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My wife would like to go why the BTN cannot find a sponsor or perhaps does not have the technology the first and 10 line which almost all the other networks use. It doesn't bother me too much but it is helpful to a certain extent.

The replay of Minnesota at Ohio State at 7:00 PM.
Don't know if I will be able to what it since that is the same time 60 minutes is on:biggrin2:
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LitlBuck;1274928; said:
My wife would like to go why the BTN cannot find a sponsor or perhaps does not have the technology the first and 10 line which almost all the other networks use. It doesn't bother me too much but it is helpful to a certain extent.

Was the Minny game the first game you've watched on BTN? They use the blue line of scrimmage line and the yellow first down line in every telecast sans the Minny game. They must have had some technical difficulties or something. And yes, other than Nissan, their sponsors suck.
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heisman;1274937; said:
Was the Minny game the first game you've watched on BTN? They use the blue line of scrimmage line and the yellow first down line in every telecast sans the Minny game. They must have had some technical difficulties or something. And yes, other than Nissan, their sponsors suck.
I have had the BTN for over a (Insight) and never really noticed it until my wife pointed it out to me yesterday. They must have had technical difficulties amongst other things:(

Their color analyst, Davis:sick1:, said during the game when questioned by the play-by-play guy which QB out of the 3 who played who would he take... he said "Weber":sad:
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One thing that puzzles me about the BTN is this. You would think that they would broacast more than one BIG TEN game on saturdays. Well at least three games at the most, but they do not. Last year I think they did and I wonder why they have stopped. I maybe wrong here.
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LitlBuck;1274928; said:
My wife would like to go why the BTN cannot find a sponsor or perhaps does not have the technology the first and 10 line which almost all the other networks use. It doesn't bother me too much but it is helpful to a certain extent.

Don't know if I will be able to what it since that is the same time 60 minutes is on:biggrin2:
There is a first down/line of scrimmage highlight on the BTN. The problem is that it's sponsored by RO*TEL and the line is made up of diced green chilies, so you just can't see it because it blends in with the grass.
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ALso the BTN played alot of "BigTens Greatest games " which was fine by me but during the regular season they should be able to broadcast more than just one game. Maybe they don't have the sufficient funds and personell to handle all that. During the week they will show some replays/ at least i think they do.
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LitlBuck;1274953; said:
Their color analyst, Davis:sick1:, said during the game when questioned by the play-by-play guy which QB out of the 3 who played who would he take... he said "Weber":sad:

You must've missed Brennaman's (sp?) lead-in where he said something along the lines of "Obviously other than Pryor, who would you take?" I think Charles Davis is actually a very good color guy...
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Looks like the tOSU-Minny game is on BTN again from 2-5 Eastern this afternoon.

Until then, Buckyle, you'll have to drool over tOSU field hockey players.
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Has anyone noticed during the last couple of BTN games with Ohio State, the screen would go to a replay of a certain play then comes back to the real action and then 30 seconds into it it skips, like a record. It has done this many time through out the games. Is this the delay in broadcasting? Cause you can not listen to the radio and watch the game at the same time due to the delay.
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heisman;1274937; said:
Was the Minny game the first game you've watched on BTN? They use the blue line of scrimmage line and the yellow first down line in every telecast sans the Minny game. They must have had some technical difficulties or something. And yes, other than Nissan, their sponsors suck.
How dare you. I am currently riding my polaris ATV through the man made swamp of Ro*tel Tomatoes and Chili. I find the lime kinda makes everything extra swampy. After this I'm going to go to BW-3 because apparently I can actually affect the outcome of games. RTN RULZ!!!!11!!1
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I've gotta say, I'm a lucky bastard. I live in north metro Atlanta and have a Comcast Sports Package, which is like 5 extra dollars. I get the BTN in that package, and I have seen every tOSU game this season. Last year I only saw the nationally televised tOSU games, and probably watched more SEC games than tOSU. Which sucked. I'm just glad I've somehow got it this season.

This and BP have saved my sanity so far this season.
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kippy1040;1275541; said:
One thing that puzzles me about the BTN is this. You would think that they would broacast more than one BIG TEN game on saturdays. Well at least three games at the most, but they do not. Last year I think they did and I wonder why they have stopped. I maybe wrong here.

They televise every game that isn't picked up by ESPN/ABC. Until last week, that was usually 5 games per Saturday. Perhaps it's your provider not showing them that is the problem. On Directv, they have shown every single game.
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