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BCS predictions/discussion/Knock Em' Off

I am getting sick of the morons who say that the BCS doesn't work because of stuff like this. The BCS formula was DESIGNED to differentiate teams that have similar credentials. The only time the "experts" have said that the BCS system "works" is when the regular season has ended with two and only two major conference undefeateds. A freakin' monkey could take a look at that situation and know who belongs in a championship game probably at a higher rate than the people that are actually empowered to vote in the polls. The BCS really works when it can take three or more teams that all have an argument and give you the two most deserving of the bunch.
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jlb1705;1014513; said:
I am getting sick of the morons who say that the BCS doesn't work because of stuff like this. The BCS formula was DESIGNED to differentiate teams that have similar credentials. The only time the "experts" have said that the BCS system "works" is when the regular season has ended with two and only two major conference undefeateds. A freakin' monkey could take a look at that situation and know who belongs in a championship game probably at a higher rate than the people that are actually empowered to vote in the polls. The BCS really works when it can take three or more teams that all have an argument and give you the two most deserving of the bunch.

Maybe the thing people disagree with is the idea that the right thing to do in this situation is pretend to be able to pick the two best teams.
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Maybe that's what they should say then instead of, "The BCS is not working." I can possibly get behind what you're saying, but the system that is in place IS working to the extent that it's doing what it was designed to do.

If you move to a playoff setup though, they're probably just going to use a similar mechanism to select and seed the teams. Then you just have same crap dressed up as something else, and the regular season becomes somewhat diminished (though not to the extent that some would probably argue.)
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I hope there will be a thread giving information on whats going on during the week of the National Championship game (pep rallies, hotel info, buckeye freindly bars). BP is a super resource for any Buckeye fan and I'm sure it will continue!!!!
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Just a heads up for anyone looking to fly out to New Orleans for the game.

Try this site: Skybus

Note that the airport you'd land in is about an hour away from New Orleans, but if you are going to rent a car then this would be a good way to do it. That or you could probably ride a bus to New Orleans for $10's. Anyhow it's a great way to get their, you could go down their for easily $175 dollars round trip, much better then $400 +.

Example: Columbus to New Orleans round trip from the 2nd to the 10th- $170 round trip. That is straight of their website, check it out for yourself.
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Just a guess but here is how I think the computer polls will break out....

Ohio State will have:

1 -#3 rankings - Colley Matrix

2 - #2 rankings - Peter Wolfe and Massey

3 - #1 rankings - Sagarin, Billingsley and Anderson & Hester

Of course this could change. The only one I could plug and play games into was the Colley Matrix which ends up jumping LSU to #1 and Va Tech to #2 over Ohio State at #3.

Wolfe has Ohio State at #3 last week, but Virginia Tech is RIGHT behind them. I wouldn't be surprised to see Virginia Tech jump to #1 there.

Massey has Ohio STate tied with UGA for #3. Given the funkiness that is college football this year, I think UGA might pull ahead of Ohio State there because of LSU's win. I'd be surprised if UGA Is more than .01 ahead of Ohio State but that's enough. LSU will likely be 3rd there.

Needless to say, Ohio State has a better than even chance to come out as the #1 team in the nation in the computer polls as well (lowest and highest are thown out, leaving 2 #1s and 2 #2s) and no one else will probably match that.
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BB73;1014347; said:
It's amazing to think that LSU could be #7, have an unimpressive win over Tennessee, and jump 3 teams that didn't lose (Ga, Kansas, Va. Tech). But the human voters will have their say.

The fact that VPI was ever ahead of LSU to begin with was nonsense. I really feel like this will be the first week where voters might actually look at their ballots and really objectively determine who deserves to go, instead of the obligatory move a team down x number of spots for losing and move everyone behind them up in the same order.
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jlb1705;1014513; said:
I am getting sick of the morons who say that the BCS doesn't work because of stuff like this. The BCS formula was DESIGNED to differentiate teams that have similar credentials. The only time the "experts" have said that the BCS system "works" is when the regular season has ended with two and only two major conference undefeateds. A freakin' monkey could take a look at that situation and know who belongs in a championship game probably at a higher rate than the people that are actually empowered to vote in the polls. The BCS really works when it can take three or more teams that all have an argument and give you the two most deserving of the bunch.

That seems to be the intent on the surface, however every time the BCS doesn't yield the same result that the humans wanted, it is modified.
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1997: This STINKS! We need a system that gets rid of human bias. It's absolute CRAP that Nebraska is champion AND Michigan is Champion. How the hell can a single sport have TWO champions?!?!?!?!?

2007: This STINKS! We need a system that gives up what humans see so easily! It's absolute crap that we're having forced upon us a SINGLE champion out of all these undeserving teams. We should crown TWO champions....

In line with Jlb, the BCS was put in place to "get rid of" human bias. And its absurd that the objection to the BCS is it doesn't put in to the championship game whatever team the humans "want" If it's all about what humans want, go back to the old damned system.
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How 'bout some props for Earle Bruce?

Believe: OSU rides upsets to title game - cleveland.com

Believe: OSU rides upsets to title game

Sunday, December 02, 2007Doug Lesmerises
Plain Dealer Reporter

Two days after Ohio State's first loss of the season, when the Buckeyes were No. 7 in the BCS standings, former OSU coach Earle Bruce had a feeling. The Buckeyes were five days away from playing Michigan, but already Bruce was looking big picture.

"We're not out of that national championship game by any means," Bruce proclaimed. "It can happen, it can happen as sure as I'm standing here. Remember who said it, because it's going to happen I think."

Three weeks and six upsets later, Bruce was right, and the Buckeyes are headed to New Orleans, returning to the national championship game. But this season has been so odd, the Buckeyes don't have an opponent yet.

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Carmen Ohio;990639; said:
If we fall no lower than 8th in the BCS Ohio State is NOT out of the National Championship picture.

LSU: @Ole Miss, Arkansas, SEC Championship
Oregon: @Arizona, @UCLA, Oregon State
Kansas: Iowa State, Missouri, BIG 12 Champsionship
Oklahoma: @Texas Tech, Oklahoma State, BIG 12 Championship
Missouri: @Kansas State, @Kansas, BIG 12 Championship
West Virginia: @Cincinnati, U Conn, Pitt
Arizona State: USC, Arizona

Our regular season may end next week but there is still a lot of football to be played. Every team but Kansas needs just one more loss to drop below Ohio State and I don't see any of them as world-beaters. In what may be one of the wackiest years ever in college football - why not?

Get focused - Beat Michigan - Wait.

I think in retrospect that post deserved a GPA and some greenies. Well done!:osu:
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