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Big Ten and other Conference Expansion

Which Teams Should the Big Ten Add? (please limit to four selections)

  • Boston College

    Votes: 32 10.2%
  • Cincinnati

    Votes: 19 6.1%
  • Connecticut

    Votes: 6 1.9%
  • Duke

    Votes: 21 6.7%
  • Georgia Tech

    Votes: 55 17.6%
  • Kansas

    Votes: 46 14.7%
  • Maryland

    Votes: 67 21.4%
  • Missouri

    Votes: 90 28.8%
  • North Carolina

    Votes: 39 12.5%
  • Notre Dame

    Votes: 209 66.8%
  • Oklahoma

    Votes: 78 24.9%
  • Pittsburgh

    Votes: 45 14.4%
  • Rutgers

    Votes: 40 12.8%
  • Syracuse

    Votes: 18 5.8%
  • Texas

    Votes: 121 38.7%
  • Vanderbilt

    Votes: 15 4.8%
  • Virginia

    Votes: 47 15.0%
  • Virginia Tech

    Votes: 62 19.8%
  • Stay at 12 teams and don't expand

    Votes: 27 8.6%
  • Add some other school(s) not listed

    Votes: 25 8.0%

  • Total voters
TCU to the Big East

UCF to follow?


I did a search and didn't find anything on this subject. TCU is moving to the Big East in all sports starting in 2012 (may just be the reason behind the Mayan calander ending).

They are also looking at UCF to move from C-USA or force Villanova to make the jump to Division 1A.


I think the best option is to add UCF. They are the second alrgest university in the nation right now by enrollment, are a respectable program already, a 45,000 seat on campus stadium, the Orlando media market, and already have a solid coach in George O'Leary.
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scooter1369;1824970; said:
UCF to follow?


I did a search and didn't find anything on this subject. TCU is moving to the Big East in all sports starting in 2012 (may just be the reason behind the Mayan calander ending).

They are also looking at UCF to move from C-USA or force Villanova to make the jump to Division 1A.


I think the best option is to add UCF. They are the second alrgest university in the nation right now by enrollment, are a respectable program already, a 45,000 seat on campus stadium, the Orlando media market, and already have a solid coach in George O'Leary.

First I've heard of UCF making a jump somewhere, but that argument makes a WHOLE lot more sense than Villanova becoming team #10. Nova would make a much better #12 when they are finally ready to make the jump.

That said, I don't think either UCF or Nova joining the Big East in football would do a whole lot for the conference other than helping prepare the conference for losing teams to other conferences with further their expansions.
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Check out the article from Bleacher Report. It details a lot of reasons that adding UCF for all sports makes the Big East a much better conference all around.

Yeah, I'm a bit biased being a Central Florida native, but the Knights have something going on right now and making the jump is logical for both them and the conference.
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After watching bits of UCF games this season, I would say that a move to the Big East would be beneficial for both the school and the conference. Obviously the school would benefit from much better TV contract money, which would likely mean an increased budget for the athletic dept. UCF is already a pretty well-off school (as far as state universities go), and the increased athletic budget could really push their programs to the next level. It would also give USF a pretty decent and close in-state rival, which could potentially be marketed and received very well here in Central Florida. To me it would seem like a very good upgrade for both parties.

As it stands now, the UCF football team can definitely compete with much of the Big Least.
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Just wanted to add that I hope the Big T(w)e(leve)n does not add Notre Dame. They are a sinking ship, IMHO. Adding them would be the last straw. A perinnial Minny or Indiana would ensue.

Just my opinion.
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I'm a Daytona boy, and a huge supporter of UCF. I think adding TCU and UCF adds legitimacy to the Big East. The conference is truly crap right now, and adding #9 and #10 with two teams doing very well would certainly help.

The idea of forcing 'Nova to move up to Div1A is just stupid right now. Their stadium seats less than the Schott, they get less fans than then CBJ to games, and have no history as a program that would make them a valid threat in the conference.
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scarletmike;1825063; said:
It would also give USF a pretty decent and close in-state rival, which could potentially be marketed and received very well here in Central Florida.

