If anyone was watching the 2007 WVU vs Pitt game and doesn't think at the very least the BE had its refs doing everything they could to get WVU to the BCS NC game then I have a bridge to sell.
Then of course there was the epic douchebaggery of the B10 officials screwing OSU vs Illinois in 2007 and, what seemed at the time, costing the conference a NCG appearance.
Also, the ass fucking the Pac 10 crew put on Arizona against Oregon last year would make the tossed salad man blush.
Then of course there was the epic douchebaggery of the B10 officials screwing OSU vs Illinois in 2007 and, what seemed at the time, costing the conference a NCG appearance.
Also, the ass fucking the Pac 10 crew put on Arizona against Oregon last year would make the tossed salad man blush.