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Players are all business about offseason courses

Tuesday, March 25, 2008 2:54 AM
By Scott Priestle

The Columbus Dispatch

CINCINNATI -- Chinedum Ndukwe recently received a bonus of nearly $200,000, his reward for a surprisingly active rookie season with the Bengals. He moved into Madieu Williams' old locker yesterday and could soon inherit Williams' old role as a starting safety.
Clearly, the Dublin native is progressing nicely in his current profession.
Throughout his first offseason as a professional football player, Ndukwe also has taken steps toward a second profitable profession. He is one of 34 players who are taking part in the NFL Business Management and Entrepreneurial Program at Harvard Business School; dozens more players are taking part in similar programs at the University of Pennsylvania, Stanford and Northwestern.

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Bengals likely done adding players until draft
BY MARK CURNUTTE | [email protected]

The Bengals, following the signing over the weekend of former Colts tight end Ben Utecht, might cruise into the NFL Draft a month from now.
"I think any additions will probably lead to subtractions," Bengals head coach Marvin Lewis said Monday, the first day of the team's offseason strength and conditioning program.
"We're kind of where we are; I don't know that we'll do a lot," Lewis said. "As you get closer to the draft, more things do kind of happen because teams get more things in line. ... Right now we're pretty stable where we are."

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Team not stressed over Chad
BY MARK CURNUTTE | [email protected]

A handful of Bengals players did not attend the first day of the team's offseason strength and conditioning program.
But one player's absence, in particular, was noted.
Wide receiver Chad Johnson, entering his eighth season with the Bengals, has said he is going to miss the program for the first time in his career.

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OH10;1123299; said:
I've never had any doubt about the character of Chad Johnson, and it's a shame that Bengal fans are just now having to see what kind of a selfish, arrogant, narcissistic prick he really is.

Ehhh we will see what happens when the season starts. It's the off season and when espn has 4 stations and the NFL has its own network, then the thousands of websites out there, everything gets blown up.

The best qoute I heard from him was that he feels like the fans in that he is frustrated and feels the franchise made a step in the wrong direction. I think chad is just making the reports and problems worse at times, but you can't blame him totally.

Like I said it si the off season the media needs something to do
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OH10;1123299; said:
I've never had any doubt about the character of Chad Johnson, and it's a shame that Bengal fans are just now having to see what kind of a selfish, arrogant, narcissistic prick he really is.
Chad will be back and he will play well. If the team continues to struggle, I have no doubt that he will continue to vent. But if they start winning, he will be the first to celebrate.
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The Cincinnati Bengals' offseason workout program began Monday as expected. For the first time, receiver Chad Johnson didn't show up.
Coach Marvin Lewis and quarterback Carson Palmer downplayed it, also as expected. Palmer talked up the opportunity to build chemistry with other receivers and said the Bengals have enough veteran players in the locker room that the ongoing drama with Johnson won't become a distraction. Lewis addressed it in a speech to the team.

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