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Big Ten and other Conference Expansion

Which Teams Should the Big Ten Add? (please limit to four selections)

  • Boston College

    Votes: 32 10.2%
  • Cincinnati

    Votes: 19 6.1%
  • Connecticut

    Votes: 6 1.9%
  • Duke

    Votes: 21 6.7%
  • Georgia Tech

    Votes: 55 17.6%
  • Kansas

    Votes: 46 14.7%
  • Maryland

    Votes: 67 21.4%
  • Missouri

    Votes: 90 28.8%
  • North Carolina

    Votes: 39 12.5%
  • Notre Dame

    Votes: 209 66.8%
  • Oklahoma

    Votes: 78 24.9%
  • Pittsburgh

    Votes: 45 14.4%
  • Rutgers

    Votes: 40 12.8%
  • Syracuse

    Votes: 18 5.8%
  • Texas

    Votes: 121 38.7%
  • Vanderbilt

    Votes: 15 4.8%
  • Virginia

    Votes: 47 15.0%
  • Virginia Tech

    Votes: 62 19.8%
  • Stay at 12 teams and don't expand

    Votes: 27 8.6%
  • Add some other school(s) not listed

    Votes: 25 8.0%

  • Total voters
Buckrock;1188127; said:
Mount Union
Boise State
Appy State

Upvote 0
spurrier;1188029; said:
All i can say is wow. Dont you remember Tennessee spanking Cal in berkely 3 years ago to start the season with a bang. If racism played a role, how could that be? Btw, last time i checked most of the bowls that mean anything are in the south and if i am not mistaken OSU has made a second home in florida and Louisiana. i remember 2 outback bowl games and two national championship games wich were played in the south this decade alone. Could it be because that is where the bowls were located? I am sure you would have rather gone to Montana to play but unfortunately there are now games in montana. I am sure you will see an sec team play out of the south on new years day if the nc game is in pasadena or tempe.

Jesus, help me. Do you realize what historical means? Are you aware that segregation was openly practiced in the South? Are you aware that you could not, by law, have athletic competition between white and black athletes for a significant block of time in certain portions of these United States? Do you think for one minute that in the 1940s it would have been possible for Ohio State, with Bill Willis, to play Alabama in Tuscaloussa, or UCLA, with Jackie Robinson to play Tennessee in Knoxville. Are you cognizant of the fact that Syracuse was asked to play in the Cotton Bowl and to leave Jim Brown at home? (he played anyway) HISTORICAL FACT: certain teams did not play each other because of segregation.

I do not pretend that the North was free of racism. The greatest athlete ever to wear Scarlet and Gray, Jesse Owens, was not permited to live in Baker Hall, then the male dorm for OSU. BUT, he was permited to attend the school, he was permitted to sit in the same classroom as white students.

Now let me 'splain the bowl situation to you: Quick, name a BCS Bowl north of the Mason - Dixon line? (Oh, and while you're checking, see if LA is NORTH of same) Quick tell me the last time USC won an NC some place other than Los Angeles? Are you going to sit there and tell me that Florida DOESN'T have a home advantage in playing a Big 10 team in Atlanta, Jacksonville, Miami, or New Orleans? Suppose USCarolina were to be ranked 1 or 2 and had to play for the NC against Texas in Dallas, do you think it distinctly possible that Texas might have an advantage?

The point is that if the bowls are going to be used to determine final rankings, rankings which become reflected in pre-season of the following season, rankings which get used to determine conference strength, then those bowls need to be balanced out geographically.

Right now all Major Bowl games favor the SEC, ACC, Big 12 and PAC 10. If you want a fair and balanced BCS system it needs to be altered geographically. If you can play the NFC and AFC championship games in Green Bay and Foxboro, you sure as hell can play the Rose Bowl and Sugar Bowl in Columbus and New York.
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mercer_buckeye;1188033; said:
That's your smoking gun one fucking game in the past 40 years. You also conveniently split the argument. The argument was SEC teams playing outside the south during bowl games. Not bowl games and SEC teams playing outside the south.

