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bucksarenuts;1270189; said:
Posted the message before I seen the post buddy. I am just not sure on the answer.:osu:

The Alumni Watch sticky thread in this forum lists several places around the country. Post #1 in that thread shows 1 location each in Tulsa and Oklahoma City. But if I were you, I would call first to make sure they plan to show the game.
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VprHis;1260608; said:
Dear Big Ten Network,

Please find more sponsors. I will never purchase RO*TEL products because I am sick of seeing that shitty-ass commercial on each and every break.

Thank you,

:slappy: I noticed that for the game against Troy.

BuckeyeInTheBoro;1270119; said:
Find a bar with DirecTV and you'll be fine. The BTN is part of DTV's basic package.

It were part of the Basic package, but now it's only available on the "Sports Package" add-on.
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Dear Big Ten Network,

Please find more sponsors. I will never purchase RO*TEL products because I am sick of seeing that shitty-ass commercial on each and every break.

Thank you,

Yeah. Can we get the commercial where the kids who lose the soccer game show up the kids with trophies cause their parents buy them fattening Happy Meals? I am afraid my grandkids missed the message on that one the first time.

And that one with the naked guy in the tub and the two other guys blowing into it with straws. Can't get enough of that.
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Nutriaitch;1270625; said:
It were part of the Basic package, but now it's only available on the "Sports Package" add-on.

This is not correct. Directv moved the channel number, but BTN is still available in the Choice package or above. It is not in the Sports Pack.

If you are out of the Big Ten region, you must have the sports package on Dish Network.
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buck1973;1270632; said:
This is not correct. Directv moved the channel number, but BTN is still available in the Choice package or above. It is not in the Sports Pack.

If you are out of the Big Ten region, you must have the sports package on Dish Network.

Did not know that. I have the sports package with DirecTv. I just figured since it was in the 600's now that it was part of that package.
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BUCKYLE;1271281; said:
Just a "heads up".

tOSU V TSUN in women's volleyball is on right now.



Man Law: You must never post about womens vball without posting pictures of women vball players.


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BUCKYLE;1271281; said:
Just a "heads up".

tOSU V TSUN in women's volleyball is on right now.



I was channel surfing last night and they were on then too. My guess is that this is a reply of last night's match.

P.S. The Ohio State women?s volleyball team (9-4 overall, 0-1 Big Ten) lost 3-0 (25-22, 25-23, 25-20) to No. 21 Michigan (13-0, 1-0) Wednesday night in the Big Ten opener for both teams.
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BB73;1270619; said:
The Alumni Watch sticky thread in this forum lists several places around the country. Post #1 in that thread shows 1 location each in Tulsa and Oklahoma City. But if I were you, I would call first to make sure they plan to show the game.

Thanks a million man. That is what I was looking for. I just called them and he said hell yea they will be on more than on TV:oh:
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