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Big Ten and other Conference Expansion

Which Teams Should the Big Ten Add? (please limit to four selections)

  • Boston College

    Votes: 32 10.2%
  • Cincinnati

    Votes: 19 6.1%
  • Connecticut

    Votes: 6 1.9%
  • Duke

    Votes: 21 6.7%
  • Georgia Tech

    Votes: 55 17.6%
  • Kansas

    Votes: 46 14.7%
  • Maryland

    Votes: 67 21.4%
  • Missouri

    Votes: 90 28.8%
  • North Carolina

    Votes: 39 12.5%
  • Notre Dame

    Votes: 209 66.8%
  • Oklahoma

    Votes: 78 24.9%
  • Pittsburgh

    Votes: 45 14.4%
  • Rutgers

    Votes: 40 12.8%
  • Syracuse

    Votes: 18 5.8%
  • Texas

    Votes: 121 38.7%
  • Vanderbilt

    Votes: 15 4.8%
  • Virginia

    Votes: 47 15.0%
  • Virginia Tech

    Votes: 62 19.8%
  • Stay at 12 teams and don't expand

    Votes: 27 8.6%
  • Add some other school(s) not listed

    Votes: 25 8.0%

  • Total voters
spurrier;1187487; said:
oh geesh..You had 1 idiot on espn wave a rebel flag and you make it sound like we all are redneck, nascar, lynard skynard, charlie daniels loving rednecks who arent stepping into the 21st century. i have NEVER seen a rebel flag waved at a s.c. game and i tailgate with 80k people a week for 15 yrs. there is one school out of the nation, ole piss, i mean ole miss, who flies that flag. Let me tell you, if it were an issue as you say we wouldnt have black players commit to them. btw, just so you can get a view from someone born and raised in south carolina, the rebel flag is a representation of peoples heritage. Through politics it represents something tragic. Many good people flew the flag but now sadly realize that what that flag meant to them no longer is what it is represented now. political correctness is slowly choking free expression. understanding that, all but a few percentage points of people who, due to lack of interest or honestly thinking nothing is wrong, have removed all signs of that flag. next, like i said before..we have a brutal schedule already. i dont mind our schedule..clemson and nc state is pretty good for out of conference

Note, I acknowledged that racism exsists/ed in the North too. Still does. But the main point was that there are HISTORICAL reasons why SEC teams don't play Big 10 and West Coast teams very often and it was tied directly to segregation. And I have yet to see an SEC team play a game out of the South on New Years day. Don't tell me that is not a favorable situation.
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BuckeyeSoldier;1187750; said:
The only team ive heard mentioned for big ten expansion that get me even remotely excited.... Texas. I would be ok with it if it was for them. Thats about it. We all know the odds of that happening.
I would hate that due to the complete out-of-whackiness that would bring to the conference. The Big Ten is a Midwestern conference. Geographically, Penn State is pushing it, IMO. If we have to raid the Big 12, I'd take Nebraska or Mizzou, both of which fit the AAU quasi-requirement.
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HailToMichigan;1187767; said:
I would hate that due to the complete out-of-whackiness that would bring to the conference. The Big Ten is a Midwestern conference. Geographically, Penn State is pushing it, IMO. If we have to raid the Big 12, I'd take Nebraska or Mizzou, both of which fit the AAU quasi-requirement.

I dont see missouri bringing anything to this conference.. they would be iowa... just what we need..

Nebraska I could see if they qualify academically, i dont know where they stand. Texas was appearantly showing real interest and until your post ive never even heard nebraska mentioned so thats the difference. I agree it makes no sense geographically but if not for that one element it would be a great fit. Everyone else that has ever been mentioned has AT LEAST one major flaw with fitting in as well so im not sure i wouldnt be able to get past the location.
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BuckeyeSoldier;1187780; said:
I dont see missouri bringing anything to this conference.. they would be iowa... just what we need..

Nebraska I could see if they qualify academically, i dont know where they stand. Texas was appearantly showing real interest and until your post ive never even heard nebraska mentioned so thats the difference. I agree it makes no sense geographically but if not for that one element it would be a great fit. Everyone else that has ever been mentioned has AT LEAST one major flaw with fitting in as well so im not sure i wouldnt be able to get past the location.
I've seen Nebraska tossed around in the past. Nothing more than idle speculation. Probably even more idle than when they mention Syracuse. But if it came to expansion, and Notre Dame wasn't involved, then Nebraska would be my top choice, even though I don't like the Huskers at all.

