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PrincessPeach;915865; said:


Don't get me wrong, I quite enjoy cooking, and I love baking.

But it most certainly is NOT what I'll be doing at noon on Saturday.
Heck we already knew that ! You will be performing your drunken pirate beer wench duties serving icy cold beverages to your poor over worked hubby while he watches the Bucks play! :biggrin:
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martinss01;915838; said:
you certainly were. all you did was point out a need. you made no offer what so ever to fill said need :wink:.

BURN! :biggrin:

It was very clearly implied.

Gosh, I hope Scooter doesn't read this thread, seeing that I was on the other side of the argument last time. :paranoid:
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This really sucks...you wait for opening kickoff for so long and then this happens. Then my girlfriend tells me to listen to it on the radio...pssh. She can sit at home while I watch the game at the local sports bar and grille :biggrin:
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martinss01;915836; said:
i think you just made my point about ignoring the minority. if what you say were accurate there would be no local broadcasting. no local area has the populace to force relevant broadcasting in their area on the greater community.

I don't think I made that point at all. The point would be to eradicate that loud, hate-filled minority. But alas, that's a different subject.

Good luck BTN, I hope your HD transmissions are a thing of beauty! I'll have to catch them at someone else's house/bar this year.
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the big ten network is good for the big ten network, directv, and sports bar owners/bartenders/waiters. fans? not so much. maybe someday. this is just one big 11th hour money grab. otherwise, the contracts would already be signed, and the fans wouldn't be scampering to find a provider, a bar, or a friend.
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