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Game Thread BCS National Championship Game: tOSU 24, LSU 38 (final)

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sluTiger;1039779; said:
Humm, it will be intersting to see how our guys react to Wells saying they can be run on... this game is going to be good...

Confident Wells can't wait to face LSU

Once the ball goes up on KO it wont matter what was said before the game...that being said...the disrespect card has been far more geared at tosu...I mean you said it yourself...Beanie would be like 3rd team at lsu...:crazy:
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jwinslow;1039789; said:
So the film did not show that teams could run on LSU? That's an incredibly tame comment, slu.

Oh I agree, Wells is correct... Nothing wrong with what he said... The evaluation may ring true in the ears of the LSU defense becuase it was true and someone from the outside, their opponent is seeing it.
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I can buy that, being offended at their own play (and driven to remedy some letdowns), rather than his comments.

In general, Beanie is a pretty humble, polite kid. It seems this author was trying to drum up drama where none existed. Even the UM insiders cannot find much bad to say about him.
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sluTiger;1039794; said:
Oh I agree, Wells is correct... Nothing wrong with what he said... The evaluation may ring true in the ears of the LSU defense becuase it was true and someone from the outside, their opponent is seeing it.

I looked through the stats and other than AK (Obviously) and maybe a couple of other games you Run D did not give up much so I don't know why people or your players would think the D played badly against the run.

AK is the big oen though since we would have a RB similar to Run DMC and we like to run.
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Lockup;1039812; said:
I looked through the stats and other than AK (Obviously) and maybe a couple of other games you Run D did not give up much so I don't know why people or your players would think the D played badly against the run.

AK is the big oen though since we would have a RB similar to Run DMC and we like to run.

to get the opposing D to overpursue on run looks and leave the Brians to have their way on a few plays?
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Lockup;1039812; said:
I looked through the stats and other than AK (Obviously) and maybe a couple of other games you Run D did not give up much so I don't know why people or your players would think the D played badly against the run.

AK is the big oen though since we would have a RB similar to Run DMC and we like to run.

This defense has not been what most LSU fans want to see. In the Florida game we went from an attacking, blitzing defense to a zone, (read and react) defense. LSU was torched by Auburn, Ole Miss and Arkansas on the ground. I really think the injuries forced LSU to play more zone that it normally would at the end of the season. LSU's D is the identity of the team and has been characterized by a man-to-man press coverage blitzing defense since 2000. This defense is really good but does not have the nasty feel of previous years.
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#10Troy Smith Fan;1037293; said:
Lol, well played sir.
Im suprised no one has posted this yet, when I watched the video, it got me hyped in a way. Byrd, LSU's WR is disrespecting Donald.
OSU Cornerbacks: Clifford Out, Washington In | FOX 15 - News, Weather, and Sports Lafayette, Louisiana | Sports
(click watch the video)
"Tell you the truth, he don't bring too much. He's just like another cornerback we're going against," Byrd said. "We're going to attack whoever is over there. If he's over there, we're going to attack him. They play defensive back, we're going to go after him."
I think he mentioned something about all the all-americans they face in the SEC too (even tho the only one he faced was in practice), but I'm still trying to find that part of the clip.
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