Missouri would bring a big presence in two large media markets (StL and KC) and that's all the conference brass needs.
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I would hate that due to the complete out-of-whackiness that would bring to the conference. The Big Ten is a Midwestern conference. Geographically, Penn State is pushing it, IMO. If we have to raid the Big 12, I'd take Nebraska or Mizzou, both of which fit the AAU quasi-requirement.
it wont be nebraska. that door has been examined. the husker enquired during the penn state procedure.
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BuckeyeSoldier;1187780; said:
I dont see missouri bringing anything to this conference.. they would be iowa... just what we need..

Nebraska I could see if they qualify academically, i dont know where they stand. Texas was appearantly showing real interest and until your post ive never even heard nebraska mentioned so thats the difference. I agree it makes no sense geographically but if not for that one element it would be a great fit. Everyone else that has ever been mentioned has AT LEAST one major flaw with fitting in as well so im not sure i wouldnt be able to get past the location.

Maybe Iowa State from the Big Twelve, keeps us in the same geographical configuration. My understanding is that it's a huge academic drop off from Iowa to Iowa State. For a long time Mizzou was said to have one of the finest J schools in the nation, don't know much about the school outside of that, the academic heavyweights in the conference being Texas and Colorado.

To be perfectly blunt aqbout it, why would Texas even sniff at the Big 10? Geographically it makes no sense at all and it doesn't fit in with their traditional rivalry games with Oklahoma and the season ender with the Aggies. Finally, it wouldn't take long for word to get out about the Texas Quad, adorned with statues of damn near every Confederate Civil War General and Jeff Davis.

If you're going to add a State, it should be NY or NJ to pull in more East Coast viewrs and media. Syracuse brings in a rich football tradition and a long rivalry with Penn State that ended when PSU joined the B10. It has an excellent academic rep as soes Rutgers and with Rutgers you get the oldest football team in history.
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I don't like Iowa St. joining. For one thing, they are not up to the level of competition. They would only win one conference game per year, Iowa. They also do not have the prestige of the other Big Ten schools. Even though they're in the Big 12, they give off a MAC vibe. If we add a team like that, it might as well be from the MAC. Any team we could actually hijack from the B12, we don't want. Mizzou might be a good fit, but I don't see them seceding. Texas...never gonna happen. Apart from a Kentucky school, the only way to go is east. I personally would rather drop a team than add a team, anyway.
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I say we drop Northwestern and let them go to the MAC. For additions, I would consider Louisville, Nebraska, Mizzou, West Virginia, just off the top of my head. Those are the toughest teams immediately outside the Big 10 region that I can think of, and Mizzou and Nebraska are even reaches geographically. After that, our closest neighbors are pretty soft. We would have to travel through a couple of campuses to get to the meatier teams in any direction. I hate Notre Lame too much to consider them, and they would have to scrap some long-standing rivalries to join any conference right now. But it would be nice to beat up on the Hamburlgar's domers every year for a change.
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cincibuck;1187761; said:
Note, I acknowledged that racism exsists/ed in the North too. Still does. But the main point was that there are HISTORICAL reasons why SEC teams don't play Big 10 and West Coast teams very often and it was tied directly to segregation. And I have yet to see an SEC team play a game out of the South on New Years day. Don't tell me that is not a favorable situation.
All i can say is wow. Dont you remember Tennessee spanking Cal in berkely 3 years ago to start the season with a bang. If racism played a role, how could that be? Btw, last time i checked most of the bowls that mean anything are in the south and if i am not mistaken OSU has made a second home in florida and Louisiana. i remember 2 outback bowl games and two national championship games wich were played in the south this decade alone. Could it be because that is where the bowls were located? I am sure you would have rather gone to Montana to play but unfortunately there are now games in montana. I am sure you will see an sec team play out of the south on new years day if the nc game is in pasadena or tempe.
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spurrier;1188029; said:
All i can say is wow. Dont you remember Tennessee spanking Cal in berkely 3 years ago to start the season with a bang.

That's your smoking gun one fucking game in the past 40 years. You also conveniently split the argument. The argument was SEC teams playing outside the south during bowl games. Not bowl games and SEC teams playing outside the south.
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spurrier;1188029; said:
... I am sure you will see an sec team play out of the south on new years day if the nc game is in pasadena or tempe.

Why, because SEC teams are ALWAYS in the NC game?

So the last two years represent all of CFB history do they?

Isn't it funny that just a few years ago after being excluded for a couple of years, Tommy Tubersteak and every other SEC history whizz was claiming that the SEC was so tough that they would never be able to get a team in the national championship game because of the stiff competition in the conference. They had the same problem then as now. They can't seem to remember anything that happened more than 2 years ago; and they can't wrap their minds around the concept that things won't always be as they are.

That being said... Yes, osu has fans who have the same problem I suppose. But SEC chest-thumping is heavily dependent on historical levels of historical ignorance.
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