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BCS Title Game: ND + 9.5 vs Alabama (ov/un 41.5)

Poe McKnoe;2288796; said:
Because Alabama QB's mom.


Didn't I just see those in the Pete Rose girlfriend thread....
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Howard... Take off the damn glasses.. Because your still a [censored]ing moron.... Teo ist that good I bet looking at the tape... Probably 10 plays where a lineman was blocking him
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redguard117;2288820; said:
Thank you 'Bama for doing God's work. Now for the love of God let us kick the complete [censored]ing [Mark May] out of Bama next year, because the comments about "Big Boy football" are already starting.

We better start matching their steroid cycles!

No but seriously, it's going to take time for Urban's classes to develop and take over the identity of the offense as well as the defense before we can beat a team like that IMO. I mean anything can happen on any night, but to actually have a 50/50 shot or better...
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matt_thatsme;2288830; said:
"Blah blah blah the real National Championship Game is played in Atlanta at the SEC championship game blah blah" - said every redneck fucktard fan of an SEC team, including the completely irrelevant teams like Kentucky.

UGA was in that game, so you know it wasn't the National Title game
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