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Big Ten and other Conference Expansion

Which Teams Should the Big Ten Add? (please limit to four selections)

  • Boston College

    Votes: 32 10.2%
  • Cincinnati

    Votes: 19 6.1%
  • Connecticut

    Votes: 6 1.9%
  • Duke

    Votes: 21 6.7%
  • Georgia Tech

    Votes: 55 17.6%
  • Kansas

    Votes: 46 14.7%
  • Maryland

    Votes: 67 21.4%
  • Missouri

    Votes: 90 28.8%
  • North Carolina

    Votes: 39 12.5%
  • Notre Dame

    Votes: 209 66.8%
  • Oklahoma

    Votes: 78 24.9%
  • Pittsburgh

    Votes: 45 14.4%
  • Rutgers

    Votes: 40 12.8%
  • Syracuse

    Votes: 18 5.8%
  • Texas

    Votes: 121 38.7%
  • Vanderbilt

    Votes: 15 4.8%
  • Virginia

    Votes: 47 15.0%
  • Virginia Tech

    Votes: 62 19.8%
  • Stay at 12 teams and don't expand

    Votes: 27 8.6%
  • Add some other school(s) not listed

    Votes: 25 8.0%

  • Total voters
Big 14 seems equally as likely as Big 10 + 2. I've even seen articles speculating 16 teams.

We're probably on our way to at least 14. If the conference wants their money's worth, they are going big and to go big we have to make it more appealing. I can't see Texas as a twelfth team if they are a geographic anomaly. Adding Mizzou and even Nebraska would be logical in that scenario.

Hard to say. But honestly I am excited about it. I don't think anything can cheapen the game. I've also noticed a lot of the talking heads that typically hate on our conference are in a position to report why schools want to get in badly. Kind of amusing at least.
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Ttown;1622118; said:
If JT's record over the past four years was 35 - 16 what would you call it?
If Rutgers were in the B11 over the past four years, I think they'd clearly have a better conference record than Illinois, Indiana and Minnesota, and would likely be on par with Michigan State and Michigan (much better for the past two years than the Weasels). Rutgers doesn't have the same aspirations as Ohio State, and nor do other Big Ten schools with the exception of TSUN.
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cincibuck;1622028; said:
From the ADs point of view he knows he's going to have to play two of the trio of OSU, Michigan and Penn State every year. He knows his basketball program will be middle of the road most years and he's going to have to share TV and bowl revenue.

Actually, OSU, scUM and PSU would probably be in the east division and ND in the West, allowing for a permanent annual interdivisional rivalry with scUM and/or MSU, Notre Dame would have fewer games against OSU and PSU. They would probably be one of the strongest teams in the Western Division, along with Iowa and Wisconsin.
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cincibuck;1622078; said:
Forgetting Northwestern and Chicago, which are not land grant colleges?
Sorry, but I think both were original Big Ten members, grandfathered in, if you will.

Texas? No They don't even border a Big Ten State! How about Hawaii for Christ sakes. Mili would approve.
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Actually, OSU, scUM and PSU would probably be in the east division and ND in the West,

I can't see those three in the same division. It may mean OSU and Michigan in the "West" (if they go that way) to cut down on travel for PSU, but I can't see those schools agreeing to compete with one another just to get a chance in the conference title game.
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In reality, Notre Dame makes the most sense, they play half their schedule in the Big-10 anyways, but that school is so greedy with it's tv contract it's not going to go anywhere unless that falls through, and since there's enough small minded morons who never finished high school walking around like they got their masters from that school, odds are that TV contract would still be there.

I would love to see Cinci come over, mostly because the attitude of the fans over the past year has been enough to make me eager to give them one assured loss every year. Either way, the Penn State/Ohio State domination of the conference since tsun went into the toilet tells me that we need to get someone who is at least going to stay strong for 7 out of every 10 years. Schools like IU, NW, and Minny that have been really bad for a really long time don't need someone to be compeition for them, they need someone else to annually beat them around until they get their shit back together.
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OCBucksFan;1622129; said:
In reality, Notre Dame makes the most sense, they play half their schedule in the Big-10 anyways, but that school is so greedy with it's tv contract it's not going to go anywhere unless that falls through, and since there's enough small minded morons who never finished high school walking around like they got their masters from that school, odds are that TV contract would still be there.

