argue that a cable company IS taking up for their constituents considering that the majority of viewers (factoring in women, homes outside of B10 country etc) nationwide probably don't care about the channel.
Which is why homes outside the 8 states of the Big Ten are being charged a lower rate. Or at least that was the deal when this mess started.
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matcar;915587; said:
Not really. Nationwide, there are a majority of people who are not fans of Big Ten football. So they are not ignoring them in this case.

so if people in california don't want a channel, it can't be offered in ohio? what if people in alaska aren't interested in a channel being offered to those in hawaii? do they just not get it?

here, let me quote vic for you again:

they have stood their ground to this network despite heavy fan pressure

to me a heavy fan pressure indicates a high number of customers. or atleast a significant enough number of customers that it is difficult to ignore. which means were talking about a majority or a significant minority. of which these persons are interested enough to apply pressure on the cable companies. whats more, if a significant % is being vocal, an even larger % is not.
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jwinslow;915594; said:
Any idea if they are recording the games in HD before the satellite launch, and will air them as replays later?

The BTN would have that ability, since that would have the content in HD. So it's feasible that they could replay them on Directv's designated HD channel in the future. I never thought of that, good point. As you might have noticed, I only try to post informational material on this thread and not reply to individual posts. I must say I am suprised by some of the positions taken in favor of the cable companies. I can understand the anger, but the massive brain cramps on this issue are astounding.
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martinss01;915620; said:
so if people in california don't want a channel, it can't be offered in ohio? what if people in alaska aren't interested in a channel being offered to those in hawaii? do they just not get it?

here, let me quote vic for you again:

to me a heavy fan pressure indicates a high number of customers. or atleast a significant enough number of customers that it is difficult to ignore. which means were talking about a majority or a significant minority. of which these persons are interested enough to apply pressure on the cable companies. whats more, if a significant % is being vocal, an even larger % is not.

Whatever. You know there's a very loud, but tiny minority of folks in Pakistan and Afganistan causing an awful lot of trouble on Earth. Heavy fan pressure in some locality = drop in the bucket in totality.

In any event, I like my Buckeye football just like everyone else, and would love to see it available on cable. But I'm also agreeable to it being on a sports tier if that's what it takes.
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Big Ten Network Coverage

Quick question for anyone who can answer it. Is there a Big Ten Network coverage map or are the games this weekend just broken up by state? I live in Toledo and would be furious if we get stuck with the Michigan game because we are closer to Ann Arbor than Columbus. I would assume Buckeye Cable would obviously show tOSU game but you never know.

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buckeyefool;915603; said:
So because they are women they don't care about football? Maybe you can start you own thread or something and hang out with your sexist ideas.
If anyone needs me, I'll be barefoot in the kitchen at noon on Saturday making pot roast and baking pie. Maybe it's not too late to get pregnant, too...
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PrincessPeach;915822; said:
If anyone needs me, I'll be barefoot in the kitchen at noon on Saturday making pot roast and baking pie. Maybe it's not too late to get pregnant, too...

Sounds like you might need some assistance with that last part....
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PrincessPeach;915822; said:
If anyone needs me, I'll be barefoot in the kitchen at noon on Saturday making pot roast and baking pie. Maybe it's not too late to get pregnant, too...


Now get me a chicken pot pie, Princess! :biggrin:
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matcar;915754; said:
Whatever. You know there's a very loud, but tiny minority of folks in Pakistan and Afganistan causing an awful lot of trouble on Earth. Heavy fan pressure in some locality = drop in the bucket in totality.

i think you just made my point about ignoring the minority. if what you say were accurate there would be no local broadcasting. no local area has the populace to force relevant broadcasting in their area on the greater community.

In any event, I like my Buckeye football just like everyone else, and would love to see it available on cable. But I'm also agreeable to it being on a sports tier if that's what it takes.

i don't have a problem with that. i would LOVE the option to pay an extra premium to watch (*cough*and record*cough*) the bucks play and wouldn't bat an eye. the problem i have with time warner (and why i will no longer be a customer in the very near future) AND the btn is that they couldn't care less about me as a customer. if they cared at all, they would have treated me like i mattered and not a pawn to use as leverage against one another.

they would have sat down and come up with a compromise that suited both groups interests. as i stated in my letter to time warner, i understand their difficulties in coming to an equitable agreement with the big ten network. the problem we both now share is that they have effectively made their problem my problem. *shrug* i don't respond well to people who i pay making their problems my problems.
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