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Big Ten and other Conference Expansion

Which Teams Should the Big Ten Add? (please limit to four selections)

  • Boston College

    Votes: 32 10.2%
  • Cincinnati

    Votes: 19 6.1%
  • Connecticut

    Votes: 6 1.9%
  • Duke

    Votes: 21 6.7%
  • Georgia Tech

    Votes: 55 17.6%
  • Kansas

    Votes: 46 14.7%
  • Maryland

    Votes: 67 21.4%
  • Missouri

    Votes: 90 28.8%
  • North Carolina

    Votes: 39 12.5%
  • Notre Dame

    Votes: 209 66.8%
  • Oklahoma

    Votes: 78 24.9%
  • Pittsburgh

    Votes: 45 14.4%
  • Rutgers

    Votes: 40 12.8%
  • Syracuse

    Votes: 18 5.8%
  • Texas

    Votes: 121 38.7%
  • Vanderbilt

    Votes: 15 4.8%
  • Virginia

    Votes: 47 15.0%
  • Virginia Tech

    Votes: 62 19.8%
  • Stay at 12 teams and don't expand

    Votes: 27 8.6%
  • Add some other school(s) not listed

    Votes: 25 8.0%

  • Total voters
JCOSU86;1955554; said:
Missouri and Kansas bring a good balance of academics and sports to the picture as well as being traditionally "Midwest" states. Iowa State and Kansas State don't bring much, if anything, but I'd take them over Ntre Ame.

Really? Notre Dame is a flagship school, one of the pillars of college football, bringing a national audience with them as great or greater than any other school. I'm all big on Nebraska's national cachet but even we don't compare to Notre Dame.

Nothing personal against ISU or KSU - they were great conference mates these many decades past - but they do not compare, in the least, to Notre Dame.

There has to be some other factor going into comments about Notre Dame that I keep reading here. I'm not a fan and I think they're pretentious gits, but to take second-tier schools before them? I don't get it. Can you guys tell me what's up with this thought process? Is this a Big Ten thing, a Buckeye thing, or the opinion of various folks?
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knapplc;1955570; said:
Really? Notre Dame is a flagship school, one of the pillars of college football, bringing a national audience with them as great or greater than any other school. I'm all big on Nebraska's national cachet but even we don't compare to Notre Dame.

Nothing personal against ISU or KSU - they were great conference mates these many decades past - but they do not compare, in the least, to Notre Dame.

There has to be some other factor going into comments about Notre Dame that I keep reading here. I'm not a fan and I think they're pretentious gits, but to take second-tier schools before them? I don't get it. Can you guys tell me what's up with this thought process? Is this a Big Ten thing, a Buckeye thing, or the opinion of various folks?
1. Notre Dame has already spurned the Big Ten once, possibly several times, during previous expansion talks. Others can fill you in on the details.

2. Many Ohio State fans consider Notre Dame our second biggest rival, even though the two schools have only played five times. They are a recruiting rival to be sure, but in reality there is very little history between the two schools. Fans, however, don't necessarily see things that way.

3. There are a lot of Notre Dame fans in Buckeye country, and as you noted they are typically "pretentious gits".

With that being said, the Big Ten would be crazy not to accept Notre Dame, and there's no way that ISU, KSU, KU, and Mizzou combined would be better for the Big Ten than Notre Dame.
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LordJeffBuck;1955577; said:
but in reality there is very little history between the two schools. Fans, however, don't necessarily see things that way.
Those types of "fans" should be bitch-slapped...

LordJeffBuck;1955577; said:
there's no way that ISU, KSU, KU, and Mizzou combined would be better for the Big Ten than Notre Dame.
Agreed. And I'd love few things more than being able to curb stomp ND on an annual basis...
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knapplc;1955570; said:
Really? Notre Dame is a flagship school, one of the pillars of college football, bringing a national audience with them as great or greater than any other school. I'm all big on Nebraska's national cachet but even we don't compare to Notre Dame.

Nothing personal against ISU or KSU - they were great conference mates these many decades past - but they do not compare, in the least, to Notre Dame.

There has to be some other factor going into comments about Notre Dame that I keep reading here. I'm not a fan and I think they're pretentious gits, but to take second-tier schools before them? I don't get it. Can you guys tell me what's up with this thought process? Is this a Big Ten thing, a Buckeye thing, or the opinion of various folks?

LordJeffBuck;1955577; said:
1. Notre Dame has already spurned the Big Ten once, possibly several times, during previous expansion talks. Others can fill you in on the details.

2. Many Ohio State fans consider Notre Dame our second biggest rival, even though the two schools have only played five times. They are a recruiting rival to be sure, but in reality there is very little history between the two schools. Fans, however, don't necessarily see things that way.

