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Game Thread BCS National Championship Game: tOSU 24, LSU 38 (final)

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sluTiger;1039923; said:
Really, link please...

Come on, you know what he's talking about. Whoever the LSU WR was that said Donald Washington "doesn't bring anything special" or whatever he said.

EDIT Byrd the LSU WR in reference to Donald Washington 'To tell ya the truth, he don't bring nothin.'
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sluTiger;1039923; said:
Really, link please...

"Tell you the truth, he don't bring too much. He's just like another cornerback we're going against," Byrd said. "We're going to attack whoever is over there. If he's over there, we're going to attack him. They play defensive back, we're going to go after him."

Link -- OSU Cornerbacks: Clifford Out, Washington In | FOX 15 - News, Weather, and Sports Lafayette, Louisiana | Sports

Here on Buckeye Planet, in addition to the above post by #10Troy Smith Fan, this was also brought up in post #290 of the Official BCS-CG Bulletin Board Thread

On the Tiger Droppings forum for LSU football, the last I saw several days ago, they had a 15-page thread devoted solely to discussing Byrd's comment.
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JohnLSU;1039939; said:
"Tell you the truth, he don't bring too much. He's just like another cornerback we're going against," Byrd said. "We're going to attack whoever is over there. If he's over there, we're going to attack him. They play defensive back, we're going to go after him."

Link -- OSU Cornerbacks: Clifford Out, Washington In | FOX 15 - News, Weather, and Sports Lafayette, Louisiana | Sports

Here on Buckeye Planet, this was brought up in post #290 of the Official BCS-CG Bulletin Board Thread

On the Tiger Droppings forum for LSU football, the last I saw several days ago, they had a 15-page thread devoted solely to discussing Byrd's comment.
He's not real big on research. Or thinking...
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NFBuck;1039942; said:
He's not real big on research. Or thinking...

Well, he went to high school in Florida, and his grades were so bad that he couldn't play Div 1 ball. He had to go to a junior college for a couple years before he was able to qualify for Div 1.
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JohnLSU;1039945; said:
Well, he went to high school in Florida, and his grades were so bad that he couldn't play Div 1 ball. He had to go to a junior college for a couple years before he was able to qualify for Div 1.

Define qualify? If that quote is accurate that is a disgrace to LSU that he speaks english that way.
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Speaking of running your mouth and not living up to it, this is what ESPN wrote about the Jan 2, 1987 Fiesta Bowl:

The 1986 Miami team enjoyed its roguish reputation. But the Hurricanes didn't match their mouth with their play against Penn State in the Fiesta Bowl. The Canes led the Nittany Lions 445-162 in total offense. But Heisman Trophy winner Vinny Testaverde threw five picks, the last to linebacker Pete Giftopoulos near the Penn State goal line with :18 to play. Joe Paterno's Nittany Lions won the game, 14-10, and the national championship.

Reminds me of the OSU vs Miami game.
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JohnLSU;1039957; said:
Speaking of running your mouth and not living up to it, this is what ESPN wrote about the Jan 2, 1987 Fiesta Bowl:

The 1986 Miami team enjoyed its roguish reputation. But the Hurricanes didn't match their mouth with their play against Penn State in the Fiesta Bowl. The Canes led the Nittany Lions 445-162 in total offense. But Heisman Trophy winner Vinny Testaverde threw five picks, the last to linebacker Pete Giftopoulos near the Penn State goal line with :18 to play. Joe Paterno's Nittany Lions won the game, 14-10, and the national championship.

Reminds me of the OSU vs Miami game.

I doubt anyone is gonna show up to the pressers in combat fatigues for this one.
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