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BCS predictions/discussion/Knock Em' Off

7) Ohio State WE'RE IN!!!
vs. 11/17 @ #21 Michigan W 14-3

vs. 11/17 @ Ole Miss W 41-24
vs. 11/23 Arkansas L 50-48
vs. SEC Championship vs. Tennessee W 21-14

4) Oklahoma ELIMINATED
vs. 11/17 @ Texas Tech L 27-34
vs. 11/24 Oklahoma State W 49-17
vs. Big 12 Championship vs. Missouri 38-17

vs. 11/17 Iowa State W 45-7
vs. 11/24 Missouri L 28-36

6) West Virginia ELIMINATED
vs. 11/17 @ #22 Cincinnati W 28-23
vs. 11/24 #24 Connecticut W 66-21
vs. 12/01 Pittsburgh W 9-13

5) Missouri ELIMINATED
vs. 11/17 @ Kansas State W 49-32
vs. 11/24 @ #4 Kansas W 36-28
vs. Big 12 Championship vs. Oklahoma 17-38

8) Arizona State ELIMINATED
vs. 11/22 #11 USC L 24-44
vs. 12/01 Arizona W 20-17

vs. 11/15 @ Arizona L 24-31
vs. 11/24 @ UCLA L 0-16
vs. 12/01 Oregon State L 31-38 2 OT

Helps the Bucks Chances
Hurts the Bucks Chances
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DaddyBigBucks;1012450; said:
I think his point is that the AP-itself did not apply the same rules in '04.

It was actually a good idea for the AP to award the Trojans their 1/2 NC. That has a good-sized, albeit primarily fair-weathered, fan base still insisting that they are relevant.

For my part though; they opted out. It was their call to choose to abandon the system rather than work to make it better. They chose a path of diminishing significance. Let them walk it.
The rules that screwed Auburn weren't the AP's rules, they were the BCS formula:

The commissioners made the following changes in the standings formula, effective with the 2004 regular season:

The strength-of-schedule, team-record and quality-win components were removed, inasmuch as those elements were also reflected in the computer rankings.

The standings formula was adjusted to include the average of the computer rankings, the AP media poll and the USA Today coaches poll, each weighted one-third.

The New York Times computer rankings were removed, and so the standings formula would be the average of six computer rankings. A team's highest and lowest computer rankings would be discarded when figuring a team's computer poll average. Points would be assigned in inverse order of ranking from 1-25; the four remaining computer scores would be averaged and the total would be calculated as a percentage of 100.

The standings formula would no longer average the weekly rank of each team in the media and coaches' polls. Instead, a team would be evaluated based on the voting points it received in each poll-a team's AP score would be its points in the poll divided by a possible 1,800 voting points (1,500 voting points in the coaches poll.)
I'd be willing to bet that if you applied the changes made after the LSU/USC split title to the 2003 season, USC would have been in the top 2. The BCS was created to prevent "human error/bias/whatever" from preventing a more deserving team of playing for the title. When the formula made a decision and left out the popular team the formula was scrapped so that human error/bias/whatever would again rule the day.
I wonder what would happen if you applied 2003's formula to the 2004 season...would an undefeated Auburn still be the team left out?
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Taosman;1014390; said:
Heck has frozen over!
Cats and dogs ARE sleeping together!
The Apocalypse is finally here!
I bought one of Rush Limbaugh's books!!
I stopped smoking the hippie lettuce!!!
I'm buying an SUV tomorrow!!!
All those talking heads can kiss our .....................

Oh how I could go on Taos :p :biggrin:
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methomps;1014417; said:
I see you guys get your wish of avoiding us. Pretend all you want that it is about playing for the NC, but you know deep down that you are just ducking us.
Shhh. don't tell the SEC fans that, they won't be able to figure out why...their heads might explode. On second thought, go and tell them.
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methomps;1014417; said:
I see you guys get your wish of avoiding us. Pretend all you want that it is about playing for the NC, but you know deep down that you are just ducking us.
Patience grass hopper you will get your turn against us next year and the next. The BCS says your number of losses means that you are not good enough to play us this year. We never duck anyone , that is a figment of your imagination and maybe a subconscious wish that your team had taken care of business.
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Jaxbuck;1013298; said:
Is that kind of like the USC version of no one beat us in overtime?

The AP writers knew full good and well USC was going to end up a distant #3 in the final BCS just like everyone else at the end of the regular season. The only question was between OSU and LSU for #2. OSU lost to scUM and LSU went.

The AP writers chose to keep USC #1 knowing it could cause a split NC if they won the RB. It was pretty widly discussed at the time.

The sportwriters used a double standard for USC and Auburn in '03/'04.

LSU edged USC by 0.16 points (which means SC would've been in had even one computer result been different), but you expect us to believe that everyone knew within hours of KSU beating OU that it would be OU and LSU? That's a complete revision of history.
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billmac91;1009194; said:
that horribly shitty UCONN team also had a running back at the half who had 108 yards on 12 carries in the first half....that score reflects a dipshit coach hell-bent on throwing the ball instead of smashing WV on the ground.

Trust me, Pitt wiill make it a game on Saturday w/ LeSean McCoy. Call me crazy, but it's going to be close.

Pitt's D played an unbelievable game, but LeSean Mccoy definately was a work horse. I would imagine Vegas lost tons of money on this game. 28.5 was a lot to cover.
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Pheasant;1014440; said:
Shhh. don't tell the SEC fans that, they won't be able to figure out why...their heads might explode. On second thought, go and tell them.
Tell me all about it Fez, just make sure I get to buy the first several rounds....and don't give me shit about it because I'm still gonna pull for anyone in my conference over anyone not in my conference.:biggrin:
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