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Big Ten and other Conference Expansion

Which Teams Should the Big Ten Add? (please limit to four selections)

  • Boston College

    Votes: 32 10.2%
  • Cincinnati

    Votes: 19 6.1%
  • Connecticut

    Votes: 6 1.9%
  • Duke

    Votes: 21 6.7%
  • Georgia Tech

    Votes: 55 17.6%
  • Kansas

    Votes: 46 14.7%
  • Maryland

    Votes: 67 21.4%
  • Missouri

    Votes: 90 28.8%
  • North Carolina

    Votes: 39 12.5%
  • Notre Dame

    Votes: 209 66.8%
  • Oklahoma

    Votes: 78 24.9%
  • Pittsburgh

    Votes: 45 14.4%
  • Rutgers

    Votes: 40 12.8%
  • Syracuse

    Votes: 18 5.8%
  • Texas

    Votes: 121 38.7%
  • Vanderbilt

    Votes: 15 4.8%
  • Virginia

    Votes: 47 15.0%
  • Virginia Tech

    Votes: 62 19.8%
  • Stay at 12 teams and don't expand

    Votes: 27 8.6%
  • Add some other school(s) not listed

    Votes: 25 8.0%

  • Total voters
Its a smart financial move for TCU to go to the Big East. Obviously I think most would agree that it is a side-step or downgrade competitively. Even without Utah and BYU the Mountain West is more top-heavy than the Big East. TCU and Boise would have provided annual drama, plus the Fresno State, San Diego State, Air Force, Nevada and presumably Hawaii contingent would have been quite nice.

Expect the Mountain West Conference to seek out Houston, Utah State and possibly Montana (though this is unlikely given the University President's thoughtful reasoning against moving from FCS to FBS). If the MWC were willing to add Montana State (currently another top FCS program but without the finances or stadium to really warrant a heavy look, unlike the Grizz), then that may alleviate some of the current downsides for the Grizzlies to move to FBS.

It would be very interesting to see a conference of:

Boise State
Fresno State
San Diego State
Air Force

Montana State?? (tie together the two Montana schools for logistical and to satisfy State Legislature reasons)
Colorado State
New Mexico
Utah State??

Obviously, I don't think its wise to get to 14 teams for the conference. 12 is a smart move, but its getting the best 3 teams given their current 9 team outlook. Does Houston, Hawaii and Utah State cover that? Or will it be Montana, Montana State and Hawaii? I don't know really... I'm thoroughly intrigued though.

If they want to add as many markets as possible however, I think that this 14 school look would be highly competitive for a major boost in finances/contracts with ESPN and Fox Sports.

The conference stays in Texas (with another similar small school, but with some decent research output!!), they are in California, Colorado, New Mexico, Montana, Utah (Utah State is the #2 LDS school in the region, a big potential market) plus Hawaii and Wyoming... A very interesting outlook.
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BrutusMaximus;1823891; said:
I have to call TCU a bunch of pussies for this one. You cant even join a real BCS conference? I mean its well known that even the big east doesnt think they should have an auto bid :biggrin:

Meanwhile, Boise moves to the Mountain West just as TCU and Utah leave it. The MWC might be worse than the WAC Boise is leaving, now. Talk about pussies. :wink2:
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Just a thought but 17 is a terrbile number of schools for the big east to have. Anyone think this has anything to do with ND joining the B10?


B10 schools are not allowed to schedule ND for football
Big East says your bball program does nothing...bring football or hit the road
B10 Hockey conference is started and the CCHA breaks up (or at least takes a big hit losing OSU, MICH, MSU)

This may be the groundwork for ND to the B10

Again just throwing an idea out there but the 17 really seems bizarre to me...
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God, I hope you're right.

korchiki;1824026; said:
Just a thought but 17 is a terrbile number of schools for the big east to have. Anyone think this has anything to do with ND joining the B10?


B10 schools are not allowed to schedule ND for football
Big East says your bball program does nothing...bring football or hit the road
B10 Hockey conference is started and the CCHA breaks up (or at least takes a big hit losing OSU, MICH, MSU)

This may be the groundwork for ND to the B10

Again just throwing an idea out there but the 17 really seems bizarre to me...
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korchiki;1824026; said:
Just a thought but 17 is a terrbile number of schools for the big east to have. Anyone think this has anything to do with ND joining the B10?