The only UCF alum that I know considers USF already to be the big rival, even though they haven't played that much. Not sure that USF feels the same yet obviously, but certainly on the UCF end the dislike for USF is already there
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MaxBuck;1823812; said:
Given the mess that is developing in the belt between Starkville and Opelika, now might be a good time for the Big Ten to approach Florida and UGA ...

Money and revenue is incredibly important to a Athletic Department - but the President, Board of Regents, and Athletic Director that approved this move for UGA would be shot, hung, then shot while hanging.

Gator can speak for the UF program, but I think it would be much easier to replace AU and MSU in the conference (if that's the nuclear scenario) than abandon current history/traditional rivals.
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JCOSU86;1825076; said:
Just wanted to add that I hope the Big T(w)e(leve)n does not add Notre Dame. They are a sinking ship, IMHO. Adding them would be the last straw. A perinnial Minny or Indiana would ensue.

Just my opinion.
i see why you might think that with notre dame's struggles over the past couple of years and respect your opinion. however, they are 13-12 over the past decade against big ten opponents. while it's obviously not one sided, they were still above .500 over those years. granted that they didn't always play against osu or penn state, but it's still a pretty good record.

let's not forget that nd would not only play the elites like wisconsin, msu and of course osu in the conference. they would also play teams like minnesota, indiana and illinois as well. they would have easier game than others just like everyone else. i am not saying that the irish would be competitive for the big ten championship every year, but i think they could hold their own.
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A Pac;1825116; said:
i see why you might think that with notre dame's struggles over the past couple of years and respect your opinion. however, they are 13-12 over the past decade against big ten opponents. while it's obviously not one sided, they were still above .500 over those years. granted that they didn't always play against osu or penn state, but it's still a pretty good record.

let's not forget that nd would not only play the elites like wisconsin, msu and of course osu in the conference. they would also play teams like minnesota, indiana and illinois as well. they would have easier game than others just like everyone else. i am not saying that the irish would be competitive for the big ten championship every year, but i think they could hold their own.

I guess that would depend on the definition of hold their own. If you mean a consistent Outback Bowl participant then maybe but there hasn't been a ND team in the last decade that I can think of that would have been a contender for a B10 title. The 2005 ND team was the best I can recall and we all saw how that ended up. With the addition of Nebraska there would be one more team out of ND's weight class to have to get through.

As far as TCU goes, I like it. Currently you have multiple mid majors like TCU and Boise as well as the BE champ each potentially taking one of the 10 BCS spots. This reduces the number unworthy entrants by 1. Kind of like a mid major battle royal for one AQ spot.
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JBaney45;1825107; said:
The only UCF alum that I know considers USF already to be the big rival, even though they haven't played that much. Not sure that USF feels the same yet obviously, but certainly on the UCF end the dislike for USF is already there

May be because USF isn't actually in SF, but CF in Tampa, which makes no sense at all.
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Jaxbuck;1825125; said:
I guess that would depend on the definition of hold their own. If you mean a consistent Outback Bowl participant then maybe but there hasn't been a ND team in the last decade that I can think of that would have been a contender for a B10 title. The 2005 ND team was the best I can recall and we all saw how that ended up. With the addition of Nebraska there would be one more team out of ND's weight class to have to get through.

As far as TCU goes, I like it. Currently you have multiple mid majors like TCU and Boise as well as the BE champ each potentially taking one of the 10 BCS spots. This reduces the number unworthy entrants by 1. Kind of like a mid major battle royal for one AQ spot.
i meant it as around a .500 record for a year or two and then hopefully major gains under kelly. i'm not as foolish to say that nd would be dominant right away but could have the potential to be. just like indiana and minnesota have the potential to be dominant... they just need the right personnel. that's the beauty of conferences in college football: everyone in conference has the ability to succeed. just ask auburn or oregon.
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