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Big Ten and other Conference Expansion

Which Teams Should the Big Ten Add? (please limit to four selections)

  • Boston College

    Votes: 32 10.2%
  • Cincinnati

    Votes: 19 6.1%
  • Connecticut

    Votes: 6 1.9%
  • Duke

    Votes: 21 6.7%
  • Georgia Tech

    Votes: 55 17.6%
  • Kansas

    Votes: 46 14.7%
  • Maryland

    Votes: 67 21.4%
  • Missouri

    Votes: 90 28.8%
  • North Carolina

    Votes: 39 12.5%
  • Notre Dame

    Votes: 209 66.8%
  • Oklahoma

    Votes: 78 24.9%
  • Pittsburgh

    Votes: 45 14.4%
  • Rutgers

    Votes: 40 12.8%
  • Syracuse

    Votes: 18 5.8%
  • Texas

    Votes: 121 38.7%
  • Vanderbilt

    Votes: 15 4.8%
  • Virginia

    Votes: 47 15.0%
  • Virginia Tech

    Votes: 62 19.8%
  • Stay at 12 teams and don't expand

    Votes: 27 8.6%
  • Add some other school(s) not listed

    Votes: 25 8.0%

  • Total voters
Kansas bball coach Bill Self said that if the Texas teams had left for the Pac Ten, the remaining Big XII North teams (KU, K-St, Mizzou and Iowa St) would have been welcomed by the Big East.


"To be honest with you, Kansas could have been making the same announcement today that TCU made. And Kansas State could have been in there too, because the feeling that we got -- or we had, when the conference realignment was going on, that if by chance, Texas would have gone to the Pac-10 and we would have stayed buddies with Kansas State and not separated and done all that stuff, then the Big East would have came and gotten us, and KSU, and Iowa State, and Missouri. Which, in theory, you say, 'Oh god, the Big East, bad travel.' They would have gone to divisions, so we would have had divisions with probably the teams that are close, and maybe Louisville and Cincinnati or whatever.

And I think that's smart on the Big East's part, because the Big Ten's still going to go poach somebody, and when they poach somebody it's going to be a football-playing school, and if that number goes beneath eight, then I believe -- I could be wrong -- but I believe then they're not eligible for the BCS bid. So they're covering themselves to make sure that whenever the Big Ten does whatever they do, they'll still have enough football-playing schools to make sure that they keep their BCS football bid alive. So I think it's a smart move, and probably great for TCU, so I see no problems with it."
Although there had been rumors to this extent back in the spring and summer, this is the first time that a school official has not only addressed the rumor that the Big East was set to invite the wayward Big 12 North schools, but out-and-out confirmed it. And as Self mentioned, with the Big Ten purportedly sniffing around for expansion targets out east, the Big East needed to either go into buyer mode or prepare to get out of the business of football altogether. While some college football fans might have preferred the latter, the Big East would have lost an automatic qualifier bid and all the money it entails, so that was never really going to happen.

And above all else, this should at least reassure fans of those four schools that even if the Big 12 had folded, the day that ISU or Missouri would have had to share a conference with Wyoming or Middle Tennessee State was never really going to happen; there had always been another BCS conference waiting, and there probably still will be if this latest iteration of the Big 12 doesn't work over the next few years. The arms race probably isn't over yet.

Cont'd ...
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UMass to the MAC!?

According to several sources, UMass would take its program, currently in the Football Championship Subdivision, to the Mid-American Conference, whose football schools include Temple, Bowling Green and Miami of Ohio.

Speaking on the condition of anonymity, a MAC spokesman would say only that the conference is ?exploring? the possibility of adding the Minutemen for football.

UMass would play a ?provisional? FBS schedule in 2011 and ?12, and make the full jump to FBS status in ?13.
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A Pac;1824081; said:
I completely agree that the Irish would lose a not more money by joining the Big Ten, but I think it would make ND a stronger team which is what I am most interested in. Here's what I found about revenue.
Conferences with the most revenue:
1. Big Ten
2. SEC
3. Big 12
4. Bid East
5. PAC-10

I was just commenting on the fact that the Big Ten would stand to male millions more than they are now. Notre Dame draws the most revenue if I am correct and adding them would make the Big Ten leaps and bounds ahead of everyone else. Hope this helps.

Wrong. ND makes around 14 to 15 $MM in television money. Every Big Ten school takes home a little over $20MM. In other words, ND takes home the third most television money in Indiana.
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ESPN Sues Longhorns on Big 12 Realignment
(CN) - ESPN says the University of Texas is playing games with sports station's FOIA request about plans to move the Longhorns out of the Big 12 Conference. Possible realignment of the Big 12, PAC 10 and Big 10 is big news, and the public is entitled to it, ESPN says, despite the UT's claim that the documents are protected from disclosure by attorney-client privilege.