Also note that Tennessee spanked Cal in Knoxville. When they traveled to Berkeley they got their ass handed to them by Cal.
Upvote 0
cincibuck;1187071; said:
Ouch. First of all one of the premier music programs in the US, Alums include Ernie Pyle and Hoagie Carmichael, 7 Olympic gold medals winner Mark Spitz (and Dan Qualyle is not. Big bonus points there) Outstanding art programs, perhaps the prettiest campus in the Big 10, used to have one of the outstanding track and cross country programs in the US, Coaches Mc cracken and Knight are near the tops in NCAA total wins, and last, but far from least, I can get a ticket to see the Bucks play the Hoosiers in Bloomington a hell of a lot easier, and cheaper, than I can in Columbus.

Most importantly:

Breaking Away > Rudy

spurrier;1187498; said:
i am saying for a 100% fact that i have never seen a rebel flag at a s.c. football game and i have been a season ticket holder for 15 yrs. that is all i can say. if you dont believe me than i cant help that.

Then you didn't go to the Outback bowls vs the Bucks. There was one corner of the lot that looked like a damn Confederate campsite from a Civil War reenactment.
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cincibuck;1188154; said:
Now let me 'splain the bowl situation to you: Quick, name a BCS Bowl north of the Mason - Dixon line? (Oh, and while you're checking, see if LA is NORTH of same) Quick tell me the last time USC won an NC some place other than Los Angeles? Are you going to sit there and tell me that Florida DOESN'T have a home advantage in playing a Big 10 team in Atlanta, Jacksonville, Miami, or New Orleans? Suppose USCarolina were to be ranked 1 or 2 and had to play for the NC against Texas in Dallas, do you think it distinctly possible that Texas might have an advantage?

The point is that if the bowls are going to be used to determine final rankings, rankings which become reflected in pre-season of the following season, rankings which get used to determine conference strength, then those bowls need to be balanced out geographically.

Right now all Major Bowl games favor the SEC, ACC, Big 12 and PAC 10. If you want a fair and balanced BCS system it needs to be altered geographically. If you can play the NFC and AFC championship games in Green Bay and Foxboro, you sure as hell can play the Rose Bowl and Sugar Bowl in Columbus and New York.

Upvote 0
Gatorubet;1188213; said:

Gator, are you telling me that location has nothing to do with outcome? Did I say that the '07 & '08 NC games, if played north of the M - D line would have ended as Buckeye victories? In fact the 07 game was a neutral site, a very unusual situation vis-a-vis Big 10 and bowl games. But there's a reason the home team gets no less than 7 points in any Vegas pool. I don't think I'm talking sour grapes here, so tell me, are you saying that game location is NOT a factor?
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I honestly just don't understand that reply.

You can argue that people prefer to play in the warm weather, and I fully agree. I just think it's fairly ridiculous to imply that Florida and LSU playing in the Capital One bowl and Sugar Bowl, respectively, don't have massive home field advantages. If you can sleep in your own bed the night before a game, that's an advantage. If you don't have to fly across the country to play a highly anticipated game, that's an advantage.

Go ahead, then, with your violin. It tells a lot more than I think you intend it to.
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cincibuck;1188243; said:
Gator, are you telling me that location has nothing to do with outcome? Did I say that the '07 & '08 NC games, if played north of the M - D line would have ended as Buckeye victories? In fact the 07 game was a neutral site, a very unusual situation vis-a-vis Big 10 and bowl games. But there's a reason the home team gets no less than 7 points in any Vegas pool. I don't think I'm talking sour grapes here, so tell me, are you saying that game location is NOT a factor?

TheIronColonel;1188247; said:
I honestly just don't understand that reply.

You can argue that people prefer to play in the warm weather, and I fully agree. I just think it's fairly ridiculous to imply that Florida and LSU playing in the Capital One bowl and Sugar Bowl, respectively, don't have massive home field advantages. If you can sleep in your own bed the night before a game, that's an advantage. If you don't have to fly across the country to play a highly anticipated game, that's an advantage.

Go ahead, then, with your violin. It tells a lot more than I think you intend it to.
Nah. I just thought it would get a rise. :biggrin:
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