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Big Ten and other Conference Expansion

Which Teams Should the Big Ten Add? (please limit to four selections)

  • Boston College

    Votes: 32 10.2%
  • Cincinnati

    Votes: 19 6.1%
  • Connecticut

    Votes: 6 1.9%
  • Duke

    Votes: 21 6.7%
  • Georgia Tech

    Votes: 55 17.6%
  • Kansas

    Votes: 46 14.7%
  • Maryland

    Votes: 67 21.4%
  • Missouri

    Votes: 90 28.8%
  • North Carolina

    Votes: 39 12.5%
  • Notre Dame

    Votes: 209 66.8%
  • Oklahoma

    Votes: 78 24.9%
  • Pittsburgh

    Votes: 45 14.4%
  • Rutgers

    Votes: 40 12.8%
  • Syracuse

    Votes: 18 5.8%
  • Texas

    Votes: 121 38.7%
  • Vanderbilt

    Votes: 15 4.8%
  • Virginia

    Votes: 47 15.0%
  • Virginia Tech

    Votes: 62 19.8%
  • Stay at 12 teams and don't expand

    Votes: 27 8.6%
  • Add some other school(s) not listed

    Votes: 25 8.0%

  • Total voters
Gatorubet;1188267; said:
There's 10,926 registered posters, but only a few who hang around and post..hmmmmmmm :paranoid:

I post more after I've had a few, unfortunately, I have been working too much and :beer: too little.

Back to B10(11) expansion discussion, if we did add NoD, the B10's average waist size would definitely expand.
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GrizzlyBuck;1188276; said:
Back to B10(11) expansion discussion, if we did add NoD, the B10's average waist size would definitely expand.

Give up the service academies? The pathetic losers would never do it. The fact that they can get a re-up on a tv deal after last year's abortion of a season is - unfortunately - a sign that they still have enough idiots drinking the koolaid to avoid having to join a real conference.

As a youngster, my dad taught me to despise a program that would go for a tie to win a championship. He hated Ara for that.
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Gatorubet;1188281; said:
Give up the service academies? The pathetic losers would never do it. The fact that they can get a re-up on a tv deal after last year's abortion of a season is - unfortunately - a sign that they still have enough idiots drinking the koolaid to avoid having to join a real conference.

As a youngster, my dad taught me to despise a program that would go for a tie to win a championship. He hated Ara for that.

Back in safe waters I see. I hated Ara because he left Northwesern to go to the enemy.
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Gatorubet;1188281; said:
Give up the service academies? The pathetic losers would never do it. The fact that they can get a re-up on a tv deal after last year's abortion of a season is - unfortunately - a sign that they still have enough idiots drinking the koolaid to avoid having to join a real conference.

I heard that NBC re-upped with NoD, funny after some of the articles came out about sponsers renegotiating deals with NBC because of the irish's pathetic showing. The media dons must figure that they will continue to get people tuning in to see the irish implode (I admit that I am guilty) or they figure that Tuna jr. will turn it around :rofl:
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Just to go into a different direction for this thread...

What about Maryland as a potential twelfth team? They fit academically, and they'd give PSU a legitimate rival. They bring in two big media markets in Baltimore and Washington DC. Their football program isn't elite, but they're also not horrible year in year out. I think being in the Big Ten could help them with in-state recruiting.

Notre Dame is my preferred choice, but Maryland seems like they'd be the next best fit(maybe after Missouri).
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GrizzlyBuck;1188297; said:
The media dons must figure that they will continue to get people tuning in to see the irish implode (I admit that I am guilty) or they figure that Tuna jr. will turn it around :rofl:

I remember listening to Colin Cowherd early this spring making the argument that no one watches ND games, and used Ohio State as his comparison. Using ESPN's actual TV ratings, he said that tOSU has a more national appeal than the Domers do. And the ratings showed it. tOSU beat ND in ratings in every region (south, west, midwest, northeast).

Biggest reason: the South hates tOSU so they watch us to see if we lose, the west coast watches because of the Pac 10-Big 10 eventual face-off in the Rose Bowl, and the northeast watches because of its nearby powerhouse status (ala Penn State, scUM, etc.). The kicker is how spread out our alumni is around the nation, and they tune in as well. Notre Dame: the South doesn't tune in, outside of Standford and USC the west coast doesn't turn in, and their ratings are similar to ours in the northeast.

