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Big Ten and other Conference Expansion

Which Teams Should the Big Ten Add? (please limit to four selections)

  • Boston College

    Votes: 32 10.2%
  • Cincinnati

    Votes: 19 6.1%
  • Connecticut

    Votes: 6 1.9%
  • Duke

    Votes: 21 6.7%
  • Georgia Tech

    Votes: 55 17.6%
  • Kansas

    Votes: 46 14.7%
  • Maryland

    Votes: 67 21.4%
  • Missouri

    Votes: 90 28.8%
  • North Carolina

    Votes: 39 12.5%
  • Notre Dame

    Votes: 209 66.8%
  • Oklahoma

    Votes: 78 24.9%
  • Pittsburgh

    Votes: 45 14.4%
  • Rutgers

    Votes: 40 12.8%
  • Syracuse

    Votes: 18 5.8%
  • Texas

    Votes: 121 38.7%
  • Vanderbilt

    Votes: 15 4.8%
  • Virginia

    Votes: 47 15.0%
  • Virginia Tech

    Votes: 62 19.8%
  • Stay at 12 teams and don't expand

    Votes: 27 8.6%
  • Add some other school(s) not listed

    Votes: 25 8.0%

  • Total voters
Woody1968;1967695; said:
I say if A&M is really going to bolt, we go all in for Oklahoma.
I would love that. Not sure if it is realistic, but adding OU, Mizzou, ND, and another school (Maryland maybe?) would be pretty cool for a Super Conference. I don't know the politics or financial considerations that are involved, but just one fans wishes.
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DaddyBigBucks;1967696; said:
It would be worth it if only for the entertainment value of seeing Ord's head explode

True, but the Oklahoma football brand is too big to ignore. A renewed rivalry with Nebraska, and maybe bump scUM and tOSU into the same division. I would expect if we get Okie, we'd have to take Okie St, though.
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fanaticbuckeye;1967702; said:
I would love that. Not sure if it is realistic, but adding OU, Mizzou, ND, and another school (Maryland maybe?) would be pretty cool for a Super Conference. I don't know the politics or financial considerations that are involved, but just one fans wishes.

Maryland? What the hell for? Why not add a MAC school if we're going for a placeholder with no value, at least the MAC schools are closer for the non-revenue sports to travel to.
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Pheasant;1967706; said:
Maryland? What the hell for? Why not add a MAC school if we're going for a placeholder with no value, at least the MAC schools are closer for the non-revenue sports to travel to.
I get your point, but Maryland is better served than a MAC school. Grow the footprint of the B1G Network, expand eastward. I remember hearing discussions of them at one point vs. Rutgers. Again I don't know what all goes in to the decision, and to Woody's point, Okie St would probably have to accompany OU. All pipe-dream talk. Nothing more.
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Woody1968;1967695; said:
I say if A&M is really going to bolt, we go all in for Oklahoma.

Then Nebraska Fan could stop pining over their lost love. As a representative of that fanbase, I do miss the yearly joust against the Sooners - although it hasn't risen to the levels it once was for almost 20 years now. Even though we still played yearly through 1997, the Sooners sucked dog-ass for the better part of the 90s.

Imagine what it would be like to have two of the top all-time rivalries in one Super Conference, though - Ohio State/Michigan, the Cadillac of college football rivalries in one division, Oklahoma/Nebraska in the other division.

That would totally kick ass.
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aTm going to the SEC could start a lot of dominoes falling in the next year or two. Once the SEC expands to 14 (they'd add another team soon to get to an even number, assuming Auburn doesn't get kicked out for losing their academic accreditation), and when the B1G and the PAC see the likelihood of the 16-team leagues coming, they won't sit pat.

This is all just speculation, but it's interesting in the offseason.

The PAC-12 is already rumored to be thinking about taking Oklahoma, Oklahoma State, and Texas Tech. They would also want to add 1 other team - more on that later.

