OK, after this thread re-surfaced, i decided that I have narrowed it down to 10 all time for me.
1. Boondock Saints. I've watched it 100+ times and it still keeps getting better.
2. Clerks. Truly brilliant for a film that made people think and cost less than $30,000.
3. The Usual Suspects. Top notch performances, great story, exhilerating....really, what more do you want?
4. Reservoir dogs. Too many great lines to quote.
5. True Romance. Christopher Walken's performance ALONE adds creditability to this movie. Not to mention that this is the story of the NEW American Dream.
6. Fight Club. If you are a man, you liked the concept of this movie.
7. Snatch. Say what you will, this will be Guy Ritchie's Gold Standard. AND it was a pretty damn good movie.
8. Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers. If any of you have ever read it, The Battle of Helm's Deep is the greatest epic fantasy battle of all time. It was portrayed marvelously and it still sends chills up my spine as does the battle between the Balrog and Gandolf at the beginning of the film.
9. American History X. Just a great film. This one is truly a biased "personal favorite", but what the hell, this one is MY list, right?
10. The Professional. I cannot believe that this movie is over a decade old. Great, great movie. The acting was good, but the plot was even better. I honestly wish there had been some sort of sequel to that movie. Maybe the only one that I can say that about.
There, that is it. There are hundreds of thousands of lists that would be different, but I think that this is a good one. The fact that I have omitted classics in my top ten should not infer that many of the great films of all time are nowhere on my list, but like anything else, film-making evolves, and becomes a more "refined" art as time goes on. I am sure that 10 years from now, my list will likely change again.