I hear ya Grizzly... I'm guilty of implosion watching as well. Boycott watching the Domers this year? If for any reason, for morality's sake. The horror.
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Napoleonbuck;1188314; said:
Just to go into a different direction for this thread...

What about Maryland as a potential twelfth team? They fit academically, and they'd give PSU a legitimate rival. They bring in two big media markets in Baltimore and Washington DC. Their football program isn't elite, but they're also not horrible year in year out. I think being in the Big Ten could help them with in-state recruiting.

Notre Dame is my preferred choice, but Maryland seems like they'd be the next best fit(maybe after Missouri).
Maryland would never go for it, they're a charter member of the ACC. Their ACC ties are too strong, it'd be like trying to pull Ole Miss out of the SEC.

I'd hate it because UVA has a good hate-filled rivalry with Maryland and we'd lose that.

And last but certainly not least you do not want Maryland fans in the Big Ten. Bunch of dickheads, every last one of them. I've never seen a fanbase with a bigger desire to start a fight. I think they all secretly feel emasculated by having a flasher turtle for a mascot. And I feel pretty objective about this despite our rivalry because I was in Purdue gear for the Purdue-Md. bowl game a couple years ago (brother is a Boilermaker) and anywhere there was a Maryland fan, there was a Maryland fan trying to stir up shit. These people will throw things at midshipmen in uniform during Navy-Maryland games, it's that bad.
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Steve19;1187409; said:
SEC teams generally play weak OOC schedules (apologies Gatorubet, Florida much better this year). How about some of these powerhouses on the other SEC team schedules (often on multiple SEC schedules): East Carolina, Eastern Kentucky, Tennessee Martin, Louisiana Monroe, Samford, Wofford, UTEP, Rice, Army...c'mon, be serious.

Most of the teams play almost all of their games at home every year. You will not see a ranked Big Ten, Big 12, Pac 10 or etc game on the schedule...ever...away. In fact, I just looked and, although I don't know where some of these little Mickey Mouse schools are, I can't see one game played against a team north of the Mason-Dixon line. If there is a game against a team west of the Mississippi, then it is at the SEC home grounds and it's a real pushover.

So, my point is this. Power ratings reward primarily wins. If you win all your games against OOC teams then you enter the conference schedule unbeaten and with inflated power ratings. Once teams enter league play with inflated power ratings, the effects are preserved because every team has higher ratings than deserved.

You guys lose a couple and, well, "we're the SEC and geez are we tough. We don't need to play anybody else who's tough." Like I said, we'd love to see you good old boys come on up to Midwest in November and play a game in the cold rain and snow. Heck, we'd like to see you venture out from behind your momma's skirt and play games against good teams anywhere else.

I think that the SEC is a really good conference and maybe even the best. We have a lower division school on our schedule in recent years, as Youngstown State is moving up to the upper division. We got mired into playing more in-state teams than many fans would like because of the state government wanting to maximize the financial effects of that. But, we play a tough ranked team every year and, yes, SEC teams have refused to play us in home and home series.

Before you guys can crow about how your league is everything, you need to show up like men and play tough teams away from home. And I mean far away from home like California and Ohio and play in something other than 70 degree weather.

Until then, I'm sticking to what I said.

wait, wait. The SEC has played some tough OOC competition in the last few years. they just didn't fare too well:

9/2/02: USC 24, Auburn 17.
8/30/03: USC 23, Auburn 0.
9/17/05: USC 70, Arkansas 17
9/2/06: USC 50, Arkansas 14 <--- SEC WEST CHAMPS
9/1/07: Cal 45, Tennecleat 31. <--- SEC EAST CHAMPS
9/2/06: Cal 18, Tennecleat 35.
9/1/01: UCLA 20, Alabama 17.
9/2/02: Oklahoma 37, Alabama 27.
9/3/03: Oklahoma 20, Alabama 13.

just a small sample...
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GrizzlyBuck;1188297; said:
I heard that NBC re-upped with NoD, funny after some of the articles came out about sponsers renegotiating deals with NBC because of the irish's pathetic showing. The media dons must figure that they will continue to get people tuning in to see the irish implode (I admit that I am guilty) or they figure that Tuna jr. will turn it around :rofl:

I one sense I'm my own worst enemy. There are two kinds of people who tune into NBC college football: those who love the Irish and those who are hoping to watch someone kick the shit out of them. Ratings, NBC, sponsors and the Irish don't care which, as long as you turn the dial their way.
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