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jimotis4heisman;1270633; said:
big ten network? i dont get that on TW, i only get big illini network... all orange and blue all the time...

It's all about the money, which means it is also all about the ratings. My guess is that the Chicago area is their biggest market (and most of them will be Illinois fans) so the BTN plays to the audience to increase their ratings by showing more Illinois stuff. This in turn allows them to increase their advertising rates, etc.

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ScriptOhio;1272861; said:
It's all about the money, which means it is also all about the ratings. My guess is that the Chicago area is their biggest market (and most of them will be Illinois fans) so the BTN plays to the audience to increase their ratings by showing more Illinois stuff. This in turn allows them to increase their advertising rates, etc.

Such as to imply the Chicagoland is big on UofI. As you would think it would /should be... the UofI press up here isn't anything compared to tOSU press across all of Ohio. Strange if you asked me.
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I HATE the BigTen network. Lets ignore the fact that I only get Michigan based teams, Notre Dame games, Clemson games and anything on ABC, but the fact that most of the Buckeyes games so far have been on it annoys me. How is a Penn State/Oregon State or a Penn State/Syarcuse game more interesting then an Ohio State/Minnesota match-up?
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sparcboxbuck;1274568; said:
Such as to imply the Chicagoland is big on UofI. As you would think it would /should be... the UofI press up here isn't anything compared to tOSU press across all of Ohio. Strange if you asked me.

Not to mention that in my observations the two biggest college stories in Chicago media are Notre Dame and Michigan.
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Brandon;1274621; said:
I HATE the BigTen network. Lets ignore the fact that I only get Michigan based teams, Notre Dame games, Clemson games and anything on ABC, but the fact that most of the Buckeyes games so far have been on it annoys me. How is a Penn State/Oregon State or a Penn State/Syarcuse game more interesting then an Ohio State/Minnesota match-up?

What you hate is not BTN but the fact that your provider has chosen only one market version. It's the same here in Cincinnati where we are getting only one, non HD channel, based on Illinois more than OSU. It's cheap and TW's way of saying thanks to the folks who bugged them into buying something they never wanted to have to provide.
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ScriptOhio;1272861; said:
It's all about the money, which means it is also all about the ratings. My guess is that the Chicago area is their biggest market (and most of them will be Illinois fans) so the BTN plays to the audience to increase their ratings by showing more Illinois stuff. This in turn allows them to increase their advertising rates, etc.

Illinois football is like a red headed stepchild in Chicago. When it comes to hoops, however, totally different story.

cincibuck;1274624; said:
Not to mention that in my observations the two biggest college stories in Chicago media are Notre Dame and Michigan.

Chicago is all ND, all the time. The media doesn't cover UM any more than they cover any other Big Ten team. Last century :wink2: , you would see a few more bandwagon UM "fans" as they were the only team sticking it to ND at the time. Most of those "fans" were from the inner city. That has all changed during the Davie, Ty, Fatso years. Since everyone sticks it to ND these days, the UM gangwear has slowly disappeared.
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elliemae;1274735; said:
I will second that opinion!:bow:

Like all we hear about is Kirk Herbstreit salivate over it. "Best student section" "Best this" "Best that" Man for man, you put the Buckeye section against the Nittany Lion section, in the biggest game there can be, and we will out noise them guaranteed. Sure, our students don't preform as well when we play "Troy" but what student section would? Penn States student section was half empty at the start of their game against Oregon State.:osu:
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I'm a Directv subscriber and I noticed a big change between televised games last year and this year.

Last year there were 4 (I believe) channels for BTN. A primary channel and 3 alternate channels. You could choose which game you wanted to watch. Then a month of so before the season started this year, Directv moved the BTN to another channel and that is the only one I can get now. There are no longer any alternate channels. Fortunately, I believe due to my proximity to C-bus I get the Buckeye games.
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BuckeyeSkins;1274803; said:
I'm a Directv subscriber and I noticed a big change between televised games last year and this year.

Last year there were 4 (I believe) channels for BTN. A primary channel and 3 alternate channels. You could choose which game you wanted to watch. Then a month of so before the season started this year, Directv moved the BTN to another channel and that is the only one I can get now. There are no longer any alternate channels. Fortunately, I believe due to my proximity to C-bus I get the Buckeye games.

The alternates have been available to everyone all season, just like last. Make sure your guide is set to all channels if they aren't showing up.
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