I would love to see Cinci come over, mostly because the attitude of the fans over the past year has been enough to make me eager to give them one assured loss every year. Either way, the Penn State/Ohio State domination of the conference since tsun went into the toilet tells me that we need to get someone who is at least going to stay strong for 7 out of every 10 years. Schools like IU, NW, and Minny that have been really bad for a really long time don't need someone to be compeition for them, they need someone else to annually beat them around until they get their [censored] back together.

According to this article ND actually makes less on that contract than our teams make from TV rights...

Notre Dame isn't interested in joining Big Ten -- chicagotribune.com
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BigWoof31;1622011; said:
You guys can have Kentucky and Vanderbilt and we'll pick up Da U and Memphis.


Is your goal to make Alabama look respectable?

Hell why don't you just bring in the Cincinnati Bengals & a California penal team.

ORD_Buckeye;1622062; said:
OTOH, Texas and Colorado have been mentioned as Pac 10 expansion targets in the past. Given the long standing relationship betwen the two conferences and past history of coordinating their positions on the BCS, bowl games, basketball tournaments, could we, in the spirit of that partnership, be holding back and letting the Pac 10 have the first crack at Texas.

Wasn't Colorado really close to jumping to the Pac at one point (a decade or so back)?

DaddyBigBucks;1622064; said:
Speaking of Missouri, it was one of her native sons (Mark Twain) who once observed that the large migration of mid-westerners to California had "increased the average IQ of both states".

I've usually heard that quip attributed to Wil Rogers.

I have a strong hunch that it's a retroactive attribution..ie neither actually said it.

OCBucksFan;1622129; said:
I would love to see Cinci come over, mostly because the attitude of the fans over the past year has been enough to make me eager to give them one assured loss every year.

I'm no Bearcat hater but...

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Oh8ch;1622128; said:
I can't see those three in the same division. It may mean OSU and Michigan in the "West" (if they go that way) to cut down on travel for PSU, but I can't see those schools agreeing to compete with one another just to get a chance in the conference title game.

I would be ok with those three schools (OSU, Michigan and PSU) in the same division. We play both every year now and they play each other most all years, why should any of the three worry about playing each other every year just because there would be another division in which to put one of the three? Personally, I'd rather see an east/west with OSU, Michigan, PSU, Michigan State, Indiana and Purdue than a north/south that splits up OSU and Michigan. Even if you maintain The Game as the last game of the year (which I'm sure the conference would do) it creates the possibility of a rematch the next week in the CCG and my blood pressure couldn't take back to back Michigan weeks. :biggrin:
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holybuckeye33;1622139; said:
I would be ok with those three schools (OSU, Michigan and PSU) in the same division. We play both every year now and they play each other most all years, why should any of the three worry about playing each other every year just because there would be another division in which to put one of the three?
because wisconsin should have to outpace someone better than iowa or northwestern to earn their ccg berth.
Personally, I'd rather see an east/west with OSU, Michigan, PSU, Michigan State, Indiana and Purdue than a north/south that splits up OSU and Michigan.
because those aren't the only other options. Penn state and notre dame would be good headliners of the other division.

You could have nd-um as their guaranteed intra-divisional game, and osu-psu as ours.
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Why are people talking about Texas joining the big ten. It makes no sense to me why a Power team in a BCS conference would switch to a lower power conference, don't get me wrong i would love it but it would be so weird. I think its down between Missouri and Rutgers. I would Much rather have Missouri because they are a better football program but that New York market may be to much for the Big Ten to turn down. It would be nice to have the birthplace of college football be in our conference.
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