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BCS Title Game: ND + 9.5 vs Alabama (ov/un 41.5)

buckeyesin07;2288778; said:
This game's such a snoozer that ol' Frosted Tips is going to have to generate some material in the second half. Fortunately for him, I'm sure he packed his copy of "Trashing OSU for Dummies."

He's gonna have to beat out Mushmouth as he already has some pure gold comments...
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Eddie Lacy is making some serious cash tonight.

This is awesome.

Side note: No defensive backs find the football better than Alabama. Their secondary continues to be one of the best in the country b/c their DB's don't play with their head locked on the receivers hands, their heads are finding the football and making breaks on it. It's great to watch.
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y0yoyoin;2288771; said:
i wonder how many recruits will de-commit from ND because of this bowl game

None, I bet.

The students will light a few extra candles for the grotto and they'll cry for the news cameras, then move on. You know, just like what happens when somebody gets raped or dies in a scissor lift.
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jlb1705;2288807; said:
None, I bet.

The students will light a few extra candles for the grotto and they'll cry for the news cameras, then move on. You know, just like what happens when somebody gets raped or dies in a scissor lift.

just to clarify i was totally being sarcastic because of the james quick thread
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