The B1G could add 3 teams from this list:
Missouri (if the SEC doesn't take them as aTm's partner),
Georgia Tech

That would put both the B1G and the PAC at 15 teams. The SEC would be moving to get to 16, by adding teams like FSU, Va Tech, and/or Clemson.

The Big East and the ACC would then be in trouble, and it's possible they could combine to form a 16-team football league.

At that point, the future of the NC in college football could become this: take the 4 league champions into two bowl games on New Year's Day, and have the winners of those two games play in the National Title game a week or two later. The Rose Bowl could always be a national semifinal between the B1G and the PAC champs in order to preserve history and always make it a very important game. The other semifinal and final could rotate among the Sugar/Orange/Fiesta/Bid-On-It/Whatever. This accomplishes the end of an 8-team playoff that started with 4 league CCGs. The season isn't any longer than it is now (two teams playing around Jan 10th for the title), so the academic argument against this system is moot.

With that looming, the PAC and the B1G talk to Texas and ND and ask them if they want to become part of the the 64 teams/4 leagues that will determine college football's champion every year, or if they want to remain independents with no chance at a national title. Texas can become the last member of the PAC if they agree to the PAC's terms, and ND can do the same in the B1G. If not, the 64 teams should just shut them out of the system.

I'm wondering if Jim Delany and Larry Scott have have any conversations on this topic.
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BB73;1967712; said:
aTm going to the SEC could start a lot of dominoes falling in the next year or two. Once the SEC expands to 14 (they'd add another team soon to get to an even number, assuming Auburn doesn't get kicked out for losing their academic accreditation), and when the B1G and the PAC see the likelihood of the 16-team leagues coming, they won't sit pat.

This is all just speculation, but it's interesting in the offseason.

The PAC-12 is already rumored to be thinking about taking Oklahoma, Oklahoma State, and Texas Tech. They would also want to add 1 other team - more on that later.

The B1G could add 3 teams from this list:
Missouri (if the SEC doesn't take them as aTm's partner),
Georgia Tech

That would put both the B1G and the PAC at 15 teams. The SEC would be moving to get to 16, by adding teams like FSU, Va Tech, and/or Clemson.
Just out of curiosity, is there no chance at VaTech in the B1G?
Your scenario is much more realistic. It doesn't feel like the B1G would be adding the same quality as the proposed SEC and PAC. The B1G would be third in the pecking order; above the ACC/Big East combo.

edit: This turns the conferences into the West, South, Midwest, and East; give or take a few teams.
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fanaticbuckeye;1967715; said:
Just out of curiosity, is there no chance at VaTech in the B1G?
Your scenario is much more realistic. It doesn't feel like the B1G would be adding the same quality as the proposed SEC and PAC. The B1G would be third in the pecking order; above the ACC/Big East combo.

edit: This turns the conferences into the West, South, Midwest, and East; give or take a few teams.

VaTech was my thought as well. Virginia, VaTech, ND and Missouri would be interesting.
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Woody1968;1967705; said:
I would expect if we get Okie, we'd have to take Okie St, though.
I wouldn't consider that a bad thing.

EDIT: Now that I think about it, getting Oklahoma in the conference would be an awesome fuck you to Texas, despite Okie's academics not being up to snuff.
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BB73;1967712; said:
The B1G could add 3 teams from this list:
Missouri (if the SEC doesn't take them as aTm's partner),
Georgia Tech

The more I think about it the more I just don't believe the 'usual suspects' list of B1G targets.

I think if NCAA armageddon comes that Delaney will be going after much bigger game than Missouri (who he already gave the could shoulder to), Cuse & the rest of that mess.

PAC gets Oklahoma & the SEC gets A&M (with FSU/V Tech/etc) and the B1G gets f'n Rutgers?!

I just don't buy that for a minute.

If it all blows up I see another push for ND and the core ACC schools (NC, Duke & 1 or 2 of NC St, Maryland & VA) being on the table.

FWIW there are rumors that there is now contact between A&M & B1G as well.
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