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Great we finally have the Big Ten Network and I still don't get the game.....woooohoooo I get IU and Directional Kentucky.....I thought they were going to have multiple channels showing all the games....

This still sucks....bring back the ESPN/ABC deal......
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Great we finally have the Big Ten Network and I still don't get the game.....woooohoooo I get IU and Directional Kentucky.....I thought they were going to have multiple channels showing all the games....

This still sucks....bring back the ESPN/ABC deal......
do you have a digital cable box? or is it just analog cable?

If you have a digital box, OSU is on channel 692 on Comcast in Indianapolis.
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buckeyebri;1242947; said:
Great we finally have the Big Ten Network and I still don't get the game.....woooohoooo I get IU and Directional Kentucky.....I thought they were going to have multiple channels showing all the games....

This still sucks....bring back the ESPN/ABC deal......

Same shiznit here! I thought I could catch the last half if not 4th quarter but no! They had State Penn & Coastal Carolina on! I'm pizzed!
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We didn't get the game in Hi-Def in Cincinnati. TW still dragging their heels.

I am not sticking up for TW but when Insight first started offering the BTN the first couple were not broadcast in HD because they had to get some "additional" equipment.

The only problem I have with all of the games being on the BTN is that they don't have Erin Andrews:yow1:. You might want to check her thread to see what I'm talking about.
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LitlBuck;1244327; said:
I am not sticking up for TW but when Insight first started offering the BTN the first couple were not broadcast in HD because they had to get some "additional" equipment.

The only problem I have with all of the games being on the BTN is that they don't have Erin Andrews:yow1:. You might want to check her thread to see what I'm talking about.

haha I said the exact same thing to my roomate Thursday night during the South Carolina vs NC State game.

"Man, im glad we're getting the Big10 network and all, but why can't we play on ESPN more so I can watch Erin Andrews even more and fantasize about the fun i'd have with her"
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jlb1705;1242888; said:
It's finally on here in Cincinnati - thru my digital box.

Unfortunately, the first thing I saw on here was two dudes in a hot tub singing the M*ch*g*n fight song - which just may be the gayest thing that has happened ever in this universe.

Hardly... weekly happening in A^2.


Oh, and Fuck SCUM.
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Magua;1244462; said:
haha I said the exact same thing to my roomate Thursday night during the South Carolina vs NC State game.

"Man, im glad we're getting the Big10 network and all, but why can't we play on ESPN more so I can watch Erin Andrews even more and fantasize about the fun i'd have with her"

this is just my personal opinion but i like the sideline reporter charissa thompson on the big 10 network much more than erin andrews. plus charissa is a big baseball fan so thats just gravy in my book.

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