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BCS predictions/discussion/Knock Em' Off

BuckeyesoldierIt's not gonna happen folks, it would be great if it did but it wont... its ok, we might get as high as 3rd in the final standings...
one of OU, Mizzu, or KU will be ahead of us.. just one.. but thats still one...
WVU will lose.. that puts us at 4th.
LSU OR Oregon MIGHT lose... not both.. we just aren't that lucky..

We can still finish 12-1 with wins over scUM and a win in the Rose Bowl, possibly a final ranking of #2... thats not too bad if you look back where we were to start the season.

So... can i get a nice big helping of crow? WOOOT!
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Buck I in Mich;1014318; said:
Yeah, I saw it. The dead bodies of Mizzou and WVA are still warm and Mark May is already taking shots at TOSU. Seriously, is anyone in ESPN's back room critiquing this guy on his obvious bias. It's F....ing annoying.

ESPN needs to lose that jackass, he was quick to mention that he favors LSU in the NC because "they are just too fast". Well Mark, you picked WVU and they didn't make it - so thank you I think we will prevail without your "expert" opinion.

Mark May has to be in turmoil, Pitt defeated WVU allowing tOSU to advance. I hope this is eating him up. He is the biggest jackass in front of the camera that I've ever seen. What a douche bag.

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It's amazing to think that LSU could be #7, have an unimpressive win over Tennessee, and jump 3 teams that didn't lose (Ga, Kansas, Va. Tech). But the human voters will have their say.
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BB73;1014347; said:
It's amazing to think that LSU could be #7, have an unimpressive win over Tennessee, and jump 3 teams that didn't lose (Ga, Kansas, Va. Tech). But the human voters will have their say.
well that's exactly what everyone is talking about on NBC and ESPN . It doesn't make sense unless you figure that the SEc wants what they feel is their best team to go to the NC game.
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utgrad73;1014346; said:
ESPN needs to lose that jackass, he was quick to mention that he favors LSU in the NC because "they are just too fast". Well Mark, you picked WVU and they didn't make it - so thank you we'll prevail. Mark May has to be in turmoil, Pitt defeated WVU allowing tOSU to advance. I hope this is eating him up. He is the biggest jackass in front of the camera that I've ever seen. What a douche bag.


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utgrad73;1014346; said:
ESPN needs to lose that jackass, he was quick to mention that he favors LSU in the NC because "they are just too fast". Well Mark, you picked WVU and they didn't make it - so thank you we'll prevail. Mark May has to be in turmoil, Pitt defeated WVU allowing tOSU to advance. I hope this is eating him up. He is the biggest jackass in front of the camera that I've ever seen. What a douche bag.

That's a little harsh, he did get the 2002 national championship right:

mark may said:
Miami over Ohio State: 38-16

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MuckFich06;1014248; said:
Here's to Tressel missing the Rose Bowl yet again. :cheers:

But isn't this a year where the old bowl system would have been great?

I'm a huge playoff proponent. But this year, if Ohio State still could play USC in the Rose Bowl, they would win the national title with a victory.

Under either scenario, Ohio State is still playing a de facto road game. In Pasedena v. USC or in New Orleans v. LSU. Sure wish one of those teams would have to come up to Cleveland Browns Stadium to play Ohio State.
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DaddyBigBucks;1014298; said:
Dude, I repped you 2 minutes before reading a couple of dozen woohoo posts and then I came across this.

Usually I count begging for rep as being just short of ding-whining; but in this case I'll cut some slack. This guy does deserve rep for starting this thread.

That message was meant for the OSU doubters and to give folks a new perspective on where college football is going. I guess I should have put a smiley next to my "begging"... but thanks.
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It is going to be holy hell deciding on the second team. Once you get into 2 loss teams they all have some serious flaws on the resume.

IMO the media are on LSU's jock so hard they'll go but there will be a strong lobby for VT and OU.
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There's a new fiesta in the making as we speak.

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