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Big Ten and other Conference Expansion

Which Teams Should the Big Ten Add? (please limit to four selections)

  • Boston College

    Votes: 32 10.2%
  • Cincinnati

    Votes: 19 6.1%
  • Connecticut

    Votes: 6 1.9%
  • Duke

    Votes: 21 6.7%
  • Georgia Tech

    Votes: 55 17.6%
  • Kansas

    Votes: 46 14.7%
  • Maryland

    Votes: 67 21.4%
  • Missouri

    Votes: 90 28.8%
  • North Carolina

    Votes: 39 12.5%
  • Notre Dame

    Votes: 209 66.8%
  • Oklahoma

    Votes: 78 24.9%
  • Pittsburgh

    Votes: 45 14.4%
  • Rutgers

    Votes: 40 12.8%
  • Syracuse

    Votes: 18 5.8%
  • Texas

    Votes: 121 38.7%
  • Vanderbilt

    Votes: 15 4.8%
  • Virginia

    Votes: 47 15.0%
  • Virginia Tech

    Votes: 62 19.8%
  • Stay at 12 teams and don't expand

    Votes: 27 8.6%
  • Add some other school(s) not listed

    Votes: 25 8.0%

  • Total voters
buckeye247;1622163; said:
Why are people talking about Texas joining the big ten. It makes no sense to me why a Power team in a BCS conference would switch to a lower power conference, don't get me wrong i would love it but it would be so weird. I think its down between Missouri and Rutgers. I would Much rather have Missouri because they are a better football program but that New York market may be to much for the Big Ten to turn down. It would be nice to have the birthplace of college football be in our conference.

You do realize "power conferences" are cyclical, correct? It was the Pac 10, then Big Ten, Big 12, now it's the SEC. Basing a decision on such a short term thing such as "power conference" doesn't make any sense. As far the big time money leagues, it's the Big Ten, SEC and Big 12.
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buckeye247;1622163; said:
Why are people talking about Texas joining the big ten. It makes no sense to me why a Power team in a BCS conference would switch to a lower power conference, don't get me wrong i would love it but it would be so weird.
because they are much more of a big ten school than b12. If they were in missouri instead of Austin, they would be a shoe-in.
I think its down between Missouri and Rutgers. I would Much rather have Missouri because they are a better football program but that New York market may be to much for the Big Ten to turn down. It would be nice to have the birthplace of college football be in our conference.

Like many, I'm growing skeptival of this new York market cashcow, particularly given how mediocre they are now before joining a superior conference.

As for ancient history, that holds as little value to me as adding princeton or yale.

Its a nice bonus if they were a perennial 10-11 win team. Instead, they are a womens basketball school with a 4/5 loss football team.
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buckeye247;1622163; said:
Why are people talking about Texas joining the big ten. It makes no sense to me why a Power team in a BCS conference would switch to a lower power conference

Because the success at Texas is based on their coaching staff (very good), the money provided by boosters (very good) and the talent base in their state (arguably tops in the country).

The conference they play in is a non-issue. They could switch to any conference and be just as formidable.

Thus - it makes sense for them to come to the table and at least listen - considering the money that will probably be available?

BPers - am I wrong?
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BB73;1622162; said:
I was hoping this statement by the Domers would stop all of the talk in this thread about them joining the conference.

Apparently that was wishful thinking on my part.

Read the article, or at least just this thread where it discusses the article, a little bit closer :wink:
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I don't buy the NY market angle either. Football just doesn't seem important to New Yorkers - particularly those in New York City. That's not to say there are no fans, of course, or that there aren't good HS programs in the state... it's just not the same as around here. New Yorkers wait for baseball season the same way we wait for CFB. They also seem to me to identify with pro, not college, teams.

I don't know... if Rutgers was such a big draw for this market, they'd already be a big draw. They're not... do the math.
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Buckeyeskickbuttocks;1622176; said:
I don't buy the NY market angle either. Football just doesn't seem important to New Yorkers - particularly those in New York City. That's not to say there are no fans, of course, or that there aren't good HS programs in the state... it's just not the same as around here. New Yorkers wait for baseball season the same way we wait for CFB. They also seem to me to identify with pro, not college, teams.

I don't know... if Rutgers was such a big draw for this market, they'd already be a big draw. They're not... do the math.

As I mentioned earlier, Syracuse was much more popular there, when they were good in the 1990's. New Yorkers probably pay more attention to Ivy League or Notre Dame games than Rutgers. That and their home town teams from wherever they came to new york from.

