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It looks like we indeed do have the overflow channels here, but they weren't working everywhere. And wouldn't you know it, they weren't working in my house. I emailed Comcast about it and their reply was something to the extent of, "Yeah...we've gotten some complaints. Try unplugging it for a bit."

Of course, I got that reply over an hour after the game ended. Thank LeBron for justintv.
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Ok, so I'm in the Dayton area. We have BTN on 78, still no HD channel but according to TWC we should be expecting it Monday or Tuesday... Anyone know details on overflow channels for Time Warner?
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Dear Time Warner,

You had it right after all, I did not need the BTN. Please take it away now.

Since the BTN showed up as my new Channel 24 at around 9:00 AM Saturday morning, I have found that I am not sleeping as much, or as well, anymore -- usually staying up until 2:00 AM or even later watching reruns of 1990 Colorado @ Illinois, and even crap like 2000 Northwestern @ Wisconsin on "The Big Ten's Greatest Games."

Oh yeah, and Zak Kustok still looks like he's 14.
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Dryden;1247360; said:
Dear Time Warner,

You had it right after all, I did not need the BTN. Please take it away now.

Since the BTN showed up as my new Channel 24 at around 9:00 AM Saturday morning, I have found that I am not sleeping as much, or as well, anymore -- usually staying up until 2:00 AM or even later watching reruns of 1990 Colorado @ Illinois, and even crap like 2000 Northwestern @ Wisconsin on "The Big Ten's Greatest Games."

Oh yeah, and Zak Kustok still looks like he's 14.

:slappy: Btn kinda grows on you doesn't it.
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Dryden;1247360; said:
Dear Time Warner,

You had it right after all, I did not need the BTN. Please take it away now.

Since the BTN showed up as my new Channel 24 at around 9:00 AM Saturday morning, I have found that I am not sleeping as much, or as well, anymore -- usually staying up until 2:00 AM or even later watching reruns of 1990 Colorado @ Illinois, and even crap like 2000 Northwestern @ Wisconsin on "The Big Ten's Greatest Games."

Oh yeah, and Zak Kustok still looks like he's 14.
Welcome to my world circa 2007.

Wait until June/July where you are really fittin' for football and they have OSU pep day... They showed 2002 Mich, 2002 Purdue, 2002 BCS, 2004 Mich, 2006 NU, 2007 Mich on the same day... I almost pee'd, twice.
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I actually like the BTN alot. I love the fact I can catch a couple extra OSU BB games here in Las Vegas, plus the wrestling, baseball coverage is decent. I have watched Big Ten tonight and Friday Night Tailgate since the shows inception in 2007.
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BTN none for You Austintown !

TWC serves parts of Youngstown and Southern Trumbull county.
ARMSTRONG (from Butler PA this is a hint I think) serves Austintown Twp and Boardman Twp and maybe Poland Twp, has made no move to add the BTN like there nemisis TWC.. If zoom internet sucked I'd satellite up in a heart beat, but their Internet 500 package kicks serious packets.. 1.2 Kbps down from a good server (giganews speed test Usenet Speed Tester - Giganews yeilds 5.5..except with the kids get home in the afternoon) so unless they relent, it will be bit torrent...4me on wed nites and Paul Keys on Satuday afternoons.
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