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Big Ten and other Conference Expansion

Which Teams Should the Big Ten Add? (please limit to four selections)

  • Boston College

    Votes: 32 10.2%
  • Cincinnati

    Votes: 19 6.1%
  • Connecticut

    Votes: 6 1.9%
  • Duke

    Votes: 21 6.7%
  • Georgia Tech

    Votes: 55 17.6%
  • Kansas

    Votes: 46 14.7%
  • Maryland

    Votes: 67 21.4%
  • Missouri

    Votes: 90 28.8%
  • North Carolina

    Votes: 39 12.5%
  • Notre Dame

    Votes: 209 66.8%
  • Oklahoma

    Votes: 78 24.9%
  • Pittsburgh

    Votes: 45 14.4%
  • Rutgers

    Votes: 40 12.8%
  • Syracuse

    Votes: 18 5.8%
  • Texas

    Votes: 121 38.7%
  • Vanderbilt

    Votes: 15 4.8%
  • Virginia

    Votes: 47 15.0%
  • Virginia Tech

    Votes: 62 19.8%
  • Stay at 12 teams and don't expand

    Votes: 27 8.6%
  • Add some other school(s) not listed

    Votes: 25 8.0%

  • Total voters
buckeyesin07;1955970; said:
Eh, since 2002, the series is 7-2 in favor of the Bucks. Basically, what Jax said--every 4 years or so PSU has a senior-laden squad that is able to pull out a close win. Between those years, there are Ws in Columbus.

Agreed. PSU has one curb-stomp win against us since joining the conference (63-14, 1994). We have four (38-7, 1996; 45-6, 2000; 37-17, 2007; and 38-14, 2010). We also have three other 17+ point wins (24-6, 1993; 28-9, 1998; 28-6, 2006; and 24-7 in 2009). So, in addition to going 12-6 against them since they joined the Big Ten, eight of those wins have been by 17+ points while four of their six wins have been by a TD or less. Lastly, they did not score in double digits in The Shoe in their first seven games there, and when the finally cracked double digits in their last two games there, they scored a whopping 13 and 14 points. So aside from it being relatively even in the '90s, we've flat out owned them since 2000.
Upvote 0
DaddyBigBucks;1956029; said:
This is a very big deal IMHO.

"Commit to UT and we'll put your High School's games on the LongHorn Network this Friday"

Exactly, which is why there is still unrest in the Big XII. The Longhorn Network is a boon to the University of Texas, but bad - very bad - for other conference members. Texas has a tendency to look no further than the tip of their nose when it comes to 'what is a good thing?'

It's hard to say whether this me-first attitude will bite Texas in the ass at some point. They sit amid rich recruiting grounds and they have more money than God already. It's hard to see Texas losing out on something - but they're burning bridges like crazy as they move forward.
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Just caught this blurb from the local paper, the JournalStar:

BTN's value to league members rising

The Illinois athletic department and other Big Ten members (except newcomer Nebraska) will share significantly more revenue from the conference this year, thanks largely to the success of the Big Ten Network, The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports.

The [Big Ten] will pay Illinois a record $22.6 million, with $7.9 million coming from the network, according to figures provided by the university. That's a 21 percent increase over last year's $6.5 million share from the BTN.

Other schools in the conference will receive similar payouts because the Big Ten has a balanced revenue-sharing system. Although the Big Ten does not announce or comment on figures, it is generally considered the richest conference in the country.

Nebraska will receive a full share of conference revenue starting in 2015.

According to The Post-Dispatch, the Southeastern Conference distributed an average of $18.3 million to each of its member schools for 2010-11. The Big 12 divvied $145 million among its members for an average of a little more than $12 million.

The Big Ten Network continued to see its revenue grow in 2010. It generated $227 million as advertising revenue jumped 22 percent over 2009 based on statistics from industry analyst Derek Baine of SNL Kagan.

The breakdown of the Big Ten's payment to Illinois includes $16.6 million from television, of which $8.2 million comes from ESPN and ABC. Thus, the BTN, which has been on the air four years, has nearly matched the more established networks in its ability to fill university coffers.

Estimates by SNL Kagan suggest the network will continue to be a boon for the Big Ten. By 2015, the BTN is projected to generate $333 million -- good news for Nebraska, obviously.

Suck it, Bristol.
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ysubuck;1948487; said:
I just watched that video of the blocked FG against Appy St. That was awesome.

And I love Charissa Thompson!!!

Not sure if this has been brought up but Charissa joined the dark-side.
Upvote 0
CHU;1954006; said:
Proud to say I'm on my sixth day (after the lawsuit) of avoiding anything related to ESPN in terms of website and radio (excluding soccer coverage).

Already did it with ESPN TV after the 2008 BCS National Championship Game (excluding game action).

Spielman brought up on his radio show years ago that ESPN execs mentioned BTN specifically in a meeting and worries that the Big Ten would leave ESPN in the future (expanding BTN in the process).

I'm just shocked critics haven't linked Ohio State with Casey Anthony yet. Some probably have.

Winner, sort of.

This makes the verdict in the Casey Anthony/OJ trials look reasonable.

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Scout (free) -- "Is Realignment Coming to a Conclusion?" (via knapplc in the ESPN Longhorns of Texas thread)

Lots of smoke about the end of the Big XII conference potentially coming to an end in a matter of weeks because of Texas, ESPN, and the airing of high school games. Includes chatter about each of the members joining potential conferences (except Baylor and Iowa State, of course). Texas A&M and Missouri to SEC? Oklahoma and Oklahoma State to PAC 12? Kansas and Kansas State to Big East?
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Could be more drivel. On the other hand, it could be more smoke that sets off the next round of conference expansion. I know there have been lots of recent rumors of aTm to the SEC, but saw this one today. Also saw on another board that a radio station in SC was reporting it as well. Again, could be bunk but could also be something that sparks the next round of expansion.

aTm to the SEC?
Upvote 0
BrowardBuck;1966661; said:
Could be more drivel. On the other hand, it could be more smoke that sets off the next round of conference expansion. I know there have been lots of recent rumors of aTm to the SEC, but saw this one today. Also saw on another board that a radio station in SC was reporting it as well. Again, could be bunk but could also be something that sparks the next round of expansion.

aTm to the SEC?

Aubrey Bloom who runs the Gig-em 27/7 Aggie site got pwned by Finebaum today when discussing that rumor. They are laughing and high five-ing over at Shaggy. :lol:


Who really knows. I doubt the Texas Legislature lets them do anything.
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Gatorubet;1966669; said:
Aubrey Bloom who runs the Gig-em 27/7 Aggie site got pwned by Finebaum today when discussing that rumor. They are laughing and high five-ing over at Shaggy. :lol:


Who really knows. I doubt the Texas Legislature lets them do anything.

That radio interview was rather funny. Although he alluded to it, Bloom didn't go a good job of explaining that a FOIA request just allowed folks at aTm to see the contract between Texas and ESPN for the LHN. Maybe the fact that it was uncovered by TheMidnightYell, a competitor to his Aggie site, had something to do with that.

I can't believe that aTm would be able to move to the SEC before the 2012 football season. But I can certainly see it happening in 2013.
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BrowardBuck;1967109; said:
And the smoke continues to bellow from the house that Texas is destroying...

And to think that all last year, all we heard from Texas' henchmen at ESPN and Fox was that Nebraska tried to destroy the Big XII, that Nebraska was the bad guy, that Nebraska prompted all of this.

I don't typically engage in schadenfreude, but this one time it is hard not to indulge myself, just a little.
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