ESPN and its reporter Paula Lavigne sued the University of Texas System, seeking declaratory judgment in Travis County Court, Austin.

Lavigne submitted a FOIA request on June 22, seeking any documents generated since May 1, including emails, fax, or telephone notes from UT officials, regarding membership realignment of the Big 12, Big 10 and PAC 10 conferences.

The UT refused, citing attorney-client privilege, and saying the attorney general, agreed.

"However, the arguments that the UT system asserted simply cannot apply to the vast bulk of information sought by ESPN, if any," the complaint states. "For example, the UT system claims that certain responsive information related to UT Austin President William Powers is not public information because it was not 'collected, assembled or maintained in connection of transaction of official business of' UT Austin, but rather in President Powers' capacity as Chair of the Big 12 Board of Directors. However, the UT system admits that President Powers holds his position as Chair of the Big 12 Board of Directors only by virtue of his Presidency of UT Austin and because UT Austin is a member of the Big 12 conference. Further, the fact that the Big 12 itself is not a governmental body is irrelevant. ESPN has requested the information from UT Austin, not the Big 12.

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jwinslow;1829711; said:


I didn't like Texas' use of the Big 10 solely as a bargaining chip to gain leverage in negotiations in the Pac-10, but I think a conference has a right to be able to keep its plans and negotiations a secret because it impacts future decisions. Essentially discussions regarding future alignment (including potential ramifications regarding tv contracts) is a conference's "new product development." This needs to be protected.

Why should Big 10 fans care about this? Because the two idiot Senators in Iowa were sabre-rattling regarding the Big 10's expansion. They were/will be fighting for Iowa State to the Big 10 if the Big 12 ever dissolves. Those two knuckleheads talked about the Big 10 needing to share its negiotiations and plans.
Upvote 0
Hawaii is leaving the WAC and has accepted a football-only membership in the Mountain West Conference for the 2012-13 season, according to the MWC.
The Warriors will play the rest of their sports in the Big West conference. The Warriors women's teams used to compete in the Big West, which is currently an all-California league.
"We're headed in a new direction and this is a really a historic and great day for the University of Hawaii," athletic director Jim Donovan said. "This is what our coaches and our fans want and we delivered."
UC Irvine chancellor Michael Drake, chair of the Big West board of directors, said in a statement, "We are excited and pleased with the addition of Hawaii to the Big West Conference. In assessing Hawaii, the Board carefully considered and was impressed by both its legacy of athletic success and its commitment to academic excellence."
Hawaii's move coincides with TCU's departure for the Big East on July 1, 2012. Nevada and Fresno State will also join Hawaii on July 1, 2012 to give the Mountain West 10 football playing members and nine overall sport participants.
"The Mountain West Conference is very pleased to gain the University of Hawaii as a football-only member beginning with the 2012 season," said MWC Commissioner Craig Thompson Friday.
"Hawaii's outstanding football program and television value fit perfectly with the MWC's strategic initiatives for the future direction of the conference. We look forward to adding the Warriors to the MWC family."
The Warriors departure is another crushing blow to the WAC. The WAC is left with existing members Louisiana Tech, New Mexico State, San Jose State, Idaho and Utah State. New members Texas State, Texas-San Antonio and Denver, which doesn't play football, join in 2012. The WAC is losing Boise State to the MWC in June.


the warriors/rainbows to the mountain west, and the wac is officially an "i dont even know these guys mascots" conference
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SloopyHangOn;1832142; said:
So can someone with more patience than I work up what conferences are slated to look like in 2012?

Others can double check me; but I've got.


Atlantic Division:
Boston College
Florida State
North Carolina State
Wake Forest

Coastal Division:
Georgia Tech
North Carolina
Virginia Tech

Big Ten

Division X:
Ohio State
Penn State

Division Y:
Michigan State

Big 12

Iowa State
Kansas State
Oklahoma State
Texas A&M
Texas Tech

Big East

South Florida
West Virginia

Conference USA

East Division:
Alabama Birmingham
Central Florida
East Carolina
Southern Mississippi

West Division:
Southern Methodist
Texas El Paso


East Division:
Bowling Green
Kent State

West Division:
Ball State
Central Michigan
Eastern Michigan
Northern Illinois
Western Michigan


Air Force
Boise State
Colorado State
Fresno State
Nevada Las Vegas
New Mexico
San Diego State

Pac 12

Oregon State
Washington State

Arizona State


East Division:
South Carolina

West Division:
Louisiana State
Mississippi State

Sun Belt

Arkansas State
Florida Atlantic
Florida International
Louisiana Lafayette
Louisiana Monroe
Middle Tennessee State
North Texas
Western Kentucky

WAC (so far)

Louisiana Tech
New Mexico State
San Jose State
Texas State
Utah State


Brigham Young
Notre Dame
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