Rutgers may have a base in North Jersey, but that's only a fragment. New Yorkers probably would not want to root for a Jersey team anyway.
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OCBucksFan;1622129; said:
In reality, Notre Dame makes the most sense,

I disagree. They don't fit the academic profile of Big Ten members and they already play hoops in the Big East. If they join any conference, let it be that one.

Pittsburgh fits the academic profile, the geography, plays in a modern facility and has a natural rival already in the Big Ten. I don't think PSU wants Pitt in the conference, though.
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Adding Rutgers would be like Northwestern Lite. I don't see how they improve the conference. As many said, NY is a pro sports town. Putting Rutgers in a conference with schools from "flyover country" will do nothing to raise their profile in the eyes of New Yorkers.
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buckeye247;1622163; said:
Why are people talking about Texas joining the big ten. It makes no sense to me why a Power team in a BCS conference would switch to a lower power conference, don't get me wrong i would love it but it would be so weird. I think its down between Missouri and Rutgers. I would Much rather have Missouri because they are a better football program but that New York market may be to much for the Big Ten to turn down. It would be nice to have the birthplace of college football be in our conference.

Define 'power conference'. Because power to me is money. And until the recent SEC TV deals the Big 10 made more money than anyone else.

Then throw in the extra money that the Texas would get from the extra research dollars available from getting into the CIC and being in the Big 10 gives Texas even more power.

BigWoof31;1622174; said:
Because the success at Texas is based on their coaching staff (very good), the money provided by boosters (very good) and the talent base in their state (arguably tops in the country).

The conference they play in is a non-issue. They could switch to any conference and be just as formidable.

Thus - it makes sense for them to come to the table and at least listen - considering the money that will probably be available?

BPers - am I wrong?

Yep. And Woof, add Texas to the Big 10 and doesn't that instantly give them credibilty that even most SEC folks would have to respect?

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Piney;1622219; said:
Yep. And Woof, add Texas to the Big 10 and doesn't that instantly give them credibilty that even most SEC folks would have to respect?


Money and trophies talk. So I think your logic is correct.
However - If Big 10 won the 2010 and 2011 National Titles - the respect would come too
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So, I guess if Pittsburgh makes a move, Jamie Dixon is leaving. It would be fun to hear a complete 180 if for some reason Pittsburgh made a move.

Pitt AD: You will shut up and you will like it.

Pitt coach Jamie Dixon says move to the Big Ten would be a mistake - ESPN

PITTSBURGH -- Leaving the Big East for the Big Ten would be a big mistake for Pittsburgh, according to men's basketball coach Jamie Dixon.

Dixon calls the Big East "the best conference in college basketball history" and said it wouldn't benefit Pitt or any other conference member to switch leagues.

Big Ten officials plan to spend the next year to 18 months exploring whether to add a 12th member. Pitt has been mentioned as a likely candidate because it offers a large TV market, excellent academics and a prime location. The Panthers could renew their lapsed rivalry with Penn State and form a new one with nearby Ohio State.
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Buckeyefrankmp;1622094; said:
If the Big Ten brings in three teams it should be Nebraska, Missouri and Rutgers.

Nein, Nein, Nein!


If we go to 14, we think BIG and we think strategically. One school from the East that brings us the NYC market--that's Syracuse. One school from the West--preferably Texas but Mizzou as a backup. One "national" school. Domers if they see the light....Toronto if they don't. Hell, if we're taking our dial to 11....err 14, we roll the dice.
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Jake;1622204; said:
I disagree. They don't fit the academic profile of Big Ten members and they already play hoops in the Big East. If they join any conference, let it be that one.

Pittsburgh fits the academic profile, the geography, plays in a modern facility and has a natural rival already in the Big Ten. I don't think PSU wants Pitt in the conference, though.

I don't think Pitt adds a TV market that the Big Ten doesn't already hold. Texas adds the state of Texas. Missouri adds St. Louis & KC. Notre Dame adds Cincinnati :tongue2:. Hell, they probably even add NYC to a greater extent than Rutgers or Syracuse would. Pittsburgh? Isn't that market already in the bag with Penn State? TV-wise, Pittsburgh would be a much bigger loss for the Big East than it would be a gain for the Big Ten. If only one team is added, Pitt doesn't seem like the best choice IMO.
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CHU;1622295; said:
So, I guess if Pittsburgh makes a move, Jamie Dixon is leaving. It would be fun to hear a complete 180 if for some reason Pittsburgh made a move.

Pitt AD: You will shut up and you will like it.

Pitt coach Jamie Dixon says move to the Big Ten would be a mistake - ESPN

Yeah, and a 14-team version of the Big Ten with Pitt, Syracuse & Texas to go along with MSU, OSU, IU, Illinois, Purdue & Wisconsin would totally suck. :roll2:
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