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I wasn't sure until Insight signed, but if they can make it work the rest will fall in line sooner rather than later - most likely before game 2.

And when there is a nasty storm during the Michigan game we cable subscribers can all share our game watching experience with the Direct TV folks - once they get down from trying to make adjustments on an icy roof.
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Oh8ch;916320; said:
I wasn't sure until Insight signed, but if they can make it work the rest will fall in line sooner rather than later - most likely before game 2.

And when there is a nasty storm during the Michigan game we cable subscribers can all share our game watching experience with the Direct TV folks - once they get down from trying to make adjustments on an icy roof.

hence my over-the-air high definition antennae that gets all local channels (for dayton and cincy) despite rain or snow :biggrin:
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Insight BTN help needed: my tivo can't find the BTN. I can change to it on my analog TV (#24), but can't seem to get Tivo to find it (none of the available lineup options show it).

Anyone else have this problem?
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Oh8ch;916320; said:
I wasn't sure until Insight signed, but if they can make it work the rest will fall in line sooner rather than later - most likely before game 2.

And when there is a nasty storm during the Michigan game we cable subscribers can all share our game watching experience with the Direct TV folks - once they get down from trying to make adjustments on an icy roof.

No ice on any roofs here. :wink2:

I have had DirecTV for a week now and can see the difference in outage's during severe t-storms....much less a problem than with Dish fwiw to anyone.
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jwinslow;916676; said:
Insight BTN help needed: my tivo can't find the BTN. I can change to it on my analog TV (#24), but can't seem to get Tivo to find it (none of the available lineup options show it).

Anyone else have this problem?

It may not be available yet to TiVO JWins. Do you have Insight digital? (somehow different than basic/classic insight, but i can't tell a difference).

If so, try TiVoing channel 527 (Digital BTN).
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BrutuStrength;914140; said:
FYI, I happened to eat dinner at the Fox and the Hound tonight, and I made sure to ask them if they would have the BTN station and the game on Saturday. The waitress checked with the manager and we she came back, she assured me they would have the game on Saturday. At a minimum, it should be a solid backup plan for Saturday.

Cool. I just now called BW3. The guy answered like, "Of course we'll have that game." So I'll be there.
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That's what I figured. I think I have Basic/classic insight... it actually comes for free with the house that we're renting, so I'm not positive.

I think what I may do in the short term is choose one of the other lineups (which maintains almost the same lineup, esp for ABC, ESPN, CBS, etc) that has something else assigned to #24, and just manually record something that way. I couldn't type in my own channel # when manually recording (tho I'm new to tivo).
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I just re-confirmed with Dish Network, and they will not be carrying the Big Ten Network this year. :( This (apparently) means I won't see the game tomorrow. That is, unless one of the local Chicago-area stations picks it up (i.e. an ESPN.Plus-type broadcast)

Does anyone have information on local availability in the Chicago area?
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Milkman -- you are in the lousy position of having to go to an "establishment" to see the game.

Lousy because it is an 11:00 (cdt) start and most of "those places" (i.e. BW3) don't open until 11:00 ... unless they crack the doors open a little early for situations like this.
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Ratboy18;916907; said:
Lousy because it is an 11:00 (cdt) start and most of "those places" (i.e. BW3) don't open until 11:00 ... unless they crack the doors open a little early for situations like this.

Better than being at a bar (20+ miles from home) at 5:45 am for the 6:00 am opening...
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