B10 schools are not allowed to schedule ND for football
Big East says your bball program does nothing...bring football or hit the road
B10 Hockey conference is started and the CCHA breaks up (or at least takes a big hit losing OSU, MICH, MSU)

This may be the groundwork for ND to the B10

Again just throwing an idea out there but the 17 really seems bizarre to me...

God I hope you're wrong.
Upvote 0
Nicknam4;1824035; said:
I would really rather not have anybody else join the big ten....

I know that adding a 13th team would have some negative implications (no conference championship and the money would be more spread out) but I think that it brings some positives as well. For starters, it would add the third biggest fan base in the country. This would give the Big Ten the biggest and third biggest fan bases in the country and all the money that would come with that would mean that the Big Ten would be the most profitable conference I'm the nation- by a landslide. By a purely financial basis (and isn't that that the Big Ten brass is most interested in?) this makes sense. However, it just doesn't make as much sense for Notre Dame to join.
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A Pac;1824041; said:
I know that adding a 13th team would have some negative implications (no conference championship and the money would be more spread out) but I think that it brings some positives as well. For starters, it would add the third biggest fan base in the country. This would give the Big Ten the biggest and third biggest fan bases in the country and all the money that would come with that would mean that the Big Ten would be the most profitable conference I'm the nation- by a landslide. By a purely financial basis (and isn't that that the Big Ten brass is most interested in?) this makes sense. However, it just doesn't make as much sense for Notre Dame to join.

Notre Dame would lose more than it would gain in my opinion, and I dislike them anyway so I don't really care.

12 seems like a nice, well rounded number for the conference. (More so than 11 or 13) and I think it is best if it stayed that way.

Out of curiosity, what conferences are the most profitable now?
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Nicknam4;1824059; said:
Notre Dame would lose more than it would gain in my opinion, and I dislike them anyway so I don't really care.

12 seems like a nice, well rounded number for the conference. (More so than 11 or 13) and I think it is best if it stayed that way.

Out of curiosity, what conferences are the most profitable now?

I completely agree that the Irish would lose a not more money by joining the Big Ten, but I think it would make ND a stronger team which is what I am most interested in. Here's what I found about revenue.
Conferences with the most revenue:
1. Big Ten
2. SEC
3. Big 12
4. Bid East
5. PAC-10

I was just commenting on the fact that the Big Ten would stand to male millions more than they are now. Notre Dame draws the most revenue if I am correct and adding them would make the Big Ten leaps and bounds ahead of everyone else. Hope this helps.
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I completely agree that the Irish would lose a not more money by joining the Big Ten, but I think it would make ND a stronger team which is what I am most interested in. Here's what I found about revenue.
Conferences with the most revenue:
1. Big Ten
2. SEC
3. Big 12
4. Bid East
5. PAC-10

I was just commenting on the fact that the Big Ten would stand to male millions more than they are now. Notre Dame draws the most revenue if I am correct and adding them would make the Big Ten leaps and bounds ahead of everyone else. Hope this helps.
I think the question of the most revenue generating programs/schools depends on your definition. TV revenue? TV ratings per game? Ticket Sales? Merchandising? Marketability? I think either way you dice it you end up with some form of: Texas, Notre Dame, Ohio State and Alabama. Forbes ranks the teams in a strictly business manner http://www.businesspundit.com/the-12-most-valuable-teams-in-ncaa-football/ while I've seen other ratings from the Wall Street Journal that give Ohio State and Texas the largest overall budgets (which I assume includes the donations or other factors as well http://online.wsj.com/article/SB119275242417864220.html?mod=loomia&loomia_si=1) (http://ncaafootball.fanhouse.com/20...io-state-could-change-nickname-to-bucks-eyes/)

Either way, Notre Dame is very valuable financially.
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ND earns $9 million from its TV contract, $2 million from basketball in big east, plus bowl money straight-up ($18 million for BCS bowl, $350k to ~$3million for any other bowl).

Big Ten paid out $22 million guaranteed to its institutions pre-Nebraska expansion and pre-league championship game ($25 million/year tv deal plus ticket sales), with renewal of its TV rights coming up in the next few years, where the league stands to make MUCH more. Further expansion, if done wisely, can put guaranteed earnings through the roof for each institution.

Correct me if I'm wrong here, but doesn't ND stand to make MORE in guaranteed money if they were to join the Big Ten then to send up Hail Mary's that they reach a BCS bowl every year? A BCS bowl that was made harder for them to get into a few years ago without joining a conference?
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