3. There are a lot of Notre Dame fans in Buckeye country, and as you noted they are typically "pretentious gits".

With that being said, the Big Ten would be crazy not to accept Notre Dame, and there's no way that ISU, KSU, KU, and Mizzou combined would be better for the Big Ten than Notre Dame.

MililaniBuckeye;1955586; said:
Agreed. And I'd love few things more than being able to curb stomp ND on an annual basis...

What LJB said for the business side of things, we should take them in a heart beat if possible but the dismissive tone you are picking up on is fueled by hate. Most of us simply flat out hate the Domers almost as much as we hate scUM. As was said above, rubbing shoulders with those "pretentious gits" will make you just stone cold hate the bastards.

What Mili said for the fan side of things, I want them in the B10 so we can see them humiliated and exposed for the middle of the road lightweight program they really are on an annual basis.

See University, State Penn.
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Well, I think we're all in agreement here. Economically I agree that they would be a tremendous "get" for the Big Ten. But that doesn't mean they, and their fans, aren't "gits."

There was nothing more satisfying than beating them back-to-back seasons in the late 90s/early 00s. Our streak against the Domers is up to 3W right now.

Nebraska is also the only team to beat the Four Horsemen, way back in the day. Beat 'em twice, actually.
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It would have to be an incredible financial offer for UGA to consider it. You're talking about a massive cultural shift for generations of fans, not to mention the substantial commute for all UGA Teams/Fans.

Despite the advantage of joining a superior basketball league, most fans would really fight back against losing traditional rivalry games.
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JCOSU86;1955554; said:
Missouri and Kansas bring a good balance of academics and sports to the picture as well as being traditionally "Midwest" states. Iowa State and Kansas State don't bring much, if anything, but I'd take them over Ntre Ame.

What???? I guess if you consider Nebraska to be a great Big 10 academic fit then perhaps Missou and KU are are a good balance of academics and sports. In reality they would rank at the back end of the Big 10 in academics, just like Nebraska, and offer much much much less than several of the Eastern to Mid-Atlantic schools in terms of sports cache and eyeballs for the BTN.
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OSU_D/;1955637; said:
What???? I guess if you consider Nebraska to be a great Big 10 academic fit then perhaps Missou and KU are are a good balance of academics and sports. In reality they would rank at the back end of the Big 10 in academics, just like Nebraska, and offer much much much less than several of the Eastern to Mid-Atlantic schools in terms of sports cache and eyeballs for the BTN.

This is true. In fact, Kansas and Nebraska are ranked identically by US News & World Report (47th). I think Mizzou may be a few spots ahead of us.

It is to be hoped that we have the same academic rise that Penn State showed within a decade of joining the Big Ten. Prior to Big Ten membership the Nittany Lions were ranked somewhere near where Nebraska is today, while today PSU is ranked somewhere in the 20s (I believe, don't quote me).

While it's an embarrassment that Nebraska was kicked out of the AAU, the reality is that we're undergoing the biggest metamorphosis in academics that we've had in the past 30 years. New buildings are springing up all over campus, and in fact we're adding an entirely new campus on our former State Fair grounds. We're spending hundreds of millions of dollars to improve academically, and we should be in a better place five years from now than we are today. Nebraska 2016 should be better than the Nebraska 2011 you guys are seeing today. Makes the AAU decision, which takes into account academic trajectory, all the more baffling. But whatever. Nothing we can do about that decision now.

The fact is, folks, that pretty much every Big Ten institution is ranked quite highly. The schools ranked near or ahead of all of you aren't eligible for membership because they're either Ivy League or geographically improbable, or whatever. Unfortunately, if you're going to expand, you're going to do it by adding schools that are academically inferior to you. That's the price of being successful schools.
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JCOSU86;1955563; said:
No offense intended, B20, but that is laughable.
I prefaced it by saying ideally. I know Georgia and Texas A&M are unrealistic by any stretch of the imagination. Georgia Tech has been talked about quite a bit as a possibility over the past 6-9 months though... I thought why not Georgia? I think Georgia has much more to offer the conference than GT and I'd been of the impression that Georgia isn't 100% happy with the daily goings-on with the SEC. They don't participate with the oversigning year after year and perpetual douche-baggery of their brethren.

No matter who we would offer an invitation to the Big Ten that isn't from a border state of a Big Ten member, I have a feeling they would have the same sentiments as BigWoof... especially if they're from a conference outside of the Big East and Big XII where there is no worry (yet) of their conference getting plundered. It would be hard to get used to new traditions, new foes, some culture differences, and lots more traveling. We couldn't offer much more money to Georgia than what they are receiving from the SEC (if we can even offer more than what they are alerady getting), but we have MUCH more to offer as far as academics go. Have a hard time thinking basketball would factor in much at all, but there's that too.

Pipe dream, sure... but stranger things have happend. No one was talking about Nebraska